Да, ты подставляешь себя, когда доверяешь кому-то. Но люди про это не думают обычно=) Если думать про такие мелочи будущего, то можно умереть от стресса, по сути каждый, кто знает моё имя, может как-то подставить меня. Но я не боюсь этого=) Вокруг полно хороших людей, которые помогут=) Просто ты не один, и что с того, что кто-то когда-то не оправдает твоих ожиданий? Дело не в тебе, дело в них.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Yes, you podstavlâeš′ yourself when you trust someone. But people usually don't think about it =) when thinking about the little things of the future, you can die from stress, in fact, anyone who knows my name, could somehow substitute me. But I'm not afraid of this =) around is full of good people who can help you not Just) = one, and that the fact that someone once doesn't live up to your expectations? It's not you, it's them.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Yes, you expose themselves when to trust someone. But people do not think about it usually =) If you think about the little things of the future, it is possible to die from stress, in fact anyone who knows my name, can somehow set me up. But I'm not afraid of it =) around full of good people to help =) Just you are not alone, and that with the fact that someone once did not live up your expectations? It's not you, dealing in them.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Yes, you're подставляешь themselves when they drove me crazy was to someone. But the people do not think this is usually=) If you think about such things future, it can be die from stress, in fact everyone who knows my name, may as well as the substitute me.But I'm not afraid of that=) around is good people, who will help you=) simply you are not one, and that the fact that the Lord does not justify expectations? The case is not in thee, the case in them.
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