мама возражает против того, что поднимаю шум в доме. я не могу не сказать вам этого. Его обвинили в том, что он украл деньги. Она не одобряла того, что он курит. он бросил играть в шахматы. дети боялись заблудиться в лесу
mom objected to that pick up the noise in the House. I can't tell you that.He was charged that he stole the money.She does not approve of what he smokes. He threw to play chess.children were afraid of getting lost in the Woods
Mom objected to the fact that making such a noise in the house. I can not tell you that. He was charged that he had stolen the money. She did not approve of the fact that he smokes. He stopped playing chess. Children were afraid of getting lost in the woods