стихи бернса переведены на многие языки мира, их читают и ими наслаждаются во всем Мире
3 Я не совсем понял, что я должен делать, потому что мне не объяснили как следует
4 уже было обсуждено три вопроса, когда мы услышали, что звонит звонок
5 ему дали три дня, чтобы закончить работу
6 его слушали с таким вниманием, что никто не заметил как я вошел
7 его только что отвезли в больницу
8 их беседа была прервана внезапным прибытием еще одного гостя
9 над тобой будут смеяться, если ты наденешь эту шляпу
10 когда она вошла в класс, там экзаменовали последнего ученика
11 эти фильмы отличаются от тех, которые нам показывали до сих пор
12 у него было такое чувство, что за ним кто-то идет
13 она не последовала совету, который ей дали.
14 ему сказали об изменениях в расписании?
15 он поинтересовался, почему письмо отправили без марки
16 приглашение не было принято, так как его получили слишком поздно
17 что ты почувствовал когда, играли эту пластинку
18 ты знаешь, что в теннис играют уже больше 100 лет
19 что объясняли группе, когда вы присоединились к ним
20 им не объяснили, что они должны делать
21 ему сказали, что музей закрыли неделю назад
22 он знал, что за ним наблюдают
23 в этом году в нашем районе построили несколько школ
24 они читают все книги, о которых много говорят
25 она всегда чувствует себя неловко, когда на нее смотрят
26 за билеты нужно заплатить немедленно
27 почту как раз просматривают. Там может быть что-нибудь и для вас
28 ваш совет нужно обдумать
29 адрес был написан карандашом
30 я выглянул из окна и увидел покрыта снегом
31 этот роман написан известным писателем
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Burns's poems have been translated into many languages of the world, their read and enjoyed around the world3 I do not quite understand what I should do because I didn't explain how it should be4 had already been discussed three issues, when we heard that ringing Bell5 gave him three days to finish the job6 it listened with so much attention that nobody noticed as I entered 7 its just taken to hospital8 their conversation was interrupted by the sudden arrival of another guest9 above you will laugh if you wear this hat10 when she walked into the classroom, there's a WTO last disciple11 these films are different from those that we have shown so far 12 he had the feeling that someone is going13 it is not followed the advice that they gave her.14 he said about schedule changes?15, he inquired why the letter was sent without stamps16 invitation was not accepted, because it received too late17 that you felt when playing this disc18 you know that tennis is played for more than 100 years19 that explained the group when you joined them20 they don't explain what they need to do21, he was told that the Museum was closed a week ago22 he knew that he was watching23 this year in our district built several schools24 they read all the books, which many say25 she always feels awkward when it is viewed26 need to pay for your tickets immediately 27 mail just browsing. There may be something for you28 your board need to ponder29 address was written in pencil 30 I looked out of the window and saw the snow covered31 this novel written by a famous writer
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
poems Burns translated into many languages of the world, read them and enjoy them all over the world
3 I'm not quite sure what I should do because I did not explain how to
4 have already been discussed three issues, when we heard that bell rings
5 it given three days to finish the job
6 listened so attentively that no one noticed as I entered
7 it just rushed to the hospital
8 of their conversation was interrupted by the sudden arrival of another guest
9 of you will laugh when you wear this hat
10 when she walked into the classroom, there is examined a recent student
11 these films are different from those which we have shown until now
12, he had a feeling that he was someone coming
13 she did not follow the advice that she gave.
14 he was told about changes in the schedule?
15 he asked why the letter was sent without a stamp
16 invitation was not accepted, because it got too late
17 did you feel when playing the record
18 you know that tennis is played for more than 100 years
19 that explained group, when you joined them
20 they were not told that they have to do
21 he was told that the museum was closed a week ago
22 he knew he was being watched
23 this year in our area built several schools
24 they read all the books about which many say
25 she always feels uncomfortable when looking at her
26 for the tickets must be paid immediately
27 mail just browsing. There might be something for you
28 need your advice to think
29 address was written in pencil
30 I looked out the window and saw the snow-covered
31 this novel written by a famous writer
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
burns"s poems have been translated into many languages, they read and they are in the world3, i don"t know what should i do, because i have not explained how it should be4 has already been discussed three questions when we heard the bell rings5 gave him three days to finish the job6 listened to him with such care that no one noticed when i came in7 just to hospital8 their conversation was interrupted by the sudden arrival of a guest9 you will laugh, if you wear this hat10 when she entered the classroom, there экзаменовали last apprentice11 these films are different from those that we have so far12 he had a feeling that someone is13 she didn"t stick to the board, which gave her.14 he said about changes in the schedule.15 he wondered why the letter was sent, without the brand16 the invitation was not adopted, as it was too late.17 what do you feel when you played that record18 you know that tennis playing for more than 100 years.19 what this group when you join them20 they were not told what they should do21 he said that the museum was shut down a week ago.22 he knew him.23 this year in our district have built several schools24 they read all the books, which many say25 she always feels embarrassed when looking at her26 for the tickets to pay immediately.27 the mail just browsing. there might be something for you28 the council need to consider29 the address was written in pencil30, i looked out of the window and saw the snow covered.this novel is written by a famous writer.
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