1. Вы еще не говорили с директором? - Нет, говорил. А когда вы с ним г перевод - 1. Вы еще не говорили с директором? - Нет, говорил. А когда вы с ним г английский как сказать

1. Вы еще не говорили с директором?

1. Вы еще не говорили с директором? - Нет, говорил. А когда вы с ним говорили ?
2. Вы бывали когда-нибудь на Кавказе ? Да, я ездил туда дважды , когда был школьником .
3. В мае исполниться пять лет , как они женаты.
4. Что с ним? Он странно себя ведет последнее время .
5. Мы дружим с тех пор , как поступили в институт .
6. Я учусь в институте два с половиной года . А раньше я служил в армии .
7. Он окончил институт три года назад и с тех пор работает переводчиком .
8. Они прибыли в два часа ночи и все еще отдыхают .
9. Утро было солнечное , но с 11 часов погода изменилась и сейчас идет дождь .
10. Когда я пришел , она уже вернулась и сидела у камина .
11. Он все еще пишет курсовую работу ? Сколько же времени он ее пишет ?
12. Сколько времени продолжалась дискуссия до того , как председатель объявил перерыв ?
13. Профессор все еще экзаменовал студентов , когда я вошел в аудиторию .
14. Он спросил , что я буду делать в это время завтра .
15. Я думаю , что они не закончат строительство к Новому году.
16. Как сообщили по радио , эта знаменитая экспедиция работает в океане уже две недели .
17. Я не знал , когда отходит поезд , и позвонил в справочное бюро. Оказалось , что поезд ушел еще утром и уже подходит к Варшаве.
18. Управляющий сегодня вечером вылетает в Лондон. Мне нужно связаться с ним, пока он не уехал .
19. Он сказал , чтобы я позвонил ему , как только прибуду в аэропорт .

26.Лорд Уилкот сказал , что Роберт сильно изменился с тех пор, как приезжал в последний раз.
27. Ты все еще делаешь домашнее задание ? Ведь осталось пол часа до начала игры . Ничего, я думаю , что закончу все до того, как начнется передача.
28. Ты не знаешь , родители джека еще живы или умерли ? Отец умер, а мать жива. Когда же умер его отец ? Он умер за год до того, как Джек женился . А Джек, насколько я помню , женился в 1995 году . Значит отца нет в живых уже пять лет. От чего умер старик ? Говорят , он умер от разрыва сердца .
29. Я не знал, что твоя бабушка в больнице . Давно она там ? Ее отвезли в больницу два дня назад . А сколько времени она болела до того, как ее отправили в больницу ? Она очень долго страдала от головной боли , но говорила , что чувствует себя хорошо, и не хотела , чтобы ее клали в больницу . Но вот позавчера у нее был сердечный приступ , и мы вызвали врача. Врач предложил отправить ее в больницу. Он сказал что ей будет хуже,если он останется дома .
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. you haven't talked with the Director? -No, said. But when you talked to him? 2. have you ever visited the Caucasus? Yes, I went there twice when I was a schoolboy. 3. may be at least five years, as they are married. 4. What's with him? He behaves strangely recently. 5. We are friends since came to the Institute. 6. I am a student at the Institute for two and a half years. And I served in the army. 7. He graduated from the Institute three years ago and has since worked as a translator. 8. They arrived at two o'clock in the morning and still rest. 9. Morning was sunny, but with 11:0 the weather changed and now it's raining. 10. When I arrived, she had already returned and sat by the fireplace. 11. He still wrote a term paper? How much time he writes? 12. how long lasted the discussion before the President suspended? 13. Professor èkzamenoval still students when I walked into the audience. 14. He asked what I'll be doing at this time tomorrow. 15. I think they have finished construction of the new year. 16. As reported on the radio, this famous expedition working in the ocean for two weeks already. 17. I don't know when the train departs, and called the help desk. It turned out that morning and poezd ushel already fits to Warsaw.18. Managing tonight flies to London. I need to contact him until he left. 19. He said, so I called him as soon as you arrive at the airport. 26. Lord Uilkot said that Robert has changed a lot since he came for the last time. 27. you're still doing your homework? After all, left half an hour before the game. Nothing, I think, that all will end before transmission to begin.28. you don't know Jack's parents are still alive or dead? His father died, and his mother is alive. When his father died? He died a year before Jack got married. And Jack, as I recall, married in 1995 year. Means of the father is not alive for five years. What died an old man? They say he died from a ruptured heart. 29. I didn't know that your grandmother in the hospital. Long ago she there? It was taken to hospital two days ago. And how long she was ill before she was sent to the hospital? She is very long suffered from headaches, but said, that feels good, and didn't want to put her in the hospital. But here the day before yesterday she had a heart attack, and we called a doctor. The doctor offered to send her to the hospital. He said that it would be worse if he stays at home.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. You have not talked with the director? - No, I said. And when you talk to him?
2. Have you ever been in the Caucasus? Yes, I went there twice, when he was a schoolboy.
3. In May, five years old, they are married.
4. What about him? He's acting weird lately.
5. We've been friends ever since, both went to college.
6. I am studying at the institute for two and a half years. And before that I was in the army.
7. He graduated three years ago and has since worked as a translator.
8. They arrived at two in the morning and still rest.
9. The morning was sunny, but from 11 o'clock the weather had changed and now there is rain.
10. When I arrived, she had already returned and was sitting by the fire.
11. He still writes a term paper? How much time he wrote it?
12. How long to continue the discussion before the Chairman adjourned the trial?
13. Professor examiner still students, when I walked into the audience.
14. He asked me what I'll be doing at this time tomorrow.
15. I think that they did not finish construction of the New Year.
16. According to the radio, this famous expedition working in the ocean for two weeks.
17. I do not know when the train departs, and called the help desk. It turned out that the train has left this morning and is now coming to Warsaw.
18. Managing tonight flies to London. I need to contact him before he left.
19. He told me to call him as soon as arrive at the airport. 26.Lord Uilkot said that Robert has changed a lot since the last time came. 27. Are you still doing your homework? After half an hour left before the game. Nothing, I think, that all will end before the transfer will begin. 28. You do not know Jack's parents are still alive or dead? My father died and her mother is still alive. When his father died? He died a year before Jack married. And Jack, as I recall, got married in 1995. So the father is dead for five years. From what the old man died? They say he died of a broken heart. 29. I do not know what your grandmother in the hospital. For a long time she was there? She was taken to hospital two days ago. And how much time she was sick before she was sent to the hospital? It is a long time suffered from headaches, but says he feels good and does not want to be put in the hospital. But the day before she had a heart attack, and we called the doctor. The doctor offered to send her to the hospital. He said that it would be worse if he stays at home.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. You have not spoken with the director? - No, said. And when you have ?
2. Do you remember ever in the Caucasus? Yes, I went there twice , when a flagon.
3. In may deliver five years , as they are married.
4. That with him?It was strange the leads the last time .
5. We've since then, as had been reported in the institute.
6. I'm at the institute of two and a half years. And now I have served in the army.
7.He graduated from the institute three years ago, and since the interpreter is running.
8. They had arrived in the early hours of the morning and all the rest.
9. Morning was sun , but with 11 hours the weather has changed, and now it is raining.
10. When I came ,It has already returned and sat in front of the fireplace.
11. He is still writing coursework ? Also, how many time it writes?
12. How much time discussion continued up to the fact, as the President announced break ?
13.Professor still seamanship students, when I am logged on in the audience.
14. He asked, what I have to do in this time tomorrow.
15. I think, that they do not finish their construction to the new year.
16. As reported on the radio ,This famous expedition is in the ocean is already two weeks .
17. I did not know , train , and telephoned the reference bureau. It turned out that the train has passed yet this morning and already suitable to Warsaw.
18.Control this evening flight to London. I need to contact him, as long as it is not left.
19. He said, so I told him, as soon as I will arrive at the airport. Lord 26.Lord Уилкот said ,That Robert has changed a lot since then, as well as visited the last time.
27. Are you still doing homework ? We left half an hour before the game. Nothing, I think, that finished all before it starts sending.
28.You don't know, jack's parents are still alive or dead? The father had died, and the mother is alive. When he died his father ? He died the year before, as well as Jack got married. And jack, as far as I remember, was married in 1995. It is father is not alive is already five years old.The old man had died? It is said that he had died from an open heart.
29. I did not know that your grandmother in the hospital. Long ago it was there? It was taken to a hospital two days ago. And how much time it airs before, as it was sent to a hospital ?She is a very long suffered from the headache, but she had said, that feels good, and do not like, so that the movable pieces to the hospital. But that is the day before it had had a heart attack, and we have a doctor.The doctor suggested to send her to the hospital. He said that it would be worse,if he will stay in the house.
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