Владивосток расположен на Дальнем Востоке. 7. Вчера мы были в театре. 8. Позавчера мы были в парке. 9. Завтра мы пойдем в кино или в музей. 10. Где твой брат? -- Он в комнате, стоит у окна
Vladivostok is situated on the far East. 7. Yesterday, we were in the theater. 8.Yesterday we were in the Park. 9. Tomorrow we'll go to the movies or a museum. 10. Whereyour brother? -He's in the room, stands at the window
Vladivostok is located in the Far East. 7. Yesterday we were at the theater. 8. The day before yesterday we were in the park. 9. Tomorrow we go to the movies or a museum. 10. Where is your brother? - He's in the room, standing at the window
if the subject, while steptraining with BWST, could not generate the appropriatelimb and trunk kinematics associated with locomotion,manual assistance was provided.