И кстати, все это некстатиИх роман дело рук какого-то писакиИ самый лу перевод - И кстати, все это некстатиИх роман дело рук какого-то писакиИ самый лу английский как сказать

И кстати, все это некстатиИх роман

И кстати, все это некстати
Их роман дело рук какого-то писаки
И самый лучший сценарий при данных обстоятельствах
Но это их style, из крайности в крайность.

И что ни говори они правда не пара
Но это их не парит, это их право
Ей наплевать на брата, ему наплевать на правила
Их свела с ума любовь без памяти.

Любовь без памяти против целого мира
Мира интриг и непонятных игр
Любовь под грифом совершенно секретно
Без грима, без спецэффектов, без фейка.

Просто наслаждаясь каждым моментом
Сдаться добровольно в плен и болеть этим
Вспышки страсти
Этот неистовый свет слепит, но они вместе
И каждый миг как последний.

Оба в панике. Им будто по семнадцать
Просто кататься от станции до станции
Пренебрегая опасностью она просит остаться
И он понимает что над собой не властен.

Как надо немного для настоящего счастья
Стань частью меня, большей частью
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
And by the way, it's all out of place
Their romance is the handiwork of some hacks
And the best scenario under the circumstances
But it is their style, from one extreme to another.

And whatever you say they really do not pair them
But it does not soar it is their right
She does not care for his brother, he does not care about the rules
They brought to mind the love without memory.

Love without memory against the whole world
World intrigues and obscure games
Love classified top secret
No makeup, no special effects,no fake.

Just enjoying every moment
surrender voluntarily captured and hurt these outbreaks

This frenetic passion blinding light, but they are together
And every moment as the last.

Both in panic. They like seventeen
Just ride from station to station
peril she asks to remain
And he understands that the above is not lawful.

How to take a bit of true happiness
Be a part of me, for the most part
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
And by the way, all this inappropriate
their romance is a Scribbler
and the best script in the circumstances
but it is their style, from one extreme to the other.

and whatever you may say they are true non steam
but it's not soaring, it is their right
Don't care about her brother, he could care less about rules
They brought mad love without memory.

love without memory against the whole world
World of intrigue and bizarre games
love is classified as top secret
without makeup, no special effects, without Faika.

just enjoying every moment of
Surrender voluntarily captured and rooting this

this rabid passion Flash light is blinding, but they together
and every moment like the last.

Both in a panic. They like to seventeen
Just ride from station to station
Disregard danger she would stay
and he understands that a hath.

as it should for the present a bit of happiness
Become a part of me, for the most part
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
And by the way, all this is Les Ambassades
their roman hands of a shameless
and the best scenario in the circumstances
but this is their style, the extremes in extreme.lord and what you say is true they do not pair
but this is not soars, it is their right
It nobody cares for his brother, he was nobody cares to rules
their crippled with crazy love without memory.lord Love without memory against a whole world
Peace intrigues and incomprehensible games
love marked top secret
without Grima, without special effects,Without феика.lord simply enjoying each moment
to surrender voluntarily captured, and deserving the
Flash passion
ye know the oncoming traffic, but they together
and each mig as the last.Lord both in panic. They say that the seventeen
Just a ride from the station to the station
braved danger it requests to remain
and he understands that the above is not for your incontinency.Lord as it is a little to the present happiness
get part of me, for the most part
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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