Инструкция по активации вашей консоли на купленном аккаунте PS4:1. Соз перевод - Инструкция по активации вашей консоли на купленном аккаунте PS4:1. Соз английский как сказать

Инструкция по активации вашей консо

Инструкция по активации вашей консоли на купленном аккаунте PS4:

1. Создайте нового пользователя, при включении приставки или долгим нажатием кнопки "PS";
2. Далее введите логин (пример: ps3@tnd-game.ru) и password (пример: tnd-game.ru), НО КНОПКУ "ВОЙТИ" НЕ НАЖИМАЙТЕ! Далее необходимо выполнить Инструкцию по деактивации всех устройств, активированных на купленном аккаунте;
3. Нажимаем кнопку "Войти". Затем Вам консоль предложит активировать вашу консоль на данном аккаунте, нажимаем "Активировать как основную";
4. Затем следует проверить активацию Вашей консоли на аккаунте, для этого зайдите в раздел: [Настройки]-> выберите [PSN] > [Активировать как основную систему PS4]. Если кнопка "Активировать как основную систему PS4" горит серым цветом и нельзя нажать, а кнопка "Деактивировать устройство" горит белым цветом и можно нажать, то Активация выполнена успешно. Если все в точности наоборот, то необходимо нажать: "Активировать как основную систему PS4";
5. Войдите в Библиотеку, она находится в конце списка игр на главном меню. Откроется список контента, скачайте все что вас интересует;
6. После добавления игр в загрузку, задерживаете кнопку "PS" и выбираете "Выйти из системы PS4", тем самым вы выйдите с пользователя, с купленным аккаунтом;
7. Заходите на своего пользователя и после завершения всех загрузок можете смело ИГРАТЬ.

Инструкция по деактивации всех устройств, активированных на купленном аккаунте:
1. Переходим по этой ссылке https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/login.action
2. Вводим адрес электронной почты и пароль от купленного аккаунта в PSN и нажимаем кнопку "Войти в сеть";
3. Открываем раздел "Учётная запись" или "Account". В столбце слева выбираем пункт "Медиа и устройства" или "Media and devices". На основной части страницы нажимаем на кнопку "Деактивировать всё" "Deactivate All";
4. Переходим к пункту 3 Инструкции по активации вашей консоли на купленном аккаунте PS4.

Если на консоли используется более 14 аккаунтов, то Sony банят id консоли на 30 дней.
Поэтому, если вы набрали количество активированных на вашей приставке аккаунтов, равное 14 и вы хотите добавить еще аккаунт, то следует сначала деактивировать один из аккаунтов, а затем уже добавлять новые.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Instructions for activating your pre-paid account PS4 console:1. Create a new user, when you turn on the console or by long pressing "PS" button;2. Next, enter your username (example: ps3@tnd-game.ru) and password (example: tnd-game.ru), BUT the "enter" button, DO NOT CLICK! The next step is to execute the statement to deactivate all activated devices on his account; 3. press the button "enter". Then you console prompts you to activate your console on this account, click the "activate as the basic";4. Then you should check your console activation on your account, go to: section [Settings]-> select [PSN] > [Activate as mainstream PS4]. If the button "activate as mainstream PS4 is dimmed, and you cannot click a button" Deactivate the device is white and you can click the Activation was successful. If all exactly the opposite, then you need to click: "activate as mainstream PS4"; 5. log in to the library, she is at the end of the game list on the main menu. Content list opens, download all that interests you;6. After adding games to download, your "PS" button and choose "logout" PS4, you leave with a user purchased account;7. Enter your user and after completion of all weekly you can safely PLAY.**********************************************************************Instructions for deactivating all devices activated on purchased account:1. go to this link https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/login.action 2. Enter your e-mail address and password from the PSN account purchased and click "sign in"; 3. Open the section "account" or "Account". In the left column, select "media and devices" or "Media and devices". On the main part of the page, click on the button "Deactivate all" "Deactivate All"; 4. Turn to item 3 instructions for activating your pre-paid account console, PS4.It is important to: If your console is used more than 14 accounts, Sony console id banyat 30 days. So if you typed the number of activated on your console accounts equal to 14 and you want to add another account, you must first deactivate one of your accounts, and then add new.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Instructions on how to activate your console bought PS4 account: 1. Create a new user, or set-top box is turned on by long pressing the "PS" button; 2. Then enter your login (example: ps3@tnd-game.ru) and the password (example: tnd-game.ru), BUT THE "SIGN" DO NOT CLICK! Next, follow the instructions to disable all devices activated on account purchased; 3. Click "Login" button. Then you activate the console will offer your console on this account, click "Enable as a major"; 4. Then, check the activation of your account on the console, go to this section: [Settings] -> select [the PSN]> [Activate PS4 as the main system]. If the button "Activate both PS4 core system" is lit in gray and can not be pressed, as "Deactivate Device" button is lit in white, and you can click the activation was successful. If everything is exactly the opposite, it is necessary to press the "Activate a PS4 core system"; 5. Log in to the Library, it is in the end of the list of games on the main menu. A list of content, download all that you are interested in; 6. After adding games to download, you hold your button "PS" and choose "Exit the PS4 system," thus leave you with a user account with the purchased; 7. Come to your user and after all can safely downloads by deactivating all devices activated on the purchased account: 1. Click on this link https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/login.action 2. Enter your email address and password of the purchased accounts on PSN and click "Sign in to network" button; 3. Open the section "My account" or "Account". In the left column select "Media and device" or "Media and devices". On the main part of the page click on "Deactivate all" "Deactivate All" button; 4. Proceed to Step 3 for instructions on activating your console bought PS4 account. Important: If the console is used for more than 14 accounts, the Sony banyat id console for 30 days. Therefore, if you score the number of activated on your console account, equal to 14 and you want to add another account, you must first deactivate one of your accounts, and then add new ones.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
instructions to activate your account PS4: купленном console1. create a new user, with the addition of a prefix, or by pressing the "ps".2. next, enter the username (example: ps3 @ tnd-game.ru) and password (example: tnd-game.ru), but did not press the "enter" button. the need to perform manual deactivation of all devices activated by купленном account;3. press "enter". then you will activate your console console on this account, click the "activate as the basic";4. then it should check the activation of your console to account for this report in the section: select [settings] > [PSN] > [activate as the basic system of PS4]. if a button to activate the primary system PS4 "light gray and can not press a button to deactivate the device" is white and you can press, activation is accomplished successfully. if all exactly the opposite, should press the "activate as the basic system of PS4";5. enter the library, it is located at the end of the list of games in the main menu. open the list of content, download all you want;6. after adding games to download, holding the "ps" and choose "out of the system PS4", thus you step out with the user bought account;7. welcome to the user after the completion of all the downloads you can safely play.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *instruction on the deactivation of all devices activated by купленном account:1. go to this link https: / / account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com / login.action2. enter the e-mail address and password of your account from the PSN and press the "enter network";3. open the "account" or "account". in the column on the left, select the item "media and devices" or "media and devices. in the main part of the page click on the button "deactivate" Deactivate all "all";4. we now turn to paragraph 3 of the instructions to activate your account PS4 купленном console.important:if the console is used more than 14 accounts, sony банят id console n
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