Дипломатические визы оформляются без взимания консульских сборов.
Служебные визы выдаются персоналу иностранных дипломатических и иных представительств и международных организаций, не являющемуся дипломатическим персоналом, а также иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства, следующим по служебным делам, приглашаемым государственными органами Республики Казахстан.
Инвесторские визы выдаются реальным инвесторам — руководителям и представителям управленческого звена крупных зарубежных компаний, работающих на казахстанском рынке или имеющих действующие планы по развитию бизнес-проектов.
Рабочие визы Визы на осуществление рабочей деятельности (рабочие визы) выдаются при наличии разрешения на привлечение иностранной рабочей силы и прочих соответствующих документов, если международным договором и соглашением Республики Казахстан не предусмотрено иное.
Визы на учебу выдаются при наличии разрешений органов внутренних дел, выдаваемых на основании ходатайств учебных заведений.
Визы на лечение выдаются иностранцам и лицам без гражданства, следующим в Казахстан для лечения, медицинского обследования, консультаций и с другими аналогичными целями на основании ходатайств соответствующих учреждений и организаций, подтверждающих характер вызова.
Визы на постоянное жительство выдаются при наличии документов, установленных законодательством.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Diplomatic visas are issued without levy of consular fees.Business visas are issued to personnel of foreign diplomatic and other representations and international organizations, are not considered diplomatic personnel, and also to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship traveling on business, invited by government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Investor visas are issued to genuine investors-managers and representatives of managerial staff of major foreign companies, operating on the Kazakhstani market or who have genuine plans to develop business projects.Working visas for working activities (work visas) are issued with permission for foreign labor recruitment and other relevant documents, if an international treaty or agreement of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not provide otherwise.Study visas are issued with permission of the internal affairs authorities, issued upon application of educational institutions.Treatment visas are issued to foreigners and persons without citizenship traveling to Kazakhstan for treatment, medical check, consultations and similar reasons upon application of the relevant institutions and organizations confirming the character of the invitation.Permanent residence visas are issued upon provision of documents stipulated by the legislation.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Diplomatic visas are registered without levy of consular fees.
Official visas are issued to personnel of foreign diplomatic and other representations and international organizations are not considered diplomatic personnel, as well as foreign citizens and persons without citizenship traveling on business, invited by government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Investor visas are issued to real investors - managers and top executives of large foreign companies operating on the Kazakhstani market or who have genuine plans to develop business projects.
Work Visas to carry out work activities (work visas) are issued with a permit for attracting foreign labor force, and other relevant documents, If an international treaty or agreement of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not provide otherwise.
Study visa is issued with permission of internal affairs agencies issued upon application of educational institutions.
Visa for medical treatment is issued to foreigners and persons without citizenship traveling to Kazakhstan for treatment, medical examination, consultation and other similar purposes on the basis of petitions of the relevant institutions and organizations confirming the character of the invitation.
Visas for permanent residence are issued upon provision of documents stipulated by the legislation.
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