1. В этом универмаге находится точка розничного сбыта туристской компа перевод - 1. В этом универмаге находится точка розничного сбыта туристской компа английский как сказать

1. В этом универмаге находится точк

1. В этом универмаге находится точка розничного сбыта туристской компании. - Здесь есть какие-нибудь брошюры и каталоги путешествий? - Здесь нет толстых каталогов, но имеется несколько раскладывающихся проспектов.
2 В вашем городе есть какие-либо туристские достопримечательности? - У нас в городе имеется выставка и несколько музеев. - Какие музеи у вас в городе? - В городе есть два художественных музея.
3 Что находится на стеллажах у них в офисе? Там есть расписание на летний сезон? - На стеллажах находится много бесплатных брошюр. Но там нет новейшего расписания.
4 Сколько служащих в этой туристской компании? - В этой компании имеется менеджер, несколько турагентов и бухгалтер. - Сколько у них гидов и сопровождающих? - Там нет гидов и сопровождающих. Менеджер нанимает их на работу только в высокий сезон.

5. Что имеется в новом каталоге путешествий? - Там несколько новых инклюзив-туров и информация об отдельных услугах. - Есть ли какие-нибудь скидки? - Есть скидки на детей до 12 лет. На взрослых туристов никаких скидок нет.
6. В вашем туристском центре имеется аэропорт, не так ли? - Нет, вы ошибаетесь. Здесь нет аэропорта, но недалеко от нашего курорта имеются речной порт и автобусная станция. - В порту нет представительства вашей туристской компании, не правда ли? - Нет, есть.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. This department store retail sales point's tourism company. -Here are some brochures and catalogs of travel? -There are no thick directories, but there are a few extra avenues.2 in your town is there any tourist attractions? -We have there are exhibition and several museums. -What museums do you in? In the city there are two art museum.3 What is on the shelves in their Office? There is a schedule for summer season? -On racks is a lot of free brochures. But there's no latest schedule.4 how many servants in this tourism company? -This company has a Manager, several travel agents and accountant. -How many guides and accompanying? -There are no guides and escorts. Manager hires them to work only in high season. 5. What is the new travel directory? -There are several new all-inclusive tours and information about individual services. -Are there any discounts? -There are discounts for children up to 12 years. Adult tourists no discounts no.6. In your tourist center there is an airport, isn't it? -No, you're wrong. There is no airport, but far from our resort there is a river port and the bus station. -No representation in the port your tourism company, isn't it? -No, there are.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. In this department is the point of retail sale of the tourist company. - There are some brochures and travel catalogs? - There is no thick catalogs, but there are several avenues laid out.
2 In your city has any tourist attractions? - In our town there are several museums and exhibition. - Which museums in your city? - The city has two art museums.
3 What is on the shelves in their office? There is a schedule for the summer season? - On the shelves there are many free brochures. But there is not the latest schedules.
4 How many employees in the tourism company? - This company has a manager, an accountant, and several travel agents. - How many of them guides and attendants? - There are no guides and attendants. The manager hires them to work only in the high season.

5. What is the new travel catalog? - There's some new inclusive tours and information on individual services. - Are there any discounts? - There are discounts for children up to 12 years. In adult travelers there is no discount.
6. In your heart there is a tourist airport, is not it? - No, you're wrong. There is no airport, but far from our resort has a river port and bus station. - The port is not representative of your tourism company, is not it? - No, there.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. this department store is a retail marketing of tourism company. is there any brochures and catalogues of travel? - there's no fat directories, but there are several раскладывающихся illustrations.2 in your city have any tourist attractions? - we're in the city are exhibition and several museums. some museums in your town? in the city there are two artistic museum.3 what is stands in their office? there's a schedule for the summer season. - on stands is a lot of free brochures. but there is the newest schedules.4 how many employees in the tourism company? in this company has a manager, a few travel agents and an accountant. how much they have tour guides and escorts? - there's no tour guides and escorts. the manager hires them to work only in the high season.5. what is available in the new catalogue of travel? - there are a few new clusivity tours and information about the individual services. is there any discount? - there is a discount for children up to 12 years. adult tourists no discount.6. in your heart there is tourism airport, isn't it? - no, you're wrong. there is no airport, but near the resort there is a river port and the bus station. in the port no representation of your tourism company, isn't it? - no, there is.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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