Верите в Лабынкырское чудовище? — Я не утверждаю, но предполагаю: возможно, оно здесь водится. И просто есть шанс это проверить. Пока еще не сталкивались с ним? — Нет.
Believe in Labynkyrskoe Monster?I am not arguing, but guess in case it is found here. And just to have a chance to verify this.Not yet confronted with it?-No.
Believe in Labynkyrskoe monster? - I do not say, but I guess: maybe it is found here. And just have a chance to check it. It is not yet experienced it? - No.
believe in лабынкырское monster?i don"t approve, but i"m guessing: maybe it"s in here. and there"s just a chance to check it out.have not yet encountered him?- no.