Добрый день! нашла у вас ошибку, советую исправить следующее: Жданов, Донецкая область - ныне город Мариуполь. Хороший сайт, прошу прощение за беспокойство.
That's usually no problem,! you have found an error, try the following fix: Zhdanov, Donetsk area-now the town of Mariupol.Good site, I apologize for the anxiety.
Hello! you found a mistake, I advise you to correct the following: Zhdanov, Donetsk region - now the city of Mariupol. Good site, asking forgiveness for his trouble.
Good day! found you an error, something like fix the following: repressions, Donetsk region - the city birthday. this is a good site, i ask forgiveness for the concern.