Я люблю свой класс,потому что в нем есть много замечательных учеников,которые стали моими лучшими друзьями. Мой класс очень дружелюбный,потому что никогда не бросит ни одного своего одноклассника в беде. Я уважаю свой класс,потому что в нем учатся люди с хорошим потенциалом. Я верю,что каждый из них станет настоящим ветеринаром,и я буду работать с ними. Мой класс никогда не нарушает правил учебного заведения. Он уважает учителей,помогает им в свободное время. Мой класс -самый лучший класс на свете,я очень счастлива,что попала в него,и хочу дружить с каждым своим одноклассником. У меня есть несколько лучших друзей из класса. Мы с ними постоянно куда-нибудь ходим,и гуляем. Я очень счастлива,что мне повезло найти таких приятных,прекрасных друзей,с которыми я останусь друзьями на очень долгое время. Мой класс - самый лучший класс!У моих одноклассников очень хорошие родители. Однажды я сходила в гости к своей подруге - однокласснице,и ее родители очень мило меня приняли. Понятно,откуда такое хорошее воспитание. Мне очень нравятся характеры нашего класса. Они очень уникальные,однако злых нету. Мой класс самый прекрасный класс на свете
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I love my class, because it has many wonderful students who have become my best friends. My class is a very friendly, because never throw any of his classmate in distress. I respect his class because it enrolled people with good potential. I believe that each of them will be a real vet, and I will work with them. My class never violates the rules of the institution. He respected teachers, helping them in their spare time. My class-best class in the world, I am very happy that I got into it, and I want to make friends with every classmate. I have a couple of best friends from class. We constantly somewhere walk and walk. I am very happy that I was lucky to find such nice, wonderful friends, with whom I will be friends for a very long time. My grade is the best grade! My classmates are very good parents. One day I went to visit her friend-class romance, and her parents are very cute I was accepted. It is clear where such a good upbringing. I really like the characters of our class. They are very unique, but evil. My class is the most beautiful in the world class
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I love my class, because it has many wonderful students who have become my best friends. My class is very friendly, because you never give up any of his classmates in trouble. I respect his class, because there are people with good learning potential. I believe that each of them will be a real vet, and I will work with them. My class never breaks the rules of the institution. He respects the teacher, helps them in their spare time. My class -The best class in the world, I am very happy that I got into it, and I want to be friends with each of his classmates. I have a couple of best friends from the class. We are with them constantly somewhere to walk, and walk. I am very happy that I was lucky to find such a pleasant, wonderful friends with whom I remain friends for a very long time. My class - the class of the best! All my classmates are very good parents. One day I went to visit his girlfriend - classmate, and her parents are very nice, I was accepted. It is clear from a good education. I really like the character of our class. They are very unique, but there is no evil. My class is the class of the most beautiful in the world
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i love my class, because it has many wonderful students who became my best friends. my class is very friendly, because i never leave any classmate in trouble.i respect your class, because there are people with good potential. i believe that each of them will be a real vet, and i'm going to be working with them. my class would never break the rules of school.he respects teachers, helping them in their spare time. my class is the best class in the world, i am very happy that i got in it, and want to make friends with every classmate. i have some of the best friends in the class.they always go out and walk. i am very happy, i was lucky to find such a beautiful friends with whom i stay friends for a very long time. my class is the best class.my classmates are very good parents. one day, i went to visit my friend, classmate, and her parents are very nice i was accepted. okay, where is the good education.i really like the characters of our class. they are very unique, however, will not. my class is the best class in the world
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