1) -Если бы ты тогда собрался духом и сделал ей предложение, сто проти перевод - 1) -Если бы ты тогда собрался духом и сделал ей предложение, сто проти английский как сказать

1) -Если бы ты тогда собрался духом

1) -Если бы ты тогда собрался духом и сделал ей предложение, сто против одного, что она бы согласилась. И сейчас тебе бы не пришлось искать дружбы твоего самодовольного начальника!
-Тогда бы мне пришлось заискивать перед собственной женой, которая бы постоянно затевала ссоры, глумилась надо мной! Я бы не смог примириться с этим! Я лучше буду подчиняться начальнику!
2) -Должно быть, она сейчас в затруднении, так как раньше она считала его подходящим мужем, но после того, как она увидела, как он задирает нос, она поняла, что это была всего лишь иллюзия.
-Я думаю, что она сможет взять себя в руки и не будет поддаваться унынию, так как у неё есть голова на плечах.
3) -Несмотря на свою собачью жизнь, она никогда не бросала упрёков в лицо мужу, старалась быть экономной и не тратить денег на всякую всячину. Но она поняла, что может рассчитывать только на себя, поэтому принялась искать работу.
-И он считал само собой разумеющимся то, что его жена зарабатывает на жизнь?
4) -Если бы её муж отличился на работе, она бы перестала затевать скандалы дома! Просто её душа восстаёт против необходимости быть бережливой.
-Я бы на твоём месте не приписывала её дурной характер его ошибкам. Он очень усердный работник, у него есть голова на плечах, поэтому он наверняка сможет добиться успеха.
5) Она была бледной как полотно, её лицо было обезумевшим от ужаса, который её охватил, когда она увидела своего мужа, которого считала умершим. А он стоял и манил её за собой, и на его лице играла едва заметная улыбка. От страха она потеряла сознание, а когда она пришла в себя, то увидела рядом с собой брата. Она попыталась рассказать ему обо всём, но его голос был
6) недоверчивым, когда он задавал ей вопросы. Она поняла, что он не верит, что такое могло произойти, и считает, что это был всего лишь обман зрения.
7) Я хочу, чтобы ты, несмотря на шок, вёл себя как ни в чём ни бывало в этой ситуации. Если ты возьмёшься заискивать перед ней, она поймёт, что что-то не так, и затеет скандал. И ни в коем случае не говори правду ей в лицо прежде, чем ты найдёшь ей подходящую замену!
8) Он рассказывал ей шёпотом о своих приключениях, а она слушала затаив дыхание его самодовольный голос. Она осознавала, что он важничает перед ней, но считала это само собой разумеющимся, ведь он был такой умный и опытный! Она забыла о своём недавнем унынии и мечтала о том, чтобы он поцеловал её и сделал ей предложение.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1)-If you had then met the spirit and made it a hundred to one that it would be accepted. And now you wouldn't have had to look for thy friendship smugly superior!-Then I had to curry favor with his own wife, who would constantly were caused quarrels, glumilas′ me! I would not be able to come to terms with this! I'd rather be subject to the Chief! 2)-she must have now in difficulty, since before she considered it a suitable husband, but once she saw how he lifts the nose, she realized it was just an illusion.-I think that it will be able to pull yourself together and will not give in to discouragement, because she has a head on his shoulders. 3)-despite their dog life, she never reproach be cast in person, my husband tried to be efficient and do not waste money on all sorts of things. But she realized that she could count only on themselves, so started looking for a job. And he thought it was self-evident that his wife makes a living? 4)-if her husband was at work, she would have stopped venturing scandals at home! Just her soul stand up against the need to exercise prudence. -I'd be on your site not attributed her bad character of his errors. He is a very diligent worker, he has a head on his shoulders, and he surely will succeed.5) she was pale as a sheet, her face was crazed from the horror that engulfed her, when she saw her husband, who is believed dead. And he stood and attracted her for himself, and his face was barely noticeable smile. From fear she passed out and when she regained consciousness, she saw next to a brother. She tried to tell him everything, but his voice was 6) incredulous when he was asking her questions. She realized that he does not believe that this could happen, and believed that it was just a illusion. 7) I want you to, despite the shock, behaved as anything nor did in this situation. If you're voz′mëš′sâ to curry favor with her, she realizes that something is wrong, and the zateet scandal. And never tell the truth in her face before you can find a suitable replacement!8) He told her in a whisper about their adventures, and she listened with bated breath his stuck-up voice. She understood that he puts before her, but considered it a matter of course, because he was so smart and experienced! She forgot about her recent depression and dreamed that he kissed her and proposed to her.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) -If you are then going to the spirit and made ​​her an offer, a hundred to one that she would agree. And now, you would not have to seek the friendship of your smug Chief!
-Then I had to curry favor with his own wife, who would constantly meddle, sneered at me! I could not come to terms with it! I would rather obey the boss!
2) -Must have it now in a quandary, as earlier she considered it a suitable husband, but after she saw him putting on airs, she realized that it was just an illusion.
- I think she would be able to pull myself together and will not give in to discouragement, because she has a head on his shoulders.
3) -Despite on your dog's life, she never threw accusations at her husband's face, trying to be economical and not to spend money on all sorts of things. But she realized that she can count only on themselves, so started looking for work.
-And he took it for granted that his wife earns a living?
4) -If her husband excelled at work, she would have stopped venturing scandals at home! Just her soul rebels against the need to be thrifty.
-I would be in your place is not attributed her bad temper his mistakes. He is a very hard worker, he has a head on his shoulders, so he must be able to succeed.
5) She was pale as a sheet, her face was crazed with terror that gripped her when she saw her husband, who was presumed dead. And he stood and beckoned her behind him, and his face was playing a faint smile. From fear, she lost consciousness and when she regained consciousness, she saw beside her brother. She tried to tell him everything, but his voice was
6) incredulous when he asked her questions. She realized that he did not believe that this could happen, and believes that it was just an optical illusion.
7) I want you to, despite the shock, behaved as if nothing had happened in this situation. If Will you take to curry favor with her, she realizes that something is wrong and zateet scandal. And in any case, do not tell the truth in her face before you find her a suitable replacement!
8) He told her about his adventures in a whisper, and she listened with bated breath his smug voice. She was aware that he puts on airs in front of her, but considered it a matter of course, because he was so smart and experienced! She forgot about her recent gloom and dreamed that he kissed her and made ​​her an offer.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(1) -If you then met the spirit and made it to the proposal, one-hundred-and-one against, that it would be agreed. And now you would not have had to seek thy friendship complacent chief!
-Then i would have had bones before his own wife, which would be continuously затевала quarrel, Apostle Paul himself obligates me! I would not have been able to come to terms with that! I better i should be subject to the chief!
2) -must be,It is now in difficulty, as previously, it considered it an appropriate husband, but after she saw, as he is stuck-up, she knew that it was merely an illusion.
-I thinkThat it will be able to commit themselves in the hands and will not succumb to unreserved support, as it has a head on his shoulders.
3) -In spite of its' bristles life, it has never threw reproach in person her husband,Tried to be thrifty and not spend money on sundry items at value prices. But she knew that could count only on themselves, so the blast furnace went > work.
-AND he felt it for granted that,That his wife earns a life?
4) -if her husband doy at work, it would be no longer sequel scandals at home! Simply its soul agitated over the need to be many believe that character can.
-I would be thy place is not attributed ill intentions its bad character of his errors. He was a very industrious worker, he has a head on his shoulders, so he will certainly be able to achieve success.
5) it was pale as a canvas,Her face was however of the terror, which it has spread, when she saw her husband, which considered dead. And he stood and манил it for a, and his face has played a barely noticeable smile. From the fear of it has lost consciousness,And when she came in the way that she saw next to a brother. She tried to tell him all the details, but his voice was
6) I knew, when he asked her questions. She knew that he did not believe that this could happen,And believed that this was only a deception of view.
(7) I want you to, in spite of the shock, as well as acted in a nor in any case in this situation. If you're down comes bones before it, it will realize that that is not the case, and engages a scandal.And in no case did not tell the truth to it in person before you'll find it a suitable replacement!
8) he told her whisper on their adventures, and she listened with bated breath his satisfaction as voice. It glorify,That he важничает before it, but also felt that for granted, because he was such a smart and experienced! She has forgotten about his recent blues and dream come true, that he wasn't kiss it and made it to the proposal.

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