1. Вчера в театре я смотрел пьесу. Пьеса была очень смешная. 2. Я вошё перевод - 1. Вчера в театре я смотрел пьесу. Пьеса была очень смешная. 2. Я вошё английский как сказать

1. Вчера в театре я смотрел пьесу.

1. Вчера в театре я смотрел пьесу. Пьеса была очень смешная. 2. Я вошёл в комнату и увидел незнакомую девушку. Девушка разговаривала с моей сестрой. 3. Я собираюсь на лекцию . Лекция будет в большом зале. 4. Осенью многоие театры едут на фестиваль . Фестиваль проходит в эдинбурге. 5. Он опять пишет новую книгу . Я надеюсь , книга будет , как всегда ,интересной. 6. Мы купили новый телевизор . Экран телевизора очень большой и плоский. 7. После делового видите необходимо написать письмо Письмо должно быть коротким и вежливым. 8. Мы едем на семинар в Японию. Семинар будет очень интересным. 9 Анна стояла на остановке с юношей. Юноша держал Ее за руку. 10. Завтра я задаю экзамен. Экзамен будет трудным. 11. Из окна автобуса я увидел мост. Я узнал мост. Мост находиться недалёко от тауэра. 12. Она показала мне картину. Картину подарила ей бабушка. 13. В комнате стояло пианино. Он сел поиграть. Пианоле оказалось расстроенным. 14. Они попросили меня написать статью т статья будет опубликована во французском журнале. Журнал очень популярный
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Today I watched in a theater play. The play was very funny. 2. I entered the room and saw an unknown girl. The girl was talking with my sister. 3. I am going to lecture. The lecture will be in the great Hall. 4. The fall of many theatres go to the Festival. The Festival is held in Edinburgh. 5. He once again writes a new book. I hope the book will be, as always, interesting. 6. We bought a new tv. Tv screen is very large and flat. 7. After the business see you write letter Letter should be short and polite. 8. We are going to a seminar in Japan. The seminar will be very interesting. 9 Anna stood at a bus stop with the boys. The young man held her hand. 10. Tomorrow I ask exam. The exam will be difficult. 11. From a bus window I saw the bridge. I found out the bridge. The bridge is located near from the Tower of London. 12. She showed me a picture. The picture presented to her grandmother. 13. There was a piano in the room. He sat down to play. Pianole turned out to be frustrated. 14. They asked me to write an article t article will be published in the French magazine. Very popular magazine
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Yesterday I saw in a theater play. The play was very funny. 2. I entered the room and saw a strange girl. The girl was talking to my sister. 3. I'm going to a lecture. The lecture will be in the big hall. 4. In the fall mnogoie theaters are going to the festival. The festival takes place in Edinburgh. 5. Again he wrote a new book. I hope the book will, as always, interesting. 6. We bought a new TV. The TV screen is very large and flat. 7. When you see the business you need to write a letter The letter should be short and polite. 8. We're going to a seminar in Japan. The seminar will be very interesting. 9 Anna was standing at the bus stop with the boys. The young man held her hand. 10. Tomorrow, I ask the exam. The exam will be difficult. 11. I saw the windows of the bus bridge. I found the bridge. Bridge is not far distant from the Tower. 12. She showed me a picture. The picture gave her grandmother. 13. The room was a piano. He sat down to play. Pianola appeared upset. 14. They asked me to write an article tonnes article will be published in the French magazine. The magazine is very popular
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. yesterday i watched a play in a theatre. the play was very funny. 2. i walked into the room and saw an unfamiliar girl. the girl was talking to my sister. 3. i"m going to a lecture. the lecture will be in the great hall. 4. in the fall of many theaters are going to the festival. the festival is held in edinburgh. 5. he is writing a new book. i hope the book will, as always, interesting. 6. we bought a new tv. the tv screen is very big and flat. 7. you need to write a letter after business letter should be brief and polite. 8. we"re going to a seminar in japan. the seminar will be very interesting. 9 anna stood at the bus stop with boys. young man holding her hand. 10. tomorrow, i ask the examination. the exam will be difficult. 11. from the window of the bus, i saw a bridge. i found the bridge. the bridge to be недалёко from the tower. 12. she showed me a picture. the painting gave her grandmother. 13. in the room there was a piano. he sat down to play. пианоле was upset. 14. they asked me to write an article or article to be published in the french magazine. the magazine is very popular
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