Привет мой любимый!Как раз сейчас я думала о тебе и как приятно было,  перевод - Привет мой любимый!Как раз сейчас я думала о тебе и как приятно было,  английский как сказать

Привет мой любимый!Как раз сейчас я

Привет мой любимый!
Как раз сейчас я думала о тебе и как приятно было, подойдя к компьютеру, снова получить твое письмо! Я скучала по тебе, сейчас ты мне необыкновенно нужен. твой запах, той нежный шепот, твои чувственные прикосновения, которые будут доводить меня до пика удовольствия..
Не зря говорят любимый, что если ты не потеряешь надежду и не смотря на все неудачи, все же сумеешь дождаться своей настоящей любви (а придти она может совершенно в любое время и в любом возрасте), ты все же обретешь свое счастье. Мой бывший мужчина бил меня и совсем не уважал, не знаю как я умудрилась не разочароваться во всем мужском населении, но вот я как новенькая перед тобой и готова рискнуть, чтобы начать нашу жизнь заново =)
Прислушиваясь к друг другу, уважая своего партнера и имя свободу в мыслях, доверие и смелость, мы несомненно обретем крепкий союз. Мне интересно, что же будет после нашей первой встречи, решим ли мы сразу жить вместе или будем путешествовать из страны в страну? Наши приключения только начинаются.
Скотч - отличный выбор, я пробовала его пару раз, но к сожалению я не такой большой спец в сильных спиртных напитках, чаще я пью коктейли или мартини, а виски всегда разбавляю Кока-Колой, наверное тебе как истинному ценителю хорошего алкоголя это покажется настоящей дикостью? =)
В этот тихий вечер мне безумно не хватает твоих объятий и ласки, но вспоминая о тебе я уже не чувствую себя одинокой!
Нежно тебя целую!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi my favorite!
just now I was thinking about you and how nice it was going to the computer, then get your letter! I missed you, now you got me extremely needed. your smell, the gentle whisper, your sensual touch that will bring me up to the peak of pleasure and. ..
No wonder they say favorite, that if you do not lose hope, and despite all the setbacks, still can wait for her true love (and it can absolutely come in any time and at any age), you will find your happiness. My ex-husband beat me and not respected, I don't know how I managed not to be disappointed in the entire male population, but here I am brand-new to you and is willing to take the risk to start our new life =)
listening to each other, respect your partner and the name freedom in thought, confidence and courage, we will certainly have a strong Union. I wonder what will happen after our first meeting, decide whether we live together or we will travel from country to country? Our adventures only begin.
Scotch is an excellent choice, I've tried it a couple of times, but unfortunately I'm not such a great bargain in strong spirits, the more often I drink cocktails or martinis and whiskey razbavlâû always Coca-Cola Perhaps you like a true connoisseur of good alcohol it will seem real wildness? =)
In this quiet evening I insanely miss your hugs and caresses, but remembering you I no longer feel lonely!
Gently you kiss!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi my favorite!
Right now I'm thinking about you and how nice it was going to the computer again to receive your letter! I've missed you, now you need me extremely. your smell, that gentle whisper, your sense of touch, which will bring me to the peak of pleasure ..
No wonder they say love that if you do not lose hope, and despite all the setbacks, yet you manage to wait for his true love (and it may come completely at any time and at any age), you still will attain happiness. My ex-man beat me and not respected, I do not know how I managed not to be disappointed in the entire male population, but I'm as good as new before you and is willing to take a chance to start our lives over again =)
By listening to each other, respecting their partner's name freedom of thought, confidence and courage, we certainly will gain a strong union. I wonder what will happen after our first meeting, decide whether we just live together or will travel from country to country? Our adventures are just beginning.
Scotch - a great choice, I've tried it a couple of times, but unfortunately I do not so much special in strong alcoholic beverages, usually I drink a cocktail or martini and whiskey always dilute Coca-Cola, perhaps you as a true connoisseur of good alcohol it seems this savagery? =)
In this quiet evening I madly miss your hugs and affection, but mention of you I do not feel lonely!
Gently kiss you!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hello my favorite!
as once again I thought of you and how nice it was, went to the computer again, to get your letter! I have missed you, now you tell me incredibly need. Your smell, the bubblegum whisper,Your sensual touching, which will bring me to peak fun..
don't deny your favorite, that if you do not enjoy everything i hope and not looking at all failures,The same dress suit to wait for its present love (and it can come in any time and at any age), you're all same things shall be yours its happiness. My former man beat me and not respected,I don't know how i managed not Turkmen in the masculine population, but I just as new before you excitedly and was ready to start our lives again = )
by listening to each other,While respecting their partner's name and freedom in the thoughts, confidence and courage, we will undoubtedly find a strong union. I am interested in, that same will be after our first meeting,Will we have to live together, or as soon as we travel from country to country? Our adventures only begin.
carton sealing tape - this is a great choice, I lived it a couple of times,But unfortunately I am not such a great skill in strong liquor, most often i am drinking cocktails or a martini, and whisky always разбавляю manifests itself either,I think you're as true all good alcohol may think that this is present ashamed? = )
in this quiet evening me madly not enough thy embrace and affection, but as I recall the lord i already do not feel lonely!
Gently you an entire!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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