1. Он вышел, стараясь не беспокоить нас. 2. Она стояла и думала, что ответить. 3. Она спокойно лежала, думая о предстоящей поездке в горы. 4. Он молчал, ожидая, когда все выйдут из комнаты. 5. Том вошел в комнату, неся кофе для Мэри. 6. Она сидела у окна и смотрела на улицу. 7. Они дошли до двери и стояли там разговаривая. 8. Он шел медленно, время от времени останавливался и смотрел на здания. 9. Он ушел, оставив дверь открытой. 10. Я провела весь вечер, перечитывая письма. 11. Они гуляли в саду и любовались цветами. 12. Я стоял, стараясь придумать, что сказать. 13. Он стоял, прислонившись к дереву. 14. Сжав губы, она кивнула в знак согласия. 15. Она еще раз позвонила, затаив дыхание. 16. Джон закрыл глаза, стараясь вспомнить, где он видел эту девушку.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. It came out, trying not to disturb us. 2. She stood and thought to answer. 3. She was thinking about the upcoming trip to the mountains. 4. He was silent, waiting, when all go out of the room. 5. Tom walked into the room, carrying a coffee for Mary. 6. She sat by the window and looked out. 7. They reached the door and stood there talking. 8. He walked slowly, occasionally stopped and looked at the building. 9. He left, leaving the door open. 10. I spent all evening, rereading the letter. 11. They were walking in the garden and admire the flowers. 12. I stood, trying to think of what to say. 13. He stood, leaning against the tree. 14. Squeezing his lips, she nodded in agreement. 15. She again called with bated breath. 16. John closed his eyes, trying to remember where he saw this girl.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. He went out, being careful not to disturb us. 2. She stood and wondered what to say. 3. She lay quietly, thinking about the upcoming trip to the mountains. 4. He was silent, waiting all come out of the room. 5. Tom entered the room, carrying coffee for Mary. 6. She was sitting by the window and looked out. 7. They reached the door and stood there talking. 8. He walked slowly, from time to time stopped and looked at the building. 9. He left, leaving the door open. 10. I spent the whole evening, reading a letter. 11. They were walking in the garden admiring the flowers. 12. I was trying to think of something to say. 13. He was leaning against the tree. 14. clenched lips, she nodded in agreement. 15. She again called breathlessly. 16. John closed his eyes, trying to remember where he had seen this girl.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. He went out, taking care not disturb us. 2. She stood and thought that to answer. 3. She quietly resting, thinking about the forthcoming visit to the mountains. 4. He refused him, waiting, when all will come out of the room. 5. That is logged into the room,Bringing coffee for Mary. 6. She sat at the window and glared at the street. 7. They went as far as to the door and stood there talking. 8. He was walking slowly, from time to time stopped and looked at the building. 9. He left, leaving the door open. 10.I conducted the entire evening, rereading letters. 11. They walked in the garden and were captivated with flowers. 12. I stood, trying to think, what to say. 13. He stood, bent over to the tree. 14. By squeezing lips, she nodded as a sign the consent. 15.Once again it was dishonourably discharged, with bated breath. 16. John has closed eyes, trying to remember where he saw the girl.
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