Я стоял в совершенном спокойствии. Я всегда был не таким как все. Окутанный странным предчувствием,я наблюдал уходившие вперед дни и ждал, когда наступит тот самый момент, когда я узнаю, что таит в себе мое предчувствие.
I stood in perfect tranquillity. I was always not so like everyone else. Enveloped in a strange presentiment, I watched withdrawing ahead and waited for days when the moment comes, when I learn that carries my hunch.
I stood in a perfect tranquility. I always was not like others. Enveloped by a strange foreboding, I watched the departure of the days ahead and waited for that moment will come when I find out that conceals my premonition.
i was very calm. i haven"t always been like that. with a hunch, i watched and waited for the уходившие forward days, when is the moment when i know that hides in my feeling.