Однажды Шрек и Фиона, у которых был медовый месяц, получили послание от Короля и Королевы далёкого, далёкого королевства. Родители Фионы приглашали навестить их. Они не видели свою дочь с тех пор, как она уснула в высокой башне замка и много лет ждала, когда появится прекрасный принц и разбудит её. Шрек не хотел ехать. Он понимал, что он, такой большой и зелёный, не понравится Королю и Королеве. Но Фиона сказала, что родители любят её и, конечно же, полюбят и её¸ мужа. Итак, они отправились в путь вместе со своим другом ослом. После долгого путешествия они прибыли в далёкую, далёкую страну. Король, Королева и тысячи людей встречали их. Когда они увидели Шрека и Фиону, то были так потрясены, что даже не смогли скрыть этого. Но Королева была очень умна. Она тепло приветствовала свою дочь и Шрека и заставила своего мужа сделать то же самое. Но Король всегда хотел, чтобы Фиона вышла замуж за Принца, красивого, но злого человека. Мать Принца, злая фея, делала всё¸ возможное, чтобы осуществить этот план.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
SHREK 2Once Shrek and Fiona, who was honeymooning, received a message from the King and Queen of far, faraway Kingdom. Fiona's parents invited to visit them. They had not seen his daughter since she fell asleep in the highest Tower of the Castle and waited for many years, when a handsome Prince and awakens her. Shrek doesn't want to travel. He understood that he is so big and green, do not like King and Queen. But Fiona said that parents love her and, of course, love and her ... husband. So, they hit the road with his friend donkey. After a long journey, they arrived in the far, far-away country. King, Queen and thousands of people greeted them. When they saw Shrek and Fiona, were so shocked that even could not hide it. But the Queen was very clever. She warmly welcomed her daughter and Shrek and forced her husband to do the same. But the King always wanted to Fiona married to Prince, the beautiful but evil person. Mother of Prince, the wicked fairy, has done everything possible to make from this plan.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Shrek 2
Once Shrek and Fiona, who had a honeymoon, received a message from the King and Queen of the distant, distant kingdom. Fiona's parents were invited to visit them. They had not seen his daughter since she fell asleep in the high tower of the castle and waited for many years, when there will be a handsome prince and woke her. Shrek does not want to go. He realized that he was so big and green, not like King and Queen. But Fiona said that parents love her and, of course, love and eё¸ husband. So they hit the road with his friend ass. After a long journey they arrived in the far, far away country. King, Queen and thousands of people greeted them. When they saw Shrek and Fiona, they were so shocked, that could not even hide it. But the Queen was very clever. She warmly welcomed my daughter and Shrek and forced her husband to do the same. But the King has always wanted to Fiona married Prince, the beautiful but evil man. Mother of the Prince, the evil fairy, vsё¸ doing their best to implement the plan.
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