она не воспринимала уолтера серьёзно даже, когда он делал её предложен перевод - она не воспринимала уолтера серьёзно даже, когда он делал её предложен английский как сказать

она не воспринимала уолтера серьёзн

она не воспринимала уолтера серьёзно даже, когда он делал её предложение. Для неё брак был обязательством. Она хотела всем доказать, что она лучше чем дорис. Её сестра была конкуренткой для Китти.
её раздражало, что уолтер такой самостоятельный, умный и чувствительный. то, что для неё было игрой, для него значало очень много. Он не любил разговоры не о чём. А Китти болтала постоянно. Уолтер был противоположностью Китти. А Китти была глупа. Для неё чувства уолтера ничего не значили. Она не ценила его. Она вышла за него замуж только потому что ей уже пора было.

был умным, начитанным. Он любил Китти всем сердцем. Он любил её несмотря на то, что она была такой глупой. Он был счастлив только потому что Китти есть рядом с ним. Ради неё он был готов сделать всё. Мне искренне жаль уолтера,потому что такому скрытому человеку очень трудно кого-то полюбить. Он надеялся на то, что он сможет изменить Китти своей любовью и своим отношением к ней. Он надеялся, что она сможет его понять и сможет его полюбить. он делал всё, чтобы это произошло.

китти выходила замуж за уолтера не по собственному желанию, а из-за своей матери. Они поженились потому что её младшая сестра вышла замуж раньше. Китти это caught on the raw. И чтобы не уступать сестре она решила выйти за него замуж. Она даже не помнила, как они с Уолтером познакомились.

Миссис Гарстин была женщина жестокая, властная, честолюбивая, скупая и
недалекая. Но также она всегда выглядела очень хорошо и устраивала ужины. Она всегда могла поддержать разговор на любую тему. мисс гарстин считала что должна удачно выдать замуж своих дочерей. О Дорис она не заботилась потому что считала, что она недостаточно красивая. А у Китти было шансов больше. Она была красивая и молодая. И поэтому мать считала, что Китти нужно выйти замуж как можно раньше. Всё своё внимание и любовь она уделяла ей. Когда Китти было 25 лет и она ещё не была замужем. мать стала говорить, что причина этому её глупость.

Гарстин презирала его. она Думала, мистер гарстин сможет достигнуть успеха в карьере. Это была единственная причина, почему они поженились. Но вскоре она поняла, что её муж не способен на это без её помощи. её помощь заключалась в том, что она заставляла его делать то, что ей нужно. А мистер Гарстин всегда ей уступал. И всегда делал то, что она скажет, даже если у него было другое мнение. Она общалась только с важными людьми. Ей важно было только чем они могут помочь ей мужу. Она не была искренней с ними. её цель была извлечение собственной выгоды. Она считала, что её муж трус и безвольный человек. После неудачи, он замкнулся в себе. Дома почти не разговаривал. Но никто из родственников этого не заметил. Потому что его семье нужны были только его деньги. Но тем не менее, его дочери и жена считали, что он должен их любить только потому что он их отец.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
She did not take seriously the Walter even when he made her offer. For her marriage was an obligation. She wanted to prove to everyone that she is better than Doris. Her sister was konkurentkoj for Kitty. her annoyed that Walter such independent, intelligent and sensitive. What for her was a game for him značalo a lot. He did not like to talk not about anything. And Kitty chatted constantly. Walter was the antithesis of the Kitty. And Kitty was foolish. Walter's feelings for her meant nothing. It is not appreciated it. She married him only because it was already time to.Walterwas a clever, well-read. He loved the Kitty with all my heart. He loved her despite the fact that she was so stupid. He was happy just because there is a Kitty beside him. For the sake of it, he was ready to do everything. I sincerely feel sorry for Walter because such hidden man very hard someone to love. He had hoped that he would be able to change the Kitty love and their attitude to it. He hoped she would be able to understand it and be able to fall in love. He did everything to make it happen.to-uKitty getting married Walter not by choice, but because of his mother. They were married because her younger sister was married before. Kitty is caught on the raw. And not to give in to her sister, she decided to marry him. She doesn't even remember how they met with Walter. k-mMrs Garstin was a cruel, domineering woman, ambitious, avaricious andunintelligent. But she always looked very good and happy with the dinner. She was always able to maintain a conversation on any topic. Miss garstin believed that should successfully to marry off their daughters. About Doris she doesn't care because she is not enough. And Kitty have a chance anymore. She was beautiful and young. And so the mother believed that Kitty needs to get married as soon as possible. All their attention and love she gave to her. When Kitty was 25 years old and she was not married. the mother began to speak that the reason her stupidity. m-pGarstin despised it. She thought Mr. garstin will be able to achieve success in your career. This was the only reason why they got married. But she soon realized that her husband is not able to so without her assistance. her help was that it forced him to do what it needs. And Mr. Garstin always inferior. And always did what she has to say, even if he had a different opinion. It dealt only with important people. It was only what they can to help her husband. It was not sincere with them. her goal was to extract private benefits. She believed that her husband, coward and weak-willed people. After the failure, he retreated into himself. The House almost never talked. But none of the relatives have not noticed. Because his family needed only his money. But nevertheless, his daughter and wife believed he should love them just because he is their father.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It did not take Walter seriously even, when he made ​​her an offer. For her marriage commitment. She wanted to prove to all, that it is better than Doris. Her sister was a rival for Kitty.
it irritating, that Walter such independent, intelligent and sensitive. it , that it was a game, for a significant very much. He did not like to talk not about anything. And Kitty chatted constantly. Walter was the opposite of Kitty. But Kitty was stupid. For her feelings Walter did not mean anything. She did not appreciate it. It married him only because it is high time it was. Walter was a clever, well-read. He loved Kitty with all his heart. He loved her in spite of the fact, that she was so stupid. He was happy just because Kitty there next to him. For the sake of it he was ready to do anything. I am genuinely sorry for Walter, because this hidden man very difficult one - is to love. It is hoped, that he could change Kitty his love and his relation to it. It is hoped, that it will be able to understand and be able to love him. He did everything, to make this happen. to - at the kitty she married Walter not by choice, but because - for his mother. They got married because her younger sister married before. Kitty is caught on the raw . And in order not to give her sister, she decided to marry him. She did not even remember, as they are with Walter met. a - m Mrs. Garstin woman was a brutal, domineering, ambitious, avaricious, and simple-minded. But as she always looked very well and suit dinners. She has always been able to keep the conversation on any topic. Miss Garstin said they should successfully marry off their daughters. About Doris She did not care because I thought, that she is not beautiful. But Kitty had more chances. She was beautiful and young. And so the mother thought, Kitty have to get married as soon as possible. All my love and attention she paid to her. When Kitty was 25 years old and she has not been married. mother began to speak, the reason that her stupidity. m - n Garstin despised him . She thought, Mr. Garstin able to achieve success in a career. It was the only reason, why they got married. But she soon realized, that her husband was not able to do it without her help. her help was the fact, that it forced him to do, what she needs. And Mr. Garstin always she conceded. And always did, what she says, even if he had a different opinion. It communicates only with important people. It was important to only what they can to help her husband. She was not sincere with them. Its purpose was the recovery of their own benefit. She thought, that her husband is a coward and a weak-willed man. After the failure, he kept to himself. House hardly spoke. But none of the family members did not notice. Because his family needed only his money. Nevertheless, his daughter and his wife thought, that he should love them only because he was their father.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
it was walter seriously even when he made this proposal. her marriage was an obligation. she wanted to prove to everyone that she is better than doris. her sister was the biggest rival to kitty.
it annoyedwalter so independent, intelligent and sensitive. then, for it was a game for him значало very much. he did not like to talk about it. and kitty talking all the time. walter was the antithesis of the kitty.and kitty was stupid. walter meant nothing to her feelings. she didn't appreciate him. she married him because she already had.

was smart, начитанным. he loved kitty, with all my heart.he loved her even though she was stupid. he was happy because kitty is near him. for her he was willing to do it. i am truly sorry walterbecause the hidden man very difficult for someone to love. he hoped that he could change his love and his kitty's attitude towards her. he was hoping that she can understand it and be able to love him.he did everything to make it happen.

to kitty married walter not by choice, but because of his mother. they got married because her younger sister got married before. kitty is caught on the raw.
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