1. Вы, наверное, положили ключ не на то место, и я не смог войти в дом.
2. Я был удивлен, увидев так много народу в зале, где я должен был выступать.
3. Может быть, она и была на концерте, но я ее не видела. 4. Ваше лицо кажется
мне знакомым. Мы, должно быть, где-то встречались. 5. Напрасно ты сказала
ей об этом. Тебе надо было помолчать. 6. Не может быть, чтобы он не слышал о
нашем решении, но я все же скажу ему об этом сама. 7. Он, должно быть, не
успел прочитать эту книгу или, возможно, не достал ее. 8. Он просил
предупредить, что вам, возможно, придется подождать еще два-три дня,
прежде, чем он сможет вас принять. 9. Операция должна быть сделана 10-го, но
ввиду плохого состояния больного ее пришлось отложить на неопределенное
время. 10. Не может быть, чтобы она этого не знала. 11. Он, должно быть,
приготовил перевод заранее. 12. Он, должно быть, не готовил перевод заранее.
13. Он, вероятно, не успел подготовить перевод и был (будет) вынужден
потратить на него все воскресенье, так как его нужно закончить к следующей
неделе. 14. Не могли бы вы помочь мне закончить работу? Мне, может быть,
придется уехать завтра вечером
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. you must put the key is not to, and I couldn't enter the House. 2. I was surprised to see so many people in the Hall, where I was supposed to speak. 3. Maybe it was at a concert, but I haven't seen it. 4. your face seemsfamiliar to me. We must be met somewhere. 5. In vain you saidher about it. You had to keep their mouths shut. 6. May not be that he had not heard ofour decision, but I did tell him about it herself. 7. It must not behave time to read this book or may not got hold of it. 8. it requested thewarn that you may have to wait another two or three days, before he can take you. 9. The operation must be made 10, butdue to the poor condition of the patient had to be postponed for an indefinitetime. 10. Can't be that she did not know. 11. He must have prepared the transfer in advance. 12. He must have not prepared the transfer in advance. 13. He probably did not have time to prepare a translation and has been (will be) forced to spend all Sunday as his need to finish to the nextweek. 14. Could you help me finish the job? Me, maybe have to leave tomorrow night
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. You probably do not put the key to the place, and I could not enter the house.
2. I was surprised to see so many people in the hall, where I was to speak.
3. Maybe she was at the concert, but I have not seen her. 4. Your face seems
familiar to me. We must have met somewhere. 5. In vain you tell
her about it. You should have shut up. 6. It can not be that he has not heard about
our decision, but I still tell him about it herself. 7. He must not have
had time to read the book or may not have got it. 8. He asked
to warn you that you may have to wait another two or three days,
before he can take you. 9. The operation should be done on the 10th, but
due to the poor condition of the patient it had to be postponed for an indefinite
time. 10. It can not be that she did not know. 11. It must be
prepared in advance translation. 12. He must not prepare the translation in advance.
13. He probably did not have time to prepare a translation and has been (will be) forced to
spend on it all day Sunday, as it has to be completed by next
week. 14. Could you please help me to finish the job? I maybe
have to leave tomorrow night
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. you must put the key in the wrong place, and i can"t get into the house.2. i was surprised to see so many people in the room where i was supposed to be.3. maybe she was at the concert, but i haven"t seen her. 4. your face looksfamiliar. we must have met you somewhere before. 5. you should have saidher about it. you have to be quiet. 6. can it be that he hadn"t heardour decision, but i will tell him about it. 7. he must not betime to read this book, or, maybe, not me. 8. he askedwarn you that you may have to wait for another two or three days.before he can take. 9. the operation must be done 10 th, butdue to the poor condition of the patient had to be postponed for an indefinitetime. 10. can not be that she didn"t know it. 11. he must bemake the transfer in advance. 12. he must not make the transfer in advance.13. he probably didn"t have time to prepare, translate and constrainedto spend it all on sunday, as his need to finish by nextweek. 14. could you help me finish the job? i may bei have to leave tomorrow night.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..