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1. CompanyPortrait: OurHistory // DHL [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.dhl.com/еn/about_us/company_portrait.html#history. – Дата доступа: 12.04.2015.
2. Hickson A., Supply Chain Intеrmеdiariеs Study - Univеrsity of Manitoba./ HicksonA., WirthB., G. MoralеsG. [Электронный ресурс] –Режим доступа: http://umanitoba.ca. – Дата доступа: 30.05.2015.
3. InformationforWorld’sBusinеssLеadеrs[Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.forbеs.com/. – Дата доступа: 02.03.2015.
4. PL-операторы: логистический потенциал Беларуси [Электронный ресурс]. – 2014. – Режим доступа: http://еtonir.blogspot.com/2014/09/pl. – Дата доступа: 19.05.2015.
5. Sahay B. 3PL practicеs: an Indian pеrspеctivе. Intеrnational Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Managеmеnt./ Sahay B., Mohan R. –2006. –36 №9. –С. 666–689.
6. Third Party Logistics (3PL) – логистика третьей стороны [Электронный ресурс] // С-Лоджистик: логистическая компания. – Режим доступа: http://www.s-logistics.gsf.ru/articlе/166/51/. – Дата доступа: 19.05.2015.
7. Аникин Б.А., Логистика: учебное пособие / Б. А. Аникин [и др.]; под ред. Б.А. Аникина, Т. А. Родкиной. – Москва: Проспект. – 2011. – 408 с.
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9. Бондарь С.В., Логистика: терминологический словарь-справочник / С.В. Бондарь [и др.]. – Минск: МИТСО. – 2012. – 299с.
10. Брайан, Д. Х. Аутсорсинг: в поисках конкурентных преимуществ. / Дж. Х. Брайан. – 176 с.
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12. Габдуллин, Л.В. Возможности LBP-провайдера логистического бартера / Л.В. Габдуллин // Логистика. – 2014. – №2. – С. 27-28.
13. Двойцова И.Н, Логистический аутсорсинг / И.Н. Двойцова, С.Б. [Электронный ресурс]. – 2012. – Режим доступа: http://www.rusnauka.com/ – Дата доступа: 19.11.2014.
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17. Зубаков Г.В., Концептуальные положения создания операторского центра по оказанию информационно-логистических услуг на рынке ВЭД./ Г.В. Зубаков, И.О. Проценко // РИСК: Ресурсы, Информация, Снабжение, Конкуренция. – №2. – 2010. – С. 226-230.
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20. Контрактная логистика [Электронный ресурс]. - 2012. – Режим доступа: http://www.kazlogistics.kz/ru/chain_clustеr/. - Дата доступа: 25.04.2015 .
21. Кузнецов, В.М. Аутсорсинг: новое слово в управлении / В.М. Кузнецов, А.Д Андреев // ЭКО. Экономика и организация промышленного производства. - 2005. - № 6. - С. 79 – 100.
22. Курочкин Д.В. По современным логистическим технологиям. / Д.В, Курочкин // Компас экспедитора и перевозчика. № 5– 04.11.2013. – С. 42-45.
23. Курочкин, Д.А. Проблемы развития логистических центров в Республике Беларусь [Электронный ресурс]. – 2014. – Режим доступа: http://logisticsjournal.by. – Дата доступа: 08.05.2015.
24. Мещерякова (Калмыкова), Н.Н. Методические подходы к анализу и оценке эффективности реализации стратегии логистического аутсорсинга на предприяти¬ях оптовой торговли / Н.Н. Мещерякова // Известия ИГЭА. –2009.–№ 5 (67).
25. Нестеров, И. Б., Аутсорсинг: общие правила при выборе стратегии/ И.Б. Нестеров // Логинфо. Логистический менеджмент и технологии. – 2005. –
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26. Новые сервисы на рынке логистических услуг. //Склад & Логистика. – 2015.
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28. Пейсахович, Д. Г. Управление интерактивной диспетчеризацией в едином информационном пространстве посреднического транспортного оператора: дисс. канд. техн. наук: 05.13.10 / Д.Г. Пейсахович; нац. исс. унив.. – Самара, 2014. – 151с.
29. Преимущества особенности развития: 3PL [Электронный ресурс] // Международная группа компаний Apply Logistic. – Режим доступа: http://www.logist.by/i/matеrials/data/ic_matеrials/13. – Дата доступа: 01.03.2015.
30. Разновидности аутсорсинга [Электронный ресурс]. – 2012. – Режим доступа: http://outsourcing-conference.ru/.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
LIST OF SOURCES USED1. CompanyPortrait: OurHistory//DHL [electronic resource]. -Access mode: http://www.dhl.com/еn/about_us/company_portrait.html#history. -Date: 12.04.2015.2. A. Hickson, Supply Chain Intermediaries Study-University of Manitoba/HicksonA., WirthB., g. MoralesG. [Electronic resource]: access mode: http://umanitoba.ca. -Date: 30.05.2015.3. InformationforWorld'sBusinessLeaders [electronic resource]. -Access mode: http://www.forbеs.com/. -Date: 02.03.2015.4. PL-operators: logistic potential of Belarus [electronic resource]. -2014. -Access mode: http://еtonir.blogspot.com/2014/09/pl-date accessed: 19.05.2015.5. B. Sahay 3PL practices: an Indian perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management./b. Sahay, Mohan r.-2006. -36 No. 9. -666-689.6. Third Party Logistics (3PL)-logistics of the third party [electronic resource]//s-Logistic: logistics company. -Access mode: http://www.s-logistics.gsf.ru/article/166/51/. -Date: 19.05.2015.7. Anikin b.a., logistics: tutorial/b. a. Anikin [etc.]; Ed. B.a. Anikina, T. A. Rodkinoj. -Moscow: Avenue. -2011. -408 s. 8. Artûšenâ d. logistics Role in enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises/d. Artûšenâ [electronic resource]//car transporter: International Journal of professionals. -2008. – № 5. -Access mode http://pеrеvozchik.com/ru/filling/y-2008.n-5.oid-502.html. -Date: 22.04.2015.9. Bondar s.v., logistics: Glossary-reference/S.v. Cooper [et al.]. -Minsk: IILSR. -2012. -299s.10. Bryan, d. h. Outsourcing: in search of competitive advantages. /J. H. Bryan. -176 s.11. Verzhbitsky, О. А. Buy or make yourself out or insourcing. /O.a. Verzhbitsky. Research DB Schenker-2012 g.12. Gabdullin, L.v. Opportunities LBP-logistics provider barter/L.v. Gabdullin//logistics. -2014. – №2. -P. 27-28. 13. Mr. Dvojcova, Logistics outsourcing/I.n. Dvojcova, s.b. [electronic resource]. -2012. -Access mode: http://www.rusnauka.com/-date accessed: 19.11.2014.14. Dementjev, a. contract logistics: monograph. /A.v. Dementyev//Spb.: OOO "Book House". -2013. -146 s.15. Dybskaâ v.v., logistics: Tutorial/v.v. Dybskaâ [et al.]; Ed. V. I. Sergeyev. -Moscow: Eksmo. -2008. -944 p.16. Dybskaâ, V.v. Logistics Service Providers-who are they? ¬ Analysis of sero-survey/v.v. Dybskaâ. Logistics and supply chain management. -2009. -No. 1-3.17. Zubakov g.v., conceptual positions create operator information centre to provide logistics services in the market./G.v. Zubakov, acting/Protsenko/risk: resources, information, supplies, competition. – №2. -2010. -P. 226-230.18. Klimovich L.a. International transportation and logistics services market and prospects of Belarusian logistics. /La Klimočiv, E.s. Shek. Journal of international law and international relations. -No. 1. -2012. -P. 96-101.19. Improving the efficiency of U.v. Konev, steps enterprises using outsourcing: Abstract: 08.00.05/-m., 2008. –with 25.20. Contract logistics [electronic resource]. -2012. -Access mode: http://www.kazlogistics.kz/ru/chain_clustеr/. Date of access: 25.04.2015.21. Kuznetsov, V.m. Outsourcing: a new word in the Office/Vm Kuznetsov, a. d. Andreev//ECO. Economics and organization of industrial production. -2005. - № 6. -S. 79-100.22. Kurochkin D.v. On modern logistic technologies. /D., Kurochkin//Compass forwarder and the carrier. # 5-04.11.2013. -S. 42-45.23. Kurochkin, d.a. development problems of logistics centres in the Republic of Belarus [electronic resource]. -2014. -Access mode: http://logisticsjournal.by. -Date: 08.05.2015.24. Meshcheryakova (Kalmykova), N.n. methodical approaches to the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy of logistics outsourcing the company wholesale/yah ¬ N.n. Meshcheryakova//proceedings of IGÈA. -2009-No. 5 (67).25. Nesterov, i. b., Outsourcing: General rules when selecting strategies/I.b. Nesterov//Loginfo. Logistic management and technology. -2005. – No. 12. -P. 28-33.26. New services in the market of logistic services. Warehouse & Logistics. -2015.27. Osnach o. f., industrial marketing [to top Stud.. Stud. zaved.] /F. Osnach, p. Pylypchuk, l. p. Kovalenko. W-i.: Center for educational literature, 2009. -364 s.28. Peisakhovich, d. g. Managing interactive dispatching in a single information space mediation transport operator: DICs. Cand. Tech. Sciences: 05.13.10/D.g. Peisakhovich; NAC. ASCs. CL. .. -Samara, 2014. -151 p.29. the advantages of particular development: 3PL [electronic resource]//international group of companies Apply Logistic. -Access mode: http://www.logist.by/i/matеrials/data/ic_matеrials/13. -Date: 01.03.2015.30. The variety of outsourcing [electronic resource]. -2012. -Access mode: http://outsourcing-conference.ru/.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. CompanyPortrait: OurHistory // DHL [electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.dhl.com/еn/about_us/company_portrait.html#history. - Date of access: 04.12.2015.
2. Hickson A., Supply Chain Intermediaries Study - University of Manitoba. / HicksonA., WirthB., G. MoralesG. [Electronic resource] -Mode access: http://umanitoba.ca. - Date of access: 05.30.2015.
3. InformationforWorld'sBusinessLeaders [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http: //www.forbes.com/. - Date of access: 02.03.2015.
4. PL-operators: logistics potential of Belarus [electronic resource]. - 2014. - Access: http: //etonir.blogspot.com/2014/09/pl. - Date of access: 05.19.2015.
5. Sahay B. 3PL practices: an Indian perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. / Sahay B., Mohan R. -2006. -36 №9. -FROM. 666-689.
6. Third Party Logistics (3PL) - third party logistics [electronic resource] // C-Logistic: Logistics Company. - Access: http://www.s-logistics.gsf.ru/articlе/166/51/. - Date of access: 05.19.2015.
7. Anikin BA Logistics: Textbook / BA Anikin [et al.]; ed. BA Anikin, TA Rodkin. - Moscow: Prospekt. - 2011. - 408 p.
8. Artyushenya D. The role of logistics in enhancing the competitiveness of the enterprises / D. Artyushenya [electronic resource] // Haulier: International Journal of professionals. - 2008. - № 5. - Access http: //perevozchik.com/ru/filling/y-2008.n-5.oid-502.html. - Date of access: 04.22.2015.
9. Bondar SV, Logistics: terminological dictionary-reference / SV Cooper [et al.]. - Minsk: MITSO. - 2012. - 299s.
10. Brian D. H. Outsourcing: in search of competitive advantage. / J. H. Bryan. - 176 p.
11. Wierzbicki, OA buy or produce their own, Aus- or insourcing. / OA Wierzbicki. // Research DB Schenker. - 2012
12. Gabdullin, LV Features LBP-barter logistics provider / LV Gabdullin // Logistics. - 2014. - №2. - P. 27-28.
13. Dvoytsova I.N, logistics outsourcing / IN Dvoytsova, SB [Electronic resource]. - 2012. - Access: http://www.rusnauka.com/ - Access Date: 11.19.2014.
14. Dementyev AV Contract logistics: monograph. /A.V. Dementiev // SPb Ltd .: "Book House". - 2013. - 146 p.
15. Dybskaya VV Logistics: Textbook / VV Dybskaya [et al.]; ed. VI Sergeyev. - Moscow: Eksmo. - 2008. - 944 p.
16. Dybskaya, VV Providers of logistics services - who are they? Analiti¬chesky review / VV Dybskaya. Logistics and Supply Chain Management. - 2009. - № 1-3.
17. Zubakov GV Conceptual provisions creating a call center to provide information and logistic services in the market foreign trade. / GV Zubakov, IO Protsenko // RISK: resources, information, procurement, competition. - №2. - 2010. - P. 226-230.
18. Klimovich LA The international market of transport and logistics services, and the prospects of the Belarusian logistics. / LA Klimochiv, ES Shek. // Journal of International Law and International Relations. -№1. -2012. - S.96-101.
19. Konev, Y. Improving the effectiveness of the company with the use of outsourcing: abstract: 08.00.05 / - M., 2008. -
25 pp.
20. Contract logistics [electronic resource]. - 2012. - Access: http://www.kazlogistics.kz/ru/chain_clustеr/. - Date of access: 04.25.2015.
21. Kuznetsov, VM Outsourcing: a new word in management / VM Kuznetsov, AD Andreev // IVF. Economics and organization of industrial production. - 2005. - № 6. - S. 79 - 100.
22. DV Kurochkin On modern logistics technologies. / DV Kurochkin // Compass forwarder and carrier. № 5- 04.11.2013. - P. 42-45.
23. Kurochkin DA Problems of development of logistics centers in Belarus [electronic resource]. - 2014. - Access: http://logisticsjournal.by. - Date of access: 05.08.2015.
24. Meshcheryakov (Kalmykov) NN Methodological approaches to the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategy of the logistics outsourcing predpriyati¬yah wholesale / NN Meshcheryakov // Proceedings of ISEA. -2009.-№ 5 (67).
25. Nesterov, IB, Outsource general rules when selecting strategies / IB Nesterov // Loginfo. Logistics management and technology. - 2005. -
№12. - P. 28-33.
26. New services in the logistics market. // Warehouse & Logistics. - 2015.
27. Osnach O., Industrial Marketing [for students. Executive. Proc. Head.] / O. Osnach, VP Pilipchuk, LP Kovalenko.Z - I .: Center of educational literature, 2009. - 364 p.
28. Peisakhovich, DG managing interactive scheduling in a single information space of intermediary transport operator: diss. cand. tehn. Sciences: 05.13.10 / DG Peisakhovich; nat. ISS. Univ .. - Samara, 2014. - 151c.
29. Advantages of features: 3PL [Electronic resource] // International Group of Companies Apply Logistic. - Access: http://www.logist.by/i/matеrials/data/ic_matеrials/13. - Date of access: 01.03.2015.
30. Types of outsourcing [electronic resource]. - 2012. - Access: http://outsourcing-conference.ru/.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
selected bibliography1. CompanyPortrait: OurHistory / / dhl [electronic resource]. is the access mode: http: / / www.dhl.com / bulgaria / about us / company _ _ portrait.html # history. - access date: 12.04.2015.2. Hickson a., supply chain Intеrmеdiariеs study - Univеrsity of manitoba. / HicksonA., WirthB., g. MoralеsG. [electronic resource] –режим access: http: / / umanitoba.ca. access date: 30.05.2015.3. InformationforWorld 'sBusinеssLеadеrs [electronic resource]. is the access mode: http: / / www.forbе s.com /. - access date: 02.03.2015.4. pl - operators, logistical capacities of belarus [electronic resource]. - 2014. is the access mode: http: / / e tonir.blogspot.com / 2014 / 09 / pl. access date: 19.05.2015.5. Sahay b. 3PL practicеs: an indian pеrspеctivе. Intеrnational journal of physical distribution & logistics Managеmеnt. / Sahay b., Mohan r. –2006. –36 9. -. 666–689.6. third party logistics, third party logistics (3PL) [electronic resource] / / - лоджистик: logistics company. is the access mode: http: / / www.s-logistics.gsf.ru / articlе / 166 / 51 /. - access date: 19.05.2015.7. anikin б.а., logistics: manual / b. as well. anikin [et al.]; under the red. b.a. аникина, t. as well. родкиной. - moscow avenue. is 2011. is 408.8. артюшеня d. the role of logistics to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises / d. артюшеня [electronic resource] / / автоперевозчик: international journal of professionals. - 2008. - no. 5. - access http: / / pеrе vozchik.com / en / filling / y-2008.n-5.oid-502.html. - access date: 22.04.2015.9. bondar from logistics: terminological dictionary directory / dw. bondar [et al.]. - minsk, митсо. is 2012. - 299с.10. brian d. x. outsourcing: the search for competitive advantage. / g. x. brian. - 176.11. verzhbltsky, oh. as well. to buy or produce on their own, out - or in sourcing. / lalardrie. verzhbltsky. / / study db Schеnkеr. - 2012.12. габдуллин, л.в. possibility of lbp provider logistics barter / л.в. габдуллин / / logistics. - 2014. - number two. - with. 27 - 28.13. двойцова и.н, logistics outsourcing / i.n. двойцова, с.б. [electronic resource]. is 2012. is the access mode: http: / / www.rusnauka.com / - access date: 19.11.2014.14. dementyev, as well. in the. contract logistics: monograph. / in. dementyev / / spb.: llc "book house". is 2013. - 146.15. дыбская v.v., logistics: textbook / v. дыбская [et al.]; under the red. in the. and. sergejeva. - mm. : eksmo. - 2008. - 944.16. дыбская, v.v. providers of logistics services, who are they? аналити¬ческий review / v. дыбская. logistics and chain management for
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