Результаты (
английский) 3:
Когда села тихое и Гусиное Великоберезнянского района укрылись ... оранжевым снегом. Впрочем, "веселеньким" снежком, выпавшим в Альпах, любовались и жители Швейцарии, Лихтенштейна, Германии. Тогда было установлено,Orange rain over Ukraine - the effects on dust storms in the Sahara desert or release into the atmosphere chemicals?
Maria Vasyl "facts"
today for the inhabitants of multiple regions of the country, including metropolitan,One of the main topics of discussion - the color (Color varied from red-brown to a pale yellow) rain, the past on Monday and Tuesday. Views on the origin of their divided ...
As described "facts" in the center propaganda PG EMERCOM of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region, precipitation yellow fall on the territory farms, Перечинского, Береговского and Раховского areas.Local environmentalists most likely consider two versions occurred. First linked with the accident at the factory for production of cement in the city Bahia-Борша in the north-west of Romania.The atmosphere was thrown into a large number of cement dust. In favor of this version is Rosa winds in the 18 April, and the fact that blond rains also over Slovakia and Hungary. As is well known,An accident at the Romanian enterprises are often affect the environmental situation in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. For example,Can also wander the Tisza - the main water artery news.
the second version закарпатцев - "north-African", associated with the ability to intercontinental transport air masses. All recall winter 2004,On 4 September 2004, from the accident at the underground tube for transporting slag on the gold mining coal mine "Bahia-Борша" occurred release of heavy metals in my orphaned Цисла,When the village quiet and Benoã®t Mandelbrot Великоберезнянского area took refuge ... orange snow. However, the "веселеньким" snowballs, endured in the Alps, and the inhabitants were captivated Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany. At that time it was installed,That in Europe by air took me ... sand from the desert in North Africa or Saudi Arabia.
tend to "Arabian" version and aborigines, also corroborated an unusual natural phenomenon. But to know this exactly,According to the chief of Sheremetyevo II urban management EMERCOM Miroslav Сагаидака,Is not related to whether red-brown rain with spills chemicals on atomic station. However, staff information center CEAO categorically stated that the station is operating in the normal mode, and no emissions,It will only be possible after two to three months after the end of the necessary analyzes to ... Tashkent (Uzbekistan) - only there is a corresponding laboratory.
the Zaporizhia region is very experienced on Monday,That could lead to the fall color rainfall, has not been.
in Dnepropetrovsk oblast in the Rufous color signalled at home and trees in the provincial center, Ternovka, work stably, Ordzhonikidze,And Солонянском Синельниковском areas. Everywhere, where found strange precipitation, immediately were deployed laboratory radiological control region were barred.As reported by собкору "facts" Natalia growth head of radiological division region SER Vadim length, the level of radiation in the locations of the light blond hair spots within a fault - 8-12 milliroentgens)) at one in an hour.Санэпидемстанция is exploring a number version HR, including dust storm in the Sahara desert.
the Russians as the rainy season there is a special light blond view. According to a web site Stalinist terror. com,The color rain shone in Кантемировском and Kalacheyevskiye areas area. According to specialists, the risks to the health of people and animals have endured precipitation do not represent. And here are the residents NSU,At the beginning of the week in the village tradition Voronezh area in the factory for production of ochre (natural pigment-based inks for manufacturing of paint, containing in itself hydroxide iron particles and clay) resulted in the release,Will have to place our trust in their approval of the absolute security strange precipitation?
Also affected by unusual rain, argue that the remaining gaudy spots not seawater with clothing (especially leather) .
seems to be, to a single view domestic specialists have not yet come.
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