Вы обманываете. Дайте ссылку на то, где вы взяли онылрмацию об отслежывании товара. Ссылку не даете, поэтому я считаю, то что вы написали, что товар отправлен не соответствует действительности
You are deceiving yourself. Give a link to where you have taken onylrmaciû of otsležyvanii goods. Link does not give, so I believe what you wrote, that goods shipped does not match reality
You are cheating. Share a link to where you took onylrmatsiyu otslezhyvanii of goods. Link does not, so I think what you wrote, that the goods shipped are not true
you're cheating. give me a link to where you got the онылрмацию on отслежывании product. the link does not give, so i believe what you wrote that the goods shipped are not true