После того, как она уехала на год во Францию, у него на душе стало пус перевод - После того, как она уехала на год во Францию, у него на душе стало пус английский как сказать

После того, как она уехала на год в

После того, как она уехала на год во Францию, у него на душе стало пусто. Каалось, что весь мир потерял свои краски, а птицы - красоту пения. Это девушка была очень дорога для него, как никто другой. Татум Брандт была не только его соседкой, но и лучшей подругой. "Я соскучился за тобой , Тейт" тихо прошептал он, находясь в своей комнате. Еще лет в 15 маленький Джаред поклялся, что они с Татум будут вместе. Но после того ужасного лета, проведенного со своим отцом, он обозлился на весь мир. Джаред Трент считал себя одиноким и брошеным. От безсилия он начал издеваться над всеми, кто слабее него. И главной жертвой насмешек была Татум. Ему сейчас 17, но привычка причинять ей боль до сих пор осталась. Подсознательно ему нравилось это и, когда она улетела, то он почувствовал некую пустоту внутри себя. Как бы он не старался убить это чувство, ему не удавалось. От досады он пошел в салон и сделал себе две татуировки. Первая - надпись "Вчера длиться вечно. Завтра не наступит никогда", а вторая - яркая лампа, которая символизировала его подругу.
В вечных вечеринках и гонках он провел год и не заметил, как наступил день прилета Татум. Однажды, случайно выйдя на балкон, он увидел её и стал сам себе противен. "Как я мог её обижать? Я ведь её люблю" сказал он, проведя рукой по затылку.
—Татум Брандт, вы согласны стать женой Джареда Трента?
—А вы, Джаред Трент, согласны взять в жены Татум Брендт?
—С этого момента мы муж и жена
Во время этих слов их взгляды встретились. На её глазах были слёзы счастья. К этому он шел очень долго, ведь так трудно было забыть всё то, что он причинил. После 10 лет усилий, он наконц-то получил то, о чем так долго мечтал.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
After she left for a year in France, his heart was empty. Kaalos' that the whole world has lost its paint, and the beauty of the birds singing. This girl was very dear to him like no other. Tatum Brandt was not only his neighbour, but also your best friend. "I miss you, Tate" he whispered quietly in his room. Even years in 15 small Jared vowed that they will join Tatum. But after a terrible summer spent with his father, he was furious. Jared Trent considered himself lonely and broshenym. From bezsilija he began to mock all those weaker than him. And the primary victim of ridicule was Tatum. He is now 17, but wont cause her pain still remained. Subconsciously he liked it and when she flew away, he felt a certain emptiness inside themselves. As he had not tried to kill this feeling, it failed. From the annoyance he went to the salon and made his two tattoos. The first is the inscription "Today forever. No tomorrow ", and the second-brightest bulb, which symbolized his girlfriend. В вечных вечеринках и гонках он провел год и не заметил, как наступил день прилета Татум. Однажды, случайно выйдя на балкон, он увидел её и стал сам себе противен. "Как я мог её обижать? Я ведь её люблю" сказал он, проведя рукой по затылку. *Сейчас* —Татум Брандт, вы согласны стать женой Джареда Трента? —Да. —А вы, Джаред Трент, согласны взять в жены Татум Брендт? —Согласен. —С этого момента мы муж и жена Во время этих слов их взгляды встретились. На её глазах были слёзы счастья. К этому он шел очень долго, ведь так трудно было забыть всё то, что он причинил. После 10 лет усилий, он наконц-то получил то, о чем так долго мечтал.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After she left for a year in France, in his mind was blank. Kaalos that the whole world has lost its colors, and birds - the beauty of the singing. This girl was very dear to him as anyone else. Tatum Brandt was not only his neighbor but also her best friend. "I missed you, Tate," he whispered softly, while in his room. Another 15 years in a small Jared swore that they would be together with Tatum. But after that horrible summer spent with his father, he was angry with the whole world. Jared Trent felt lonely and abandoned. From bezsiliya he began to mock all those who are weaker than him. And the main victim was sneers Tatum. He is now 17, but it wont hurt her still remained. Subconsciously, he liked it when she flew away, he felt a kind of emptiness inside. As much as he tried not to kill this feeling, he could not. From anger he went into the cabin and made his two tattoos. The first - the inscription. "Yesterday, last forever tomorrow never comes", and the second -. A bright lamp that symbolized his girlfriend
in the eternal parties and races, he spent a year and did not notice how the day came Tatum arrival. One day, by chance went out to the balcony, he saw her and became disgusted with himself. "How could I hurt her? I did love her," he said, running his hand along the back of the head.
* Now *
-Tatum Brandt, you agree to become the wife of Jared Trent?
-And You, Jared Trent, agrees to marry Tatum Brendt ?
C this point, we are husband and wife
in their eyes met at these words. In her eyes were tears of happiness. By this it was a very long time, because it was so hard to forget all that he has done. After 10 years of effort, he nakonts something got what wanted for so long.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
after she left for a year in france, his heart was empty. каалось, what the whole world lost its colours, and the beauty of singing. this girl was very dear to him like no other. tatum brandt was not only his roommate and best friend. " i miss you, tate "quietly whispered it in my room. more years in 15 little jared swore that they would be together with tatum. but after the disastrous spending a summer with his dad, he got mad at the world. jared trent felt lonely and thrown. from the безсилия he started making fun of everyone who is weaker than him. and the main victim of ridicule was tatum. he's seventeen, but habit hurt her still remained. subconsciously he liked it, and while she is gone, he felt some kind of emptiness inside of me. as he wasn't trying to kill it, he could not. from anger, he went up and made the two tattoos. the first is the "last last forever. tomorrow will never come ", and the second is a bright lamp, which symbolized his friend.in the endless parties and racing, he spent a year and didn't notice how on the day of arrival tatum. one day, accidentally went out on the balcony, he saw her and began to make myself miserable. " how can i hurt her? i love her, "he said, holding your hand to the back of the head.* now *- tatum brandt, do you agree to marry jared trent?- yeah.- and you, jared trent, agree to take to wife tatum брендт?- i agree.from now on we are husband and wifein these words, their eyes met. her eyes were tears of joy. for this he was very long, so it was hard to forget everything he's done. after 10 years of efforts, he наконц - got what it wanted for a long time.
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