1) Майкл празднует свой день рождения раз в четыре года. Он родился 29 перевод - 1) Майкл празднует свой день рождения раз в четыре года. Он родился 29 английский как сказать

1) Майкл празднует свой день рожден

1) Майкл празднует свой день рождения раз в четыре года. Он родился 29 февраля в високосный год. 2) Ежегодное собрание пенсионеров всегда проходит успешно. Это неудивительно. Они рассказывают друг другу о своих воспоминаниях. Странно, что они не проводят собрание ежемесячно. 3) – Где мне надо подписаться? – Подпишитесь на странице 3, пожалуйста. Какая странная у вас подпись. – Да, у меня необычная подпись, но она мне нравится. 4) Современный компьютер способен выполнять до 10 000 операций в минуту. Я ежедневно работаю на компьютере и всегда удивляюсь, как быстро он все делает. Компьютер – очень полезная вещь. 99 5) Этот район меняется из-за современных зданий. Этот атлас устаревает! Нам надо ежемесячно покупать новый атлас, что- бы знать, где что находится. 6) Я иду по улице и вспоминаю все здания и деревья. Я так люблю эту улицу. Она напоминает мне о моем счастливом детстве. 7) Я сейчас не могу даже вспомнить, из-за чего мы все время ссоримся с тобой. Это происходит так часто – почти ежедневно. Мне кажется, это не очень хорошо. 8) Это еженедельная плата: Вы должны платить по 25 долларов каждый понедельник! 9) Я прошу Вас не звонить мне ежедневно и не задавать странных вопросов о том, как включить телевизор. Он не такой старомодный, чтобы Вы не знали, как его включать. 10) Я вижу ее время от времени, но не осмеливаюсь подойти к ней. Не знаю, смогу ли я сказать ей, что она мне нравится. Я думаю о ней ежедневно. Иногда даже стучу в ее дверь, чтобы сказать ей об этом, но потом убегаю. 11) – Есть кто-нибудь дома? Мне кажется, у вас горит сарай! Я боюсь, что там могут сгореть вещи. – Я не знаю, где ключ от сарая, поэтому не могу его открыть. Нам надо сломать замок.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) Michael celebrates his birthday every four years. He was born on 29 February in a leap year. 2) annual meeting pensioners always succeeds. This is not surprising. They tell each other about their memories. Strange that they do not hold meetings monthly. 3)-Where do I need to subscribe? -Subscribe to page 3, please. What a strange you signature. -Yes, I have an unusual signature, but I like it. 4) modern computer is capable of performing up to 10000 operations per minute. I'm working on the computer and always wonder how fast it all makes. The computer is a very useful thing. 99 5) this area is changing due to modern buildings. The Atlas obsolete! We need monthly buying new Atlas to know where that is. 6) I go down the street and remember all the buildings and trees. I so love this street. She reminds me of my happy childhood. 7) I can't even remember now, which we argue all the time with you. It happens so often, almost daily. It seems to me, it's not very good. 8) is a weekly fee: you must pay 25 dollars every Monday! 9) I ask you not to call me every day and not asking strange questions about how to turn on the tv. It's not old fashioned, so you don't know how to turn it on. 10) I see her from time to time, but not dare approach her. Don't know if I can tell her that I like it. I think about her every day. Sometimes even a knock at her door to tell her about it, but then go off. 11)-is anybody home? It seems to me you have a burning barn! I'm afraid that there can burn things. -I do not know where the key to the shed, so I can't open it. We need to break the lock.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) Michael celebrates his birthday every four years. He was born on February 29th in a leap year. 2) Annual Meeting pensioners always successful. This is not surprising. They tell each other about their memories. It is strange that they do not hold meetings on a monthly basis. 3), - Where do I have to subscribe? - Sign up on page 3, please. What a strange you signature. - Yes, I have an unusual signature, but I like it. 4) The modern computer is able to perform up to 10 000 operations per minute. Every day I work on the computer and are always amazed at how quickly he does. The computer - a very useful thing. 99 5) This area is changing due to modern buildings. This atlas obsolete! We need to buy a new Atlas each month, something to know where everything is. 6) I walk down the street and remember all the buildings and trees. I love this street. She reminds me of my happy childhood. 7) Now I can not even remember, which is why we always quarrel with you. This happens so often - almost daily. I think it's not very good. 8) This is a weekly payment: You must pay $ 25 every Monday! 9) I am asking you not to call me every day, and not to ask strange questions about how to turn on the TV. He's not old-fashioned, that you did not know how to turn it on. 10) I can see her from time to time, but do not dare to approach her. I do not know if I could tell her that I like her. I think about her every day. Sometimes even a knock on her door to tell her about it, but then run away. 11) - Is there anybody home? I think you have lit the barn! I fear that there may burn things. - I do not know where the key to the shed, so I can not open it. We need to break the lock.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) michael celebrates his birthday every four years. he was born on 29 february in a leap year. (2) the annual meeting of retirees are always successful. this is not surprising. they tell each other about their memories. strange that they don't have a meeting every month. (3) where i need to sign? is the sign in page 3, please. how strange you have signed. yes, i have an unusual signature, but i like it. 4) the modern computer is capable of up to 10000 transactions per minute. i work at a computer every day and always surprised how quickly he does everything. the computer is very useful. 99 5) the area is changing from the modern buildings. this is an old trick! we need every month to buy a new atlas, want to know where everything is. 6) i walk down the street and remember all the buildings and trees. i love this street. she reminds me of my happy childhood. 7) i can't even remember what we were fighting all the time with you. it happens so often, almost on a daily basis. i don't think that's very good. (8) a weekly fee, you have to pay $25 every monday. (9) i ask you not to call me every day, and not asking strange questions about how to turn on the tv. he's not so old, so you don't know how to. (10) i can see her from time to time, but don't dare to approach her. i don't know if i can tell her that i like her. i think about her every day. sometimes, even knocking on her door to tell her about it, but then running away. 11) - anybody home? i think you have a burning barn. i'm afraid that it may burn things. - i don't know where the barn key, so i can't open it. we need to break the lock.
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