Здравствуйте, Людвиг. Я скучаю вас. Я считала вас лавеласом, который ездит по миру и развлекается с женщинами. Кофе пьет:) Я и сейчас так думаю. Но это ваше дело. Сейчас, когда моя злость исчезла, я скучаю по вам. Иногда я говорю с вами в моих снах. Мне так не хватает наших разговоров. Это не значит, что вы должны говорить со мной. Я посто хотела сказать вам, что я стала ценить в людях ваши черты. Я теперь предпочитаю общаться с умными, спокойными, серьезными и простыми людьми. С уважением, Елена.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Hello, Ludwig. I miss you. I thought you lavelasom, that travels around the world and have fun with women. Coffee drinkers:) I still think so. But it's your business. Now, when my anger has gone, I miss you. Sometimes I talk with you in my dreams. I miss our conversations. This does not mean that you have to talk to me. I constantly wanted to tell you that I began to appreciate the people in your features. I now prefer to communicate with smart, calm, serious and ordinary people. Sincerely, Elena.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
Welcome Ludwig. I miss you. I thought you lavelasom, who travels the world and has a good time with women. Coffee drinks :) I still think so. But that's your business. Now, when my anger was gone, I miss you. Sometimes I say to you in my dreams. I do not have enough of our conversations. This does not mean that you have to talk to me. I permanently wanted to tell you that I began to appreciate the people in your features. Now I prefer to communicate with intelligent, calm, serious and ordinary people. Sincerely, Elena.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
hello, louis. i miss you. i thought you лавеласом who travels the world and having fun with women. coffee drinks:) i still think so. but that"s your business. now, when my anger disappeared, i miss you. sometimes i talk with you in my dreams. i miss our conversations. it doesn"t mean that you have to talk to me. i just wanted to tell you that i began to appreciate the people in your line. i prefer to communicate with smart, calm, serious and ordinary people. with due respect, elena.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
