У меня есть неоднозначное мнение насчёт карате, потому что у моего пап перевод - У меня есть неоднозначное мнение насчёт карате, потому что у моего пап английский как сказать

У меня есть неоднозначное мнение на

У меня есть неоднозначное мнение насчёт карате, потому что у моего папы есть чёрный пояс, и я могу наверное могу сказать все плюсы и минусы это рода занятий. Собственно, каратэ может восприниматься как целый перечень плюсов: это и уверенность в том, что ты сможешь постоять за себя; это и гарант физического здоровья; также немаловажным считается, что каратэ – это не только акцентированная физическая подготовка, но и боевое искусство, отличающееся своей философией и стремлением к внутренней гармонии личности. Каратэ – это целый мир, который способствует всестороннему и гармоничному развитию. Но также карате довольно травматичный вид боевых искусств. При отработке падений возможны переломы и другие травмы, у каратистов нередко страдают суставы. Поэтому изначально стоит адекватно оценить свои силы. Но несмотря на всё, каратэ - это прекрасная возможность для человека развиваться надлежащим, гармоничным образом. Также это является отличным увлечением и оно точно подходит и парням, и девушкам. Несмотря на то, что я так оцениваю этот вид боевых искусств, он вызывает у меня небольшое отвращение, потому что в детстве если я делала что-то не так, мне говорили что меня отдадут папе на карате. А тренировки там невероятно сложные..
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I have a mixed opinion about karate, because my dad has a black belt, and I can probably can say all the pros and cons of this occupation. Actually, karate can be thought of as a list of pluses: it and confident that you will be able to fend for themselves; This and the guarantor of physical health; also important is considered that Karate is not only punctuated by physical training, but martial arts other than its philosophy and the quest for inner harmony of the individual. Karate is a world that promotes the full and harmonious development. But also quite a traumatic kind of karate martial arts. When simulate downs possible fractures and other injuries, karate fighters often suffer joints. Therefore, initially worth adequately assess their strength. But despite everything, Karate is a great opportunity for a person to develop a proper, harmonious manner. Also this is a great hobby and it fits and guys and girls. Despite the fact that I so appreciate this type of martial arts, he leaves me a little disgusted, because childhood if I did something wrong, they told me that I will give the Pope on karate. And the trainings there is incredibly complex and. ..
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I have a mixed opinion about karate because my dad has a black belt, and I can probably say all the pros and cons of this type of employment. Actually, karate can be perceived as a long list of advantages: it is the belief that you will be able to fend for themselves; it is the guarantor of physical health; also it considered important that karate - it is not only punctuated by physical training, but also a martial art, characterized by its philosophy and the desire for inner harmony of the individual. Karate - is a world that promotes the full and harmonious development. But it is also quite traumatic karate martial art. In developing the falls are possible fractures and other injuries, from karate often affected joints. Therefore, initially is to adequately assess their strength. But despite everything, karate - a great opportunity to develop properly for a person harmoniously. Also it is a great hobby and it fits perfectly and the guys and girls. Despite the fact that I appreciate this kind of martial arts, it makes me a little disgusted because a child if I did something wrong, I was told that I will give the pope at karate. A training session there is an incredibly complex ..
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i have mixed views about karate, because my dad's got a black belt, and i can, i guess i can tell all the pros and cons of this occupation. in fact, karate can be seen as a list of perks, and confident that you can stand up for yourself; it's a physical health; also important is that karate is not only акцентированная physical training and martial art, differing in his philosophy and the pursuit of internal harmony of personality. karate is the whole world, which contributes to the comprehensive and harmonious development. but as a kind of травматичный karate martial arts. with the fall of possible fractures and other injuries, that often affects the joints. therefore, originally should adequately evaluate their strength. but despite everything, karate is a perfect opportunity for the rights to develop appropriate, harmonious way. also, it is a great hobby and it fits and the boys and girls. in spite of the fact that i appreciate this kind of martial arts, he gives me a little disgusted, because as a child if i was doing something wrong, i said i'd go daddy to karate. and the practice is extremely complex.
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