Привет! Меня зовут Татьяна. Я девушка изящная, с тонкой творческой нат перевод - Привет! Меня зовут Татьяна. Я девушка изящная, с тонкой творческой нат английский как сказать

Привет! Меня зовут Татьяна. Я девуш

Привет! Меня зовут Татьяна.
Я девушка изящная, с тонкой творческой натурой. Я обожаю прогулки на природе ( в лесу, в парке, на берегу моря ), все равно где, если ты идешь ща руку с любимым человеком.
Люблю плавать, независимо от того, море это, океан или река. Я люблю спорт. Я считаю, что каждая девушка должна следить за своей фигурой. Я за своей слежу )))
Я не отношу себя к тем девушкам, которые дни напролет проводят в ночных клубах, я считаю их ветренными. Но если бываю там с подругами, то на танцполе могу показать класс))) Я несколько лет занималась танцами. Вобщем, я люблю жизнь, а она любит меня.
Я мечтаю найти мудрого мужчину, умеющего любить и уважать женщину, я хочу чтобы он восхищался мною. Был Королем, а я его Королевой. Если я встречу такого мужчину, я буду для него подругой, хозяйкой на кухне и любовницей в постели.
Я считаю , что готовить еду, стирать белье и гладить своему мужчине рубашки это не тяжёлый труд, а мой исторический долг.
Я думаю, что мы должны быть честными друг с другом и уважать друг друга.
Я хочу быть его женщиной, вчера, сегодня и всю жизнь!
Если вы заинтересовались мной, я буду ждать письма.
Целую нежно в щеку, Таня!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello! My name is Tatiana. I am a girl with a slim, sleek creative nature. I love nature walks (in the forest, in a park on the shore of the sea), it is still where if you go scha arm with your loved one. Like swimming, regardless of sea it is ocean or river. I love the sport. I believe that every girl should watch your figure. I am following the))) I am one of those girls who spend days on end in nightclubs, I find them vetrennymi. But if you go there with friends, then on the dance floor can show class))) I was dancing for several years. Vobschem, I love life, and she loves me. I dream to find a wise man who can love and respect a woman, I want to he admired me. Was the King, and I am his Queen. If I met this man, I'll be for it, girlfriend, mistress of the kitchen and the mistress in bed. I believe that to Cook, wash clothes and stroking her man shirts is not hard work, and my historical duty.I think we should be honest with each other and respect each other. I want to be his woman, yesterday, today and forever! If you are interested in me, I'll wait for the letters. Kiss gently on the cheek, Tanya!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi! My name is Tatiana.
I am a girl elegant, with a fine creative nature. I love nature walks (in the woods, in the park, on the beach), no matter where, if you go schA hand with someone you love.
I love to swim, regardless of whether it is the sea, ocean or river. I like sports. I believe that every girl should watch her ​​figure. I am in favor of his watch)))
I do not count myself among those girls who spend all day in nightclubs, I think they are windy. But if you go there with friends, then on the dance floor can show class))) I have a few years she danced. In general, I love life, and she loves me.
My dream is to find a wise man who knows how to love and respect a woman, I want to he admired me. Was the King, and I am his Queen. If I meet such a man, I will be to him a girlfriend, mistress of the kitchen and his mistress in bed.
I believe that to cook, wash clothes and ironed his shirt man is not hard work, and my historical duty.
I think we should to be honest with each other and respect each other.
I want to be his woman, yesterday, today and for life!
If you are interested in me, I'll wait for the letter.
I kiss tenderly on the cheek, Tanya!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hi! My name is Tatiana.
I girl elegant, with fine arts-in-kind. I love nature walks ( in the forest, in the park, in front of the sea ), all as well where, if thou canst sha in hand with your loved one.
i love to fly,Regardless of the fact, and the sea, ocean or river. I love sport. I believe that every girl should keep watch over his figure. I for its cheering )))
I do not count the girls, which days you're expecting will be escorted in night clubs,I believe they are winding. But if you spend time with the orc, the funny videos i show class))) I have a few years was engaged in dancing. Plus, i love life, and she loves me.
I dream to find wise man,Bouquet love and respect the woman, I would like to he admired me. Was king, and I am his Queen. If I met a man, I will be to him my girlfriend, master in the kitchen and hateful feeling in bed.
I believe ,That prepare their own meals, wash linens and ironed her man shirts this is not hard work, and my historical duty.
I think that we should be honest with each other, and respect each other.
I would like to be his woman, yesterday,Today, and the entire life!
If you are interested in me, I will wait for letter.
An entire gently in jaw, Tanya!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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