38. Я никогда в жизни не чувствовал себя так хорошо, как тогда. 39. Завтра я уезжаю за город на две недели. 40. После второго завтрака я обычно занимаюсь в библиотеке часа два. 41. Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги сзади. 42. Я дам вам знать, какие меры я приму. 43. Погода в тот день была мрачная. Холодный ветер, дувший с утра, прекратился, но дождь все еще моросил. 44. Едва я успел попрощаться с ними, как поезд тронулся. 45. Перед войной она преподавала географию в течение недолгого времени. 46. Анна сложила свои вещи и ждала такси. 47. Я велю ему принести ключ, когда он осмотрит дом. 48. Мы ехали около часа и потом увидели небольшое озеро. 49. Мы ехали часа два, когда, наконец, мы увидели озеро. 50. Я бродил по лесу около часа, когда увидел маленький домик. Так как я никогда не бывал в этих местах, то я не знал, кто в нем живет. Дом стоял среди деревьев, и тропинка, по которой я шел, вела к нему.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
38. I have never in my life felt so good as it was then. 39. Tomorrow I leave for the city for two weeks. 40. after the second breakfast I usually go in for two hours in the library. 41. No sooner had I reached up to corner as I heard someone steps behind. 42. I will let you know what action I will take. 43. the weather that day was bleak. The cold wind this elevation, wind in the morning, stopped, but still it was drizzling rain. 44. I Barely had time to say goodbye to them as the train moved on. 45. Before the war, she taught geography for a short time. 46. Anna put their belongings and waited for a taxi. 47. I'll order him to bring the key, where he will examine the House. 48. We drove about an hour and then saw a small lake. 49. We drove two hours, when finally we saw a lake. 50. I wandered through the forest for about an hour, when I saw the little house. Since I had never been to these places, then I don't know who lives in it. The House stood among the trees and the path I walked, led to him.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
38. I've never felt as good as it was then. 39. Tomorrow, I'm going out of town for two weeks. 40. After the second breakfast I usually do in the library for two hours. 41. Before I get to the corner, he heard footsteps behind. 42. I'll let you know what steps I take. 43. Weather that day was gloomy. The cold wind blowing in the morning, had stopped, but the rain was still drizzling. 44. As soon as I had time to say goodbye to them, as the train began to move. 45. Before the war, she taught geography for a short time. 46. Anna folded his things and waited for a taxi. 47. I tell him to bring the key, he will inspect the house. 48. We drove for about an hour and then saw a small lake. 49. We drove two hours when finally we saw a lake. 50. I wandered through the woods for about an hour, when I saw a little house. Since I had never been to these places, I do not know who lives in it. The house stood among the trees, and the path along which I walked led to it.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
38. i"ve never in my life felt so good as well. 39. tomorrow i"m going out of town for two weeks. 40. after the breakfast, i usually do in the library for two hours. 41. before i come to the corner, i heard somebody walking behind us. 42. i"ll let you know what action i take. 43. the weather that day was dark. the cold wind, дувший in the morning, the rain stopped, but still моросил. 44. when i get a chance to say goodbye to them, as the train left. 45. before the war, she taught geography for a brief time. 46. anna put my stuff and was waiting for a taxi. 47. i tell him to bring the key, when he look at the house. 48. we drove around for an hour and then saw a small lake. 49. we were two hours when, finally, we saw the lake. 50. i was wandering through the woods about an hour, when i saw a little house. since i have never been to those places, i don"t know, who lives in it. the house stood among the trees, and the path by which i went was to him.
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