1. Никто не знает, чем он занимается. 2. Он любит её, но она ему не ве перевод - 1. Никто не знает, чем он занимается. 2. Он любит её, но она ему не ве английский как сказать

1. Никто не знает, чем он занимаетс

1. Никто не знает, чем он занимается. 2. Он любит её, но она ему не верит. 3. Девочки обычно не любят математику. 4. Мой друг много курит и не хочет бросить курение (give up smoking). 5. Она обычно паркует машину во дворе. 6. — Сколько стоит этот цветок? — Он стоит сто рублей. 7. Эти дети делают замечательные игрушки. 8. — Вы откуда? — Мы из Испании. 9. — Чем ты зарабатываешь на жизнь? — Работаю в книжном магазине. 10. — В какое время обычно приходит почта? — Она приходит в 7 часов утра. 11. — Почему она всегда поздно приходит домой? — Она посещает клубы и затем спит до обеда. — А что об этом думают её родители? 12. Он никогда не жалуется. Он говорит, что когда он жалуется, то никто его не слушает. 13. — Что ты думаешь о нашем новом директоре? Он тебе нравится? — Не знаю, трудно сказать. 14. — Насколько хорошо вы знаете эти места? — Мы знаем их не очень хорошо. 15. Мужчины обычно любят читать газеты, но мой отец не любит. 16. Наш поезд уходит в пять часов дня. 17. Сериал начинается в 5 часов. Моя бабушка смотрит его с большим интересом. 18. Как только она входит в квартиру, она включает телевизор. Она говорит, что не может жить без него, так как он делает её счастливой. 19. Конечно, у меня есть секреты. У каждого есть несколько секретов. 20. Денис всегда рассказывает мне новости, и я люблю слушать их.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. No one knows what he does. 2. He loves her, but she does not believe him. 3. girls usually do not like math. 4. My friend smokes a lot and doesn't want to quit (give up smoking). 5. She usually Park your car in the courtyard. 6.-how much is this flower? Is It worth a hundred rubles. 7. These children make wonderful toys. 8.-where are you from? We are from Spain. 9.-What do you earn a living? -Work in a bookshop. 10.-what time usually comes mail? — It comes in 7:00 am. 11. Why is she always late coming home? -It visits clubs and then sleeps until noon. — And what her parents think about this? 12. He never complains. He said that when he complains that nobody listens to. 13. — What do you think about our new Director? It you like? "I don't know, it's hard to say. 14.-how well do you know these places? We know they are not very good. 15. Men usually like to read newspapers, but my father does not like. 16. Our train leaves at five o'clock in the afternoon. 17. The series begins in 5:00. My grandmother is watching it with great interest. 18. As soon as she enters the apartment, she has a tv. She says she can't live without him, because he makes her happy. 19. Of course, I have my secrets. Everyone has a few secrets. 20. Denis always tells me the news, and I love listening to them.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. No one knows what he does. 2. He loves her, but she does not believe him. 3. The girls usually do not like math. 4. My friend smokes a lot and does not want to quit smoking (give up smoking). 5. It usually park the car in the yard. 6. - How much is this flower? - It is worth a hundred rubles. 7. These children make wonderful toys. 8. - Where are you from? - We are from Spain. 9 - What do you do for a living? - I work in a bookstore. 10. - At what time usually comes mail? - It comes at 7am. 11 - Why is she always comes home late? - She visits the clubs and then sleep until dinner. - And what about her parents think? 12. He never complains. He said that when he complained that no one is listening. 13. - What do you think about our new director? You like him? - I do not know, hard to say. 14 - How well do you know this place? - We know they are not very good. 15. Men usually like to read the newspaper, but my father does not like. 16. Our train leaves at five o'clock in the afternoon. 17. The series begins in 5 hours. My grandmother watching it with great interest. 18. As soon as she enters the apartment, she turns on the TV. She says she can not live without it, because it makes her happy. 19. Of course, I have secrets. Everyone has a few secrets. 20. Denis always tells me the news, and I love to listen to them.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. no one knows what he"s doing. 2. he loves her, but she doesn"t believe him. 3. girls usually don"t like math. 4. my friend did not want to quit smoking (smoking and give up smoking). 5. she used to park a car in the yard. 6. - how much is this? - it"s worth a hundred roubles. 7. these children make great toys. 8. - where are you from? - we"re from spain. 9. - what do you do for a living? - i work in a bookstore. 10. - what time usually comes in the mail? - she comes in at 7 o"clock in the morning. 11. - why is she always comes home late? she visited the clubs and then sleeps until noon. - what about this think her parents? 12. he never complains. he said that when he complains that nobody listens. 13. - what do you think of our new headmaster? do you like him? - i don"t know, it"s hard to say. 14. - how well do you know this place? - we know them very well. 15. men usually like to read the newspaper, but my father doesn"t like. 16. our train leaves at five o"clock in the afternoon. 17. the show starts at five o"clock. my grandmother is watching with great interest. 18. once it is in place, it includes the tv. she says she can"t live without him, as he makes her happy. 19. of course i have a secret. everyone has a few secrets. 20. denis always tells me the news, and i love to listen to them.
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