Хотела найти хоть не кого печенья, но в шкафчике ничего больше не было. Тогда голодная великанша сварила себе несколько картофелин. Это все, что осталось в ведре.
Wanted to find at least some cookies, but not in the Cabinet did was no more. Then, hungry giantess was cooked a few potatoes. Is all that is left in the bucket.
Wanted to find at least not one cookie, but in the locker nothing no more. Then hungry giantess cooked myself a few potatoes. This is all that remains in the bucket.
Would like to find at least not anyone biscuits, but the cabinet there is nothing more than it was. Art print on canvas then starvation сварила yourself a few tablespoons unsalted butter or oil. This is all that is left in the bucket.