. Мистер Осборн хотел, чтобы его сын женился на Эмилии, отец которой был очень богат. 3. Когда мистер Седли разорился, мистер Осборн приказал, чтобы его имя никогда не упоминалось в его доме. 4. Он жалел, что разрешал сыну ухаживать за Эмилией, и приказал ему забыть ее. 5. Он не мог допустить, чтобы его сын женился на девушке, у которой не было ни связей (connections), ни состояния, 6. Осборны случайно познакомились с богатой наследницей, и отец решил, что было бы хорошо, если бы Джордж женился на ней. 7. Его дочери делали все, что могли, чтобы заставить Джорджа забыть Эмилию. 8. Они только и делали, что превозносили мисс Роду Шварц до небес (to praise somebody to the skies). 9. С утра до ночи Джордж слышал, как они говорили о достоинствах и талантах (perfections and accomplishments) мисс Роды. 10. Они уговаривали брата жениться на ней. «Ты, несомненно, будешь счастлив с ней»,—не раз говорили они. 11. Мисс Рода считала Джорджа очень милым молодым человеком, и ей очень хотелось (to be anxious), чтобы он женился на ней. 12. Однажды случилось так, что Рода пела любимую песенку Эмилии. 13. Она ждала, что Джордж попросит ее повторить песню, и сидела, перелистывая страницы нот (music). 14. Вдруг Рода увидела, что на обложке, нот написано имя Эмилии. 15. Она не знала, что это было имя, которое нельзя было произносить в доме Осборнов, и попросила девушек рассказать ей все, что они знали об Эмилии. 16. «Лучше не упоминайте ее имени! – закричали испуганные девицы. – Ее отец опозорил себя и всю свою семью». 17. Когда Джордж услышал, что его сестры плохо отзываются об Эмилии (to speak ill of somebody), он пришел в негодование и сказал, что она самая добрая и красивая девушка во всей Англии. 18. Он не заметил, что мистер Осборн вошел в комнату. 19. Старик был очень недоволен тем, что Джордж ослушался его приказания. 20. За обедом он много пил и с нетерпением ждал, когда дамы уйдут из комнаты. 21. Джордж открыл дамам дверь и, вернувшись к столу, сказал, что его сестры первые заговорили об Эмилии. 22. Мистер Осбoрн приказал сыну порвать с Эмилией (to break with somebody altogether). «Мисс Шварц – вот девушка, на которой тебе следует жениться», – сказал он. 23. «Восемь тысяч в год – это слишком большая сумма, чтобы ты мог отказаться от нее», – продолжал старик. 24. «Я лучше останусь холостяком на всю жизнь, чем женюсь на мисс Шварц», – ответил Джордж. 25. Старик пришел в ярость и закричал, что лишит сына наследства (to disinherit). Он был уверен, что, зная это, Джордж едва ли ослушается его.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
. Mr Osborne wanted his son married Emilia whose father was very rich. 3. when Mr. Sedley in the meantime, Mr Osborne has ordered that his name was never mentioned in his home. 4. He regretted, that allowed his son to take care of Emilia, and ordered him to forget her. 5. he could not accept that his son married a girl that has no links (connections), nor the State, 6. The Osbournes casually acquainted with the rich heiress and father decided that it would be good if George married her. 7. his daughter did everything they could to force George to forget Emilia. 8. They just did, that extolled the Miss Old Schwarz sky-high (to praise somebody to the skies). 9. from morning to night, George heard them talking about the merits and Talan-Tah (perfections and accomplishments) Miss Deliveries. 10. They ugova was brother to marry her. "You Are, no doubt, you'll be happy with it, "the times said. 11. Miss kind of believed George is a very nice young man, and she longed to (to be realism figurative painting anxious) that he married her. 12. Once it so happened that kind of singing your favourite song of Emilia. 13. She's been waiting for, that George will ask her to repeat the song and sat leafing through pages of notes (music). 14. Suddenly kind of saw that on the cover, the music is written the name Emilia. 15. She didn't know This was the name that could not be pronounced in the House the Osbournes, and asked the girls to tell her everything they know about Emilia. 16. "it is better not to mention her name! -cried the frightened maidens. -Her father wants himself and his entire family. 17. When George heard, shal, that his sister's bad impressions of Emilia (to speak ill of somebody), he came in and said that she is kind and pretty girl in all of England. 18. He did not notice that Mr Osborne walked into the room. 19. the old man was very limited, is the fact that George disobeyed his orders. 20. at dinner, he drank and was looking forward to when the ladies leave the KOM of NATA. 21. George opened the door and the ladies, returning to the table, said his sister first started talking about Emilia. 22. Mr. Osborn ordered his son to break up with Emilie (to break with some of the body altogether). Miss Schwartz's girl where you should get married, "he said. 23. "eight thousand a year is too much, so that you can refuse it," continued the old man. 24. "I better stay celibate for the rest of my life than marry Miss Schwartz, George replied. 25. old man became furious and screamed, that would deprive the son of inheritance (to disinherit). He was sure that, knowing this, George is unlikely to disobey it.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
. Mr Osborne wanted his son to marry Emily, whose father was very rich. 3. When Mr. Sedley was ruined, Mr. Osborn ordered that his name was never mentioned in his house. 4. He regretted that he had allowed his son to take care of Emily, and told him to forget it. 5. He could not allow his son to marry a girl who had no connections (connections), or state, 6. Osbournes accidentally met with an heiress, and my father decided that it would be nice if George married her. 7. His daughter did everything they could to make George forget Emily. 8. They just did what they praised Miss Rhoda Schwartz to heaven (to praise somebody to the skies). 9. From morning till night, George heard them talking about the merits and talents (perfections and accomplishments) Miss Childbirth. 10. They tried to persuade his brother to marry her. "You will surely be happy with it," is not just they said. 11. Miss Rhoda says George very nice young man, and she wanted (to be anxious), so he married her. 12. Once it so happened that Rhoda favorite song sang Emilia. 13. She waited for George asks her to repeat a song, and sat leafing through the pages of music (music). 14. Rod suddenly saw that on the cover, the music is written the name Emilia. 15. She did not know that it was a name that can not be spoken in the house of the Osbournes, and asked the girls to tell her everything they knew about Emilia. 16. "Better not mention her name! - Cried the frightened girl. - Her father had disgraced himself and his family. " 17. When George heard that his sister badly about Emilia (to speak ill of somebody), he was indignant and said that she is the most kind and beautiful woman in all of England. 18. He did not notice that Mr. Osborne entered the room. 19. The old man was very unhappy with the fact that George had disobeyed his orders. 20. At dinner he drank a lot and was looking forward to when the ladies leave the room. 21. George opened the door to the ladies and returned to the table, said his sister first started talking about Emilia. 22. Mr. Osborn ordered his son to break up with Emily (to break with somebody altogether). "Miss Schwartz - that woman, which you should get married," - he said. 23. "Eight thousand a year - it's too large sum, so that you can abandon it," - said the old man. 24. "I prefer to remain a bachelor for life than marry Miss Schwartz," - said George. 25. The old man was furious and shouted that he would deprive his son inheritance (to disinherit). He was sure that, knowing this, George hardly disobey him.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
. Mr Osborne would like to his son who is married to Emilia, the father was very rich. 3. When mister Седли разорился, Mr Osborne had ordered that his name was never mentioned in his house. 4. He spared no,That adjudicated son take care of Emilia, and ordered him to forget it. 5. He could not be allowed to his son married a young girl, which does not have any links (connections), and no status, 6.Осборны accidentally met with a rich heir, and his father decided that it would be well, if would be George got married. 7. His daughters have done all that it could to force George to forget Emilia. 8. They only and have done,That praised miss humanity Schwartz up to heaven (to Sierra Leone Ternheim to the skies). 9. From morning to night George heard, as they talked about the merits and талан got field (perfeсtiоns and ассоmplishments) Miss births. 10. They угова ривали got his brother to marry her. "You,There is no doubt, thou shalt be happy with it" , -not once they said. 11. Miss kind felt George a very lovely young man, and she would like very much to be аnxiоus), to ensure that he got married. 12. Once it happened,That kind sang favorite mischievous mood!) Emilian. 13. She waited for that, George asks her repeat a song, and sat, flipping through pages of notes (music). 14. Suddenly kind of saw that on the front cover, notes written the name Emilia. 15. She did not know,That this was the name that could not be spoken in the house Осборнов and asked that girls tell it all, that they will be aware of Emilia. 16. "It is better to don't introduce her name! - Pilate fearful; his glory.- Her father must die themselves and their entire family". 17. When George услы got continued with, that his sister is not withdrawn on the Emilian (to speak ill of Ternheim), he came in indignation and said that it is the most good and beautiful girl in the entire England. 18.It is not observed that Mr Osborne is logged into the room. 19. It was a very old man wants to bring youths, that George ˜SIRÂ his wickedness. 20. Over lunch, he saw a lot and the eagerly awaited, when ladies will withdraw from k got наты. 21.Ladies George opened the door and, returning to the negotiating table, said that his sister the first dish on the Emilia. 22. Mr Osborne ordered his son to break with Emilia (to break with some got body south). "Miss Schwartz - this is the girl,At which you should marry", - he said. 23. "Eight thousand a year - this is too large an amount, so that you could have to abandon it", - continued to man. 24. "I'd better stay холостяком for life, than'll marry that girl miss Schwartz",- Answered by George. 25. Old Man came in fury and his brethren, that would deprive his son inheritance (to disinherit). He was sure that, knowing this, George is unlikely to solicit paminaâ's love it.
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