1. Она попросила, чтобы секретарь напечатала необходимые бумаги как мо перевод - 1. Она попросила, чтобы секретарь напечатала необходимые бумаги как мо английский как сказать

1. Она попросила, чтобы секретарь н

1. Она попросила, чтобы секретарь напечатала необходимые бумаги как можно скорее. 2. Пассажиры
требовали, чтобы водитель немедленно остановил автобус. 3. Жаль, что вы этого не знаете. Вы вели бы себя иначе. 4. Преподаватель предложил, чтобы студенты выбрали книги для индивидуального чтения сами. 5 Если бы вы не поссорились со своим другом, вы могли бы обратиться к нему. Вполне вероятно, что он бы помог вам. 6. Жаль, что она не исправила ошибки. Она сделала бы это, если бы вы вернули ей работу вовремя 7. Девушка была расстроена; лучше бы она никогда не приезжала в этот город. 8. Он требовал, чтобы его впустили в дом, как будто у него на это былоправо. 9. Жаль, что его нет с нами. Он бы знал, что де-
лать в таких случаях. 10. Давно пора предупредить]
его. Он ведет себя как ребенок. 11. Мне жаль, что вы
перебили его во время выступления. Если бы не это,
он бы на вас так не рассердился. 12. Очень важно, что-
бы вы приняли решение немедленно. 13. Мать настаи-
вала, чтобы сын сказал ей всю правду. 14. Не может
быть, чтобы они потеряли мой адрес; я бы не получала
от них писем. 15. Хорошо, что вы промолчали. Он бы
не понял вас. 16. Не имей я опыта, я никогда бы не
взялся за эту работу. 17. Губы у девушки задрожали,
как будто она собиралась заплакать.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. She asked the Secretary published the necessary documents as soon as possible. 2. passengersdemanded that the driver immediately stopped the bus. 3. It's a pity that you don't know. You would behave differently. 4. The teacher suggested that students chose books for individual reading yourself. 5 If you are not at odds with his friend, you could refer to it. It is likely that he would have helped you. 6. It's a pity that she is not corrected the error. She would have done this if you returned it to work on time 7. The girl was upset; would be better if she had never come to this city. 8. He demanded that his admitted in the House, as if he is a bylopravo. 9. It's a pity that he is not with us. He knew that de-to be done in such cases. 10. It's time to alert]his. It behaves like a child. 11. I wish youinterrupted him during performances. If not for this,He'd be on you so angry. 12. It is very important that-would you have made the decision immediately. 13. Mother-nastaithe shaft that the son told her the whole truth. 14.be that they lost my address; I would not have receivedletters from them. 15. It's good that you did not reply. He'dhas not understood you. 16. I do not have experience, I would never havetook up this work. 17. the girl's lips began to tremble,as if she was going to cry.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. It is requested that the secretary typed the necessary papers as soon as possible. 2. Passengers
demanded that the driver immediately stopped the bus. 3. It is a pity that you do not know. You would have behaved differently. 4. The teacher suggested that students choose a book for individual reading themselves. 5 If you have not had a fight with your friend, you could refer to it. It is likely that he would have helped you. 6. It is a pity that it does not correct the error. She would have done it if you had returned to her work on time 7. The girl was upset; It would be better if she had never come to this city. 8. He demanded to be let into the house, as if he is on bylopravo. 9. It is a pity that he is not with us. He would know, What should I
lat in such cases. 10. It is time to warn]
it. It behaves like a child. 11. I'm sorry that you
killed him during a speech. If not for that,
he would not have so angry. 12. It is very important that
you made a decision immediately. 13. Mother insist
shaft to son told her the truth. 14. It can not
be that they have lost my address; I have not received any
letters from them. 15. It is good that you are silent. He would
not understand you. 16. I Do not have the experience, I would never have
undertaken this work. 17. The lips of the girl began to tremble,
as if she were about to cry.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. she requested that the secretary general had published papers as soon as possible. 2. passengersdemanded that the driver immediately stopped the bus. 3. sorry, you do not know. you would behave differently. 4. the teacher suggested that the students chose a book for your reading. 5 if you don"t fight with your friend, you can refer to it. it is likely that he would have helped you. 6. i wish she wouldn"t fix mistakes. she would do it, if you give her a job on time 7. the girl was sad; i wish she would never come to this town. 8. he wanted to let him in the house, as if he"s былоправо. 9. sorry, he"s not with us. he would have known that depeople in such cases. 10. it"s time to warn]his. he behaves like a child. 11. i"m sorry youkilled him during the performance. if not for thathe would have you do not get angry. 12. it is very important that -if you make the decision immediately. 13. mother настаи -berm to son told her the truth. 14. can"tbe that they have lost my address, i would have not receivedfrom these letters. 15. well, you did not reply. he woulddon"t understand you. 16. i don"t have the experience, i would nevertake this job. 17. girl"s lips started to shake.as if she were going to cry.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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