1. Я уже долго работал, когда пришел мой брат.
2. Его сестра жила там два года, когда началась война.
3. Он сумел понять фильм, потому что много лет занимался французским.
4. Он мыл машину около часа, когда понял, что это не его машина.
5. В доме замечательно пахло. Мама пекла пироги с утра.
6. Люди прождали час, прежде чем пришел автобус.
7. Дождь шел уже два часа, когда я вышел из дома. 8. Она выглядела очень усталой. Она целый день убирала квартиру.
9. к семи часам я закончу эту работу и смогу отдохнуть.
10. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, как мы придем на вокзал.
11. К тому времени, как вы вернетесь, я уже уеду. 12. Надеюсь, что я найду работу к концу года.
13. Завтра к этому времени мы уже пообедаем.
14. я напишу свое сочинение к трем часам.
15. К концу года мы будем жить в Москве уже двадцать лет.
16. Когда приедет полиция, Эрик уже три часа будет ехать в Техас.
17. к тому времени как дети вернутся из школы, их мама уже несколько часов будет работать в саду.
1 8. В июле будет год, как я здесь живу.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I have long worked when my brother came. 2. his sister lived there for two years when the war began. 3. He managed to understand the film because many years in French. 4. He was washing the car for about an hour, when I realized that it's not his car. 5. The House smelled wonderful. Mom baked pies in the morning. 6. people waited an hour before the bus came.7. Rained for two hours when I went out of the House. 8. She looked very tired. She cleaned up the whole day. 9. to seven o'clock I finish this job and be able to relax. 10. train already leave by the time we come to the station. 11. By the time you come back, I'm already leave. 12. Hope I find a job by the end of the year. 13. by this time Tomorrow we have lunch. 14. I will write your essay to three hours. 15. By the end of the year, we'll live in Moscow for twenty years. 16. When the police arrive, Eric already three hours will go to Texas. 17. by the time the children return from school, their mother a few hours will work in the garden.1 8. In July, will be a year since I live here.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. I have worked for a long time, when he came to my brother.
2. His sister lived there for two years, when the war started.
3. He was able to understand the movie, because a lot of years in French.
4. He washed the car for about an hour, when he realized that it was not his car.
5. The house smelled wonderful. My mother used to bake cakes in the morning.
6. People waited for an hour before the bus arrived.
7. Rain walked for two hours, when I left the house. 8. She looked very tired. She cleaned the apartment all day.
9. seven o'clock I finish this job and I can relax.
10. The train is already gone by the time we arrive at the station.
11. By the time you get back, I'll go. 12. I hope that I will find work by the end of the year.
13. By this time tomorrow we will have lunch.
14. I write my essay for three hours.
15. By the end of the year we will live for twenty years in Moscow.
16. When the police arrive, Erik for three hours will go to Texas.
17. by the time the children return from school, their mom has a few hours to work in the garden.
1 8. In July, will be a year since I live here.
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