И только встреча, или даже совместное проживание даст понять насколько мы подходим друг другу.
Я выходила замуж в 23 года, любили друг друга, и мне казалось, что это навсегда, но совместная жизнь показала, что это не так. Мы были не готовы к испытаниям, мы не имели достаточно мужества и терпения чтобы пережить сложный период. Да бывают разные ситуации, которые приводят к решению расстаться, но когда люди понимают, что им больше не по пути, по лучше правда отпустить друг друга и не держать обиды.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
And only meeting, or even cohabitation will understand how we approach each other. I was getting married in 23 years, loved each other, and it seemed to me that it's forever, but life has shown that this is not the case. We were not ready for testing, we did not have enough courage and patience to survive the difficult times. Yes there are different situations that lead to the decision to leave, but when people realize that they are no longer on the path to better the truth let go of each other and do not hold grudges.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
And only meeting, or even living together will understand if we match each other. I was married at 23, they loved each other, and I thought it was forever, but life together has shown that it is not. We were not ready for the tests, we did not have enough courage and patience to go through a difficult period. Yes, there are different situations that lead to the decision to leave, but when people realize that they are no longer on the path of truth is better to let go of each other and do not hold grudges.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
and just a meeting, or even a living will figure out how we're right for each other.
i was married for 23 years, loved each other, and i thought that's forever, but life has shown that this is not so.we were not prepared for the tests, we don't have enough courage and patience to get through the difficult period. yes, there are different situations that led to the decision to break up, but when people understandthey are no longer on the way, you really let go of each other and don't hold grudges.
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