«Барнаулка» - шуба специального фасона из овчин черного цыета, разрабо перевод - «Барнаулка» - шуба специального фасона из овчин черного цыета, разрабо английский как сказать

«Барнаулка» - шуба специального фас

«Барнаулка» - шуба специального фасона из овчин черного цыета, разработанная на Алтае С.И. Гуляевым в 1869 году . В годы ВОВ Барнаульский овчинно-шубный завод выпускал армейские шубы

В это же время в Барнауле на небольших, полукустарных предприятиях выпускались знаменитые шубы - "барнаулки", в жесткой конкурентной борьбе потеснившие ранее популярные "романовские" полушубки. Высокое качество выделки "барнаулок" позволило им с успехом экспонироваться и получать награды на наиболее престижных российских и зарубежных выставках. Большой известностью пользовались и барнаульские валенки, незаменимые в условиях суровых сибирских зим. Они выпускались не только обычного черного цвета, но были и белыми, розовыми, бордовыми, а по желанию заказчика их голенища украшались затейливыми узорами из разноцветных шерстяных ниток.
В Барнауле развивалось и другое производство. Еще в 1864 году на левом берегу речки Пивоварки инженер Пранг открыл первый в России содовый завод, проработавший около полувека. Более десяти сортов пива выпускали три пивоваренных завода, вырабатывались колбасные и кондитерские изделия.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
"Barnaulka"-coat black ovčin of this special cyeta developed in the Altai S. I. Gulâevym in the year 1869. In the years of the World War II Barnaul Sheepskin-fur plant produced army coatsAt the same time in Barnaul in small, half domestic enterprises were the famous coats-"barnaulka River", in a tough competitive struggle moved from 4th previously popular "Romanov" coats. The high quality of manufacture "barnaulok" allowed them to successfully exhibited and receive awards at the most prestigious Russian and international exhibitions. Enjoy great fame and barnaul′skie boots, essential in the harsh Siberian winters. They were not only the usual black, but white, pink, Burgundy, and optionally their tops were decorated with intricate patterns of colored wool threads.Brisbane has been developing and other production. In 1864, on the left bank of the river Pivovarki engineer Prang opened the first Russian soda plant, who has been nearly half a century. More than a dozen varieties of beer produced three breweries, recommendations were made sausage and confectionery.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
"Barnaulka" - a special style coat of sheepskin black tsyeta developed in the Altai SI Gulyaev in 1869. During the Second World War Barnaul sheepskin Fur plant produced army coats At the same time in Barnaul in small, semi-artisan enterprises produced the famous fur coats - "Barnaulka" stiff competition surpassing the previously popular "Romanov" coats. High quality manufacture "barnaulok" allowed them to successfully exhibited and received awards at the most prestigious Russian and foreign exhibitions. Enjoyed great fame and Barnaul boots, essential in the harsh Siberian winters. They produce not only the usual black, but there were also white, pink, burgundy, and on request their tops decorated with intricate patterns of colored woolen threads. In Barnaul develop other production. In 1864 on the left bank of the river Pivovarki engineer Prang opened the first in Russia soda factory, he worked for about half a century. More than ten beers produced three breweries, produce sausages and pastries.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"Барнаулка" - police officers beat him the special style of garment production black цыета, designed the car with.And. Гуляевым in 1869, . The WSV, cellulose esters овчинно-шубныи plant produced army Shuba

at the same time in our daily life in small,Полукустарных enterprises issued the famous Shuba - "landscape is rather indented", in fiercely competitive потеснившие previously popular "they are now residents" activity, products, services.High-quality leather "барнаулок" has enabled them to successfully displayed and receive awards at the most prestigious Russian and foreign exhibitions. Enjoy great popularity and purposeful development editor,indispensable in a harsh Siberian winters. They were produced not only conventional black, but have been, and with white, pink, burgundy tiles and contemporary style furniture,At the request of the customer and their collar mounts затеиливыми suls of multi-colored woolen threads.
in Barnaul has progressed and other manufacturing.Even in the year 1864 on the left bank honeycombs Пивоварки engineer Prang was opened by the first Russian soda factory, completing less than approximately half a century. More than ten beers published three breweries plant,Delicate smoked meat and confectionery products.
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