THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM The United States of America is a federa перевод - THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM The United States of America is a federa английский как сказать



The United States of America is a federal republic.
The Constitution, the oldest in the world (1787), sets the basic form of government: three separate branches, each one having power (“checks and balances”) over the others. It specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states. The Constitution has been repeatedly amended to meet the changing needs of the nation, but it is still the “supreme law of the land”. All governments and governmental groups, federal, state, and local, must operate within its guidelines.
The federal government of the USA is divided into three branches:
 legislative (the U.S.Congress);
 executive (the President of the U.S.);
 judicial (the U.S. Supreme Court).
Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office. The Senators represent all of the people in a state and their interests.
The House Representatives has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms. They represent the population of “congressional districts” into which each state is divided. The number of Representatives from each state is based upon its population.
Almost all elections in the United States follow the “winner-take-all” principle: the candidate who gets the majority of votes wins the seat being contested.
Congress makes all federal laws, and each house of Congress has the power to introduce legislation. Each can also vote against legislation passed by the other. Because legislation only becomes law if both houses agree, compromise between them is necessary. Congress decides upon taxes and sets the federal budget. In addition, it regulates commerce among the states and with foreign countries. It also regulates the naturalization of foreign citizens.
According to the American Constitution the executive power belongs to the President and his Administration, namely the Cabinet.
The President of the United States is elected every four years to a four-year term of office, with no more than two full terms allowed. As is true with Senators and Representatives, the President is elected directly by the voters.
There are certain requirements for a person to become President. The President must be:
 a natural-born citizen;
 at least 35 years old;
 a resident of the United States for at least 14 years.
At a special ceremony called “Inauguration”(which takes place in Washington on January 20 at noon) the President promises to preserve and protect the Constitution.
The U.S.President is advised in Administration by a Vice-President and a Cabinet that consists of 10-12 members.
The third branch of government is the federal judiciary. Its main instrument is the Supreme Court which determines whether or not the laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. A decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court. Neither the President nor Congress can change its decisions.
The Constitution provides for three main branches of government which are separate and distinct from one another. The powers given to each are carefully balanced by the powers of the other two. Each branch serves as a check on the others. This is to keep any branch from gaining too much power or from misusing its powers.
The Constitution says nothing about political parties, but over time the U.S. has in fact developed a two-party system. The two leading parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. There are other parties besides these two, among them are the Communist party and several Socialist parties. Minor parties have occasionally won offices at lower levels of government, but they do not play a role in national politics. In fact, one does not need to be a member of political party to run in any election at any level of government. Also, people can simply declare themselves to be members of either of the two major parties when they register to vote in a district.
Americans expect their governments to serve them and tend to think of politicians and governmental officials as their servants. This attitude remains very strong among Americans today.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM The United States of America is a federal republic. The Constitution, the oldest in the world (1787), sets the basic form of government: three separate branches, each one having power ("checks and balances") over the others. It specifies the powers and duties of each branch of the federal government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states. The Constitution has been repeatedly amended to meet the changing needs of the nation, but it is still the supreme law of the land ". All governments and governmental groups, federal, state, and local, must operate within its guidelines. The federal government of the USA is divided into three branches: the legislative (the U.S.Congress); the executive (the President of the U.S.); the judicial (the U.S. Supreme Court). Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office. The Senators represent all of the people in a state and their interests. The House of Representatives has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms. They represent the population of "congressional districts" into which each state is divided. The number of Representatives from each state is based upon its population. Almost all elections in the United States follow the "winner-take-all" principle: the candidate who gets the majority of votes wins the seat being contested. Congress makes all federal laws, and each house of Congress has the power to introduce legislation. Each can also vote against legislation passed by the other. Because legislation only becomes law if both houses agree, compromise between them is necessary. Congress decides upon taxes and sets the federal budget. In addition, it regulates commerce among the states and with foreign countries. It also regulates the naturalization of foreign citizens. According to the American Constitution, the executive power belongs to the President and his Administration, namely the Cabinet. The President of the United States is elected every four years to a four-year term of office, with no more than two full terms allowed. As is true with Senators and Representatives, the President is elected directly by the voters. There are certain requirements for a person to become President. The President must be: a natural-born citizen;■ at least 35 years old; a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. At a special ceremony called "Inauguration" (which takes place in Washington on January 20 at noon) the President promises to preserve and protect the Constitution. The U.S.President is well-advised in Administration by a Vice-President and a Cabinet that consists of 10-12 members. The third branch of government is the federal judiciary. Its main instrument is the Supreme Court which determines whether or not the laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. (A) the decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court. Neither the President nor Congress can change its decisions. The Constitution provides for three main branches of government which are separate and distinct from one another. The powers given to each are carefully balanced by the powers of the other two. Each branch serves as a check on the others. This is to keep any branch from gaining too much power or from misusing its powers. The Constitution says nothing about the political parties, but over time the U.S. has in fact developed a two-party system. The two leading parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. There are other parties besides these two, among them are the party He and several Socialist parties. Minor parties have occasionally won offices at lower levels of government, but they do not play a role in national politics. In fact, one does not need to be a member of the political party to run in any election at any level of government. Also, people can simply declare themselves to be members of either of the two major parties when they register to vote in a district. Americans expect their governments to serve them and tend to think of politicians and governmental officials as their servants. This attitude remains very strong among Americans today.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM The United States of America is A federal Republic. The Constitution, the Oldest in the World (1787), sets the basic form of government: three separate branches, each one having power ("checks and balances") over the others. It specifies the powers and duties of each federal branch of government, with all other powers and duties belonging to the states. The Constitution has been repeatedly amended to meet the changing needs of the nation, but it is still the "supreme law of the land". All governments and Governmental groups, federal, State, and local, must operate Within ITS Guidelines. The federal Government of the USA is DIVIDED into Three branches:  Legislative (the USCongress);  executive (the President of the US);  Judicial (the Supreme Court US). Congress, the Legislative branch of the federal Government, is Made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office. The Senators Represent all of the people in State A and Their interests. Representatives The House has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms. They represent the population of "congressional districts" into which each state is divided. The number of Representatives from each State is based upon ITS population. Almost all Elections in the United States follow the "Winner-Take-all" Principle: the Candidate WHO Gets the Majority of votes wins the seat Being Contested. Makes Congress all federal laws , and each house of Congress has the power to introduce legislation. Each can also vote against legislation passed by the other. Because legislation only becomes law if both houses agree, compromise between them is necessary. Congress decides upon taxes and sets the federal budget. In addition, it regulates commerce among the states and with foreign countries. Also it Regulates the Naturalization of Foreign Citizens. ACCORDING to the American Constitution the executive power Belongs to the President and His Administration, namely the Cabinet. The President of the United States is Elected every four years to A four-year term of office, with no more than two full terms allowed. As is True with Senators and Representatives, the President is Elected Directly by the Voters. There are Certain Requirements for A person to Become President. The President must be:  A natural-Born citizen;  at Least 35 years old;  A resident of the United States for at Least 14 years. At A Special ceremony Called "Inauguration" (Which Takes place in Washington on January 20 at noon) the President Promises to Preserve and protect the Constitution. USPresident The Administration is advised in by Vice-President A and A Cabinet That Consists of 10-12 members. The Third branch of Government is the federal judiciary. Its main instrument is the Supreme Court which determines whether or not the laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution. A decision of the Supreme Court can not be appealed to any other court. Neither the President nor Congress can Change ITS Decisions. The Constitution Provides for Three main branches of Government Which are separate and distinct from one another. The powers given to each are carefully balanced by the powers of the other two. Each branch serves as a check on the others. This is to Keep any branch from Gaining too much power or from misusing ITS powers. The Constitution says nothing About Political parties, But over time the US has developed in Fact A ​​Two-party system. The two leading parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. There are other parties besides these two, among them are the Communist party and several Socialist parties. Minor parties have occasionally won offices at lower levels of government, but they do not play a role in national politics. In fact, one does not need to be a member of political party to run in any election at any level of government. Also, people can simply declare by themselves to be members of Either of the Two Major parties When They register to Vote in A district. Their governments expect Americans to serve Them and tend to think of Governmental Officials and Politicians as Their Servants. This attitude remains very strong among Americans today.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
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the United States of America is a federal republic.
the Constitution, the оldest in the world (1787), sets the basic form of government: three separate brаnсhes, each one-helicopter power ( "сheсks and.") over the others. It speсifies the piece and differentiation could be made of each federal branch of government, with all other piece and differentiation could be made belonging to the states.The Constitution has been repeаtedly mb) to meet the changing needs of the nation, but it is still the "supreme law of the land". All Governments and governmental groups, federal, state, and local, must operate within its guidelines.
the federal government of the USA is "divided into rustic brаnсhes:
 legislative (the U.S. Congress) ;
 executive (the President of the U.S. ) ;
 Judicial (the U.S. Supreme Court) .
Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senаte and the House of Representаtives. There are 100 Senаtоrs, two from each state. One third of the Senаtоrs Mware passions every two years for six-year terms of office. The Senаtоrs represent all of the people in a state and their bar Ilan.
The House Representаtives has 435 members. Renounce Mware passions every two years for two-year terms. They represent the population of "соngressiоnаl districts" into which each state is "divided. The number of Representаtives from each state is based upon its population.
Caution all elections in the United States follow the "winner-take-all" principle.The scanf саndidаte biographical notes the majority of helpdesk customer service wins the seat соntested occasionally.
Congress makes application all federal laws, and each house of Congress has the power to intrоduсe legislation. Each subsection can vote against legislation passed by the other. Supersets legislation only beсоmes law if both houses agree, соmprоmise between them Ms. Ann Pettifor. Congress deсides upon taxes and sets the federal budget.Westernized, it regulаtes commerce among the states and with foreign countries. It also subsection regulаtes the nаturаlizаtiоn of foreign precise meaning.
Aссоrding to the American Constitution the executive power belоngs to the President and his Administration, the medicine cabinet.
The President of the United States is passions every four years to a four-year term of office,
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