Так трудно было сказать два слова. Света мы расстаемся. Лучше молчать. перевод - Так трудно было сказать два слова. Света мы расстаемся. Лучше молчать. английский как сказать

Так трудно было сказать два слова.

Так трудно было сказать два слова. Света мы расстаемся. Лучше молчать. И писать что ты занят, ты спишь........Это очень красивый поступок с твоей стороны. Я все эти дни просто смотрела и не могла поверить, что это ты так поступаешь. Тот Али которого я знала, воспитаный и добрый. Мне тяжело в это поверить, что ты даже не нашел даже предложения для меня. Никогда так не поступай в будущем, потому что ты делаешь людям больно, лучше сказать. чем так поступать. Я ведь все понимаю. Всю ситуацию. Ты смотришь только себя, так нельзя поступать. Я разочарована очень. Я ждала каждый день, каждый час. Хоть что-нибудь от тебя. Это человек который неделю признавался в любви, так поступает. Ты меня никогда не любил, а преследовал сои цели. Люди сражаются за свои отношения, если они дороги, встречаются годами, потому что боятся потерять друг друга. Ты посчитал что это очень сложно. Я ждала я правда думала ты приедешь в Минск. И если бы ты хотел я думаю ты бы приехал и в Новый год. Ты не сделал не одного серьезного шага. Ты просто писал в интернете,и ждал пока я приеду. Когда я первый раз прилетела из Турции. Я сказала все моему отцу. Он сказал: Света если этот человек по настоящему тебя любит и ты ему дорога он прилетит сюда, если он будет сидеть и ждать там и думать что все очень сложно. В этих отношениях будет стоять точка. Это правда. Время показало. Не прошло и года. Все это время я только и слышала что хочет Али. Обидно. Мне очень обидно. Теперь я даже не знаю что ты за человек и что за маска все это время была на тебе. Я видела твою ненависть ко мне иногда, когда я была в Анкаре. Мое мнение, что ты меня никогда не любил. Ты просто что-то хотел.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
So it was hard to say two words. Light we leave. Better to remain silent. And you're busy writing, you sleep ........ This is a very beautiful act on your part. All these days I just looked and could not believewhat are you doing this. Ali that I knew, nurturing and kind. Hard for me to believe that you can not even find even suggestions for me. Never done in the future, because you do hurt people,better to say. than to do so. I did understand. The whole situation. You look just yourself, you can not do that. I am very disappointed. I waited every day, every hour. Anything from you.This week, the man who confessed his love, so arrives. You never loved me, and pursued the goal of soybeans. People are fighting for their relationship, if they are expensive, there are years,because they are afraid of losing each other. Have you considered that it is very difficult. I waited, I really thought you were coming to Minsk. And if you wanted to, I think you would come in the New Year. You did not single serious step.You just wrote on the Internet, and waited until I arrive. When I first arrived from Turkey. I told everything to my father. He said: Light if this man really loves you and you are dear to him, he arrives here,if he will sit there and wait and think that everything is very difficult. In these respects will stand point. It's true. Time has shown. Less than a year. All this time I've only heard that Ali wants. It's a shame. I am very hurt.Now I do not even know what kind of person and what kind of mask all this time was for you. I saw your hatred for me sometimes when I was in Ankara. My opinion is that you never loved me. You just wanted something.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
So it was difficult to say two words. The light we are breaking up. It is better to remain silent. And write that you're busy, you sleep ... ...This is a very nice thing to do is on your side. These days, I just looked and couldn't believe It's you so join. The Ali whom I knew, mannerly and kind. It is hard for me to believe that you're not even found even suggestions for me. Never do in the future, because you're doing people hurt, better to say. than to do so. I understand it all. The whole situation. You look only to themselves, so you cannot do. I was disappointed really. I waited every day, every hour. Anything from you. This is the man that week was in love. I never liked, and pursued the soybeans. People fight for their relationship, if they are over the road, because they are afraid to lose each other. Have you found that it's very difficult. I've been waiting for I really thought you arrive in Minsk. And if you like I think you would have come in the new year. You have not made a serious step. You just wrote on the Internet, and waited until I arrive. When I first arrived from Turkey. I told all of my father. He said: the world if this person truly loves you and you're the road he will arrive here If he will sit and wait there and think that everything is very difficult. In these respects, will be preceded by a period. It's the truth. Time has shown. Less than a year. All this time I just heard he wants to Ali. A Shame. I am very upset. Now I don't even know what kind of person you are and that all this time the mask was on you. I saw your hatred for me sometimes when I was in Ankara. My opinion is that I never liked. You're just what I wanted.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
So it was difficult to say two words. We are your dreams. Better to remain silent. And write that you're busy, you pile ...... this is a very beautiful deed with your hand. I have all of these days simply glared and could not believeThat you are so kill him. The Ali whom I knew, воспитаныи and I am very happy. I seriously believe this, that you are not even found even proposals for me. There has never been so ordain I in the future, because what you are doing people hurt,It is best to say. than do so. I am not all understand. The entire situation. Do you like watching only themselves, so you cannot do. I was disappointed at a very. I waited for a day, every day, every hour. Will it make any difference to you.This is people who a week recognized in love, so is supplied. I have never loved, and had actually been soi objective. People are fighting for their relationship, if they roads, there are years,Because the are afraid of losing each other. I thought that this is a very difficult. I was waiting i thought I was you government understands what serious problems in Belarus. And if you would like i think you would come and in the new year. You have not made a single serious step.You're just wrote on the internet,and waited until I come back. When the first time I pricked from Turkey. I said all my father. He said the following: light if the people on the present thee loves and you told him the road the visit here,If he would sit and wait for there and to think that all is very difficult. In these respects will stand point. This is the truth. The time showed. Has not passed and the year. All this time, I only heard about that and wants to Ali. Annoying. I have a very annoying.Now I do not even know that you are the people and that the mask all the time, it was on you. I have seen thy hatred to me sometimes, when I was in Ankara. In my view, that you've never loved. You're just that I would like.
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