Золушка в своем прелестном платье, которое точно (выглядело так, словн перевод - Золушка в своем прелестном платье, которое точно (выглядело так, словн английский как сказать

Золушка в своем прелестном платье,

Золушка в своем прелестном платье, которое точно (выглядело так, словно) было соткано из лунных лучей (moonbeams), вошла (to step) в карету. Она никогда не видела такой красивой кареты. Что касается кучера, то он был просто великолепен; он точно (выглядел так, словно) никогда и не был крысой. Когда Золушка приехала во дворец, король подумал, что это, должно быть, какая-то иностранная принцесса. Она держала себя так, словно всю жизнь прожила в королевском дворце. Золушка забыла приказание крестной и осталась на балу после полуночи. Едва она успела выбежать из дворца, как снова превратилась в бедную Золушку. «Как жаль, что я не послушалась моей доброй крестной матери. Если бы я не осталась во дворце после полуночи, я бы сейчас ехала (to drive) в карете в своем прелестном платье».Юный Принц всюду искал Золушку, но ее нигде нельзя было найти. «Где может быть эта прекрасная принцесса? думал он. Неужели она потеряна для меня навсегда (to be lost to somebody)? Я боюсь, что сколько бы я ни искал, я не смогу ее найти».Принц приказал, чтобы все девушки в городе примерили (to try on) хрустальный башмачок (glass slipper), который потеряла Золушка. Он думал, что таким образом он, может быть, найдет прекрасную принцессу. Многие девушки старались надеть башмачок, чтобы выйти замуж за Юного Принца. Когда. пришла очередь Золушки примерять башмачок, сестры стали смеяться над нею. Но башмачок наделся на ногу Золушки с величайшей легкостью (to slip on with the greatest ease), и к своему ужасу (dismay) сестры узнали в девушке прекрасную принцессу, которую они видели на балу. Они пожалели, что плохо обращались с Золушкой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Cinderella in her lovely dress that exactly (looked like) were woven from moonbeams (moonbeams), I went (to step) into the carriage. She had never seen such a beautiful carriage. As for the driver, it was simply amazing; it accurately (looked like) was never rat. When Cinderella arrived at the palace, the king thought it must be some kind of a foreign princess. She behaved as if he had lived all his life in the royal palace. Cinderella forgot an order of the cross and remained at the ball after midnight. As soon as she managed to run out of the palace, as the back turned to the poor Cinderella. "What a pity that I did not listen to my good godmother. If I had not stayed in the palace after midnight, I'd traveled (to drive) in the carriage in its lovely dress. "<br>The young Prince was looking everywhere for Cinderella, but it is nowhere to be found. "Where could be this beautiful princess? he thought. Had she lost to me forever (to be lost to somebody)? I'm afraid that however much I searched, I could not find her. "<br>The prince ordered that all the girls in town have tried (to try on) Glass Slipper (glass slipper), which lost Cinderella. He thought that in this way he may be, will find a beautiful princess. Many of the girls tried to put on a shoe to marry the young prince. When. it was the turn of Cinderella trying on shoe, the sisters began to laugh at her. But slipper Cinderella put on foot with the greatest of ease (to slip on with the greatest ease), and to my horror (dismay) sister learned the girl's beautiful princess, which they had seen at the ball. They regretted that mistreated Cinderella.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Cinderella in her lovely dress, which exactly (looked as if) was woven from the moonbeams, entered (to step) in the carriage. She's never seen such a beautiful carriage. As for the coachman, he was simply magnificent; he certainly (looked as if) had never been a rat. When Cinderella arrived at the palace, the king thought it must be some foreign princess. She kept herself as if she had lived her whole life in the royal palace. Cinderella forgot the order of the godmother and stayed at the ball after midnight. As soon as she managed to run out of the palace, she turned into poor Cinderella again. "It is a pity that I did not listen to my good godmother. If I hadn't stayed in the palace after midnight, I would be driving (to drive) in my lovely dress."<br>The young Prince was looking for Cinderella everywhere, but she could not be found anywhere. "Where can this beautiful princess be? he thought. Is it lost to me forever (to be lost to someone)? I'm afraid that no matter how much I look, I won't be able to find her."<br>The prince ordered all the girls in the city to try on a glass slipper that Cinderella had lost. He thought that in this way he might find a beautiful princess. Many girls tried to put on a shoe to marry the Young Prince. When. It was Cinderella's turn to try on a shoe, the sisters began to laugh at her. But the shoe put on Cinderella's leg with the greatest ease (to slip on with the greatest ease), and to their horror (dismay) the sisters recognized in the girl a beautiful princess, which they saw at the ball. They regretted that Cinderella had been mistreated.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Cinderella is wearing her beautiful dress. It looks (to be exact) like she knitted it in the moonlight( She had never seen such a beautiful carriage. As far as the coachman is concerned, he or she is great; he or she never seems to have a mouse. When Cinderella came to the palace, the king thought it must be some kind of foreign princess. She lives like she lives in a palace. Cinderella forgot her godmother's order to stay at the ball after midnight. As soon as she ran out of the palace, she became a poor Cinderella again. "But I didn't listen to my dear godmother. If I didn't stay in the palace after midnight, I would drive in my beautiful clothes and carriage.<br>The young prince looked for Cinderella everywhere, but she couldn't find it anywhere. "Where is this beautiful princess? He thought. Is she lost to me forever)( I'm afraid I can't find her no matter how much I'm looking for.<br>The prince ordered all the girls in the city to try on the crystal shoes( In this way, he thought, he might find a beautiful princess. Many girls try to wear boots to marry a young prince. when. Cinderella came to try on her boots again, and the sisters began to laugh at her. But little boots on Cinderella's feet, the most relaxed( They regret mistreating Cinderella.<br>
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