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Как и обещала продолжаю свой расска

Как и обещала продолжаю свой рассказ))) прости меня за мой плохой английский))) я стараюсь писать правильно)
Так мне 17 лет, я приехала в Москву, поступила в университет и жила у моей старшей сестры. Училась я очень хорошо, мои преподаватели меня очень высоко ценили, но появилась большая проблема. Моя сестра была молода, у нее было 2 маленьких ребенка. Ее муж много работал и ей очень нужна была помощь. А я была совсем ребенком и хотела делать домашние задания, а не домашнюю работу. Дети сестры не позволяли мне заниматься домашним заданием и я много времени проводила в университетской библиотеки. Моя сестра злилась на меня с каждым днем все сильней. Через несколько месяцев стало очевидно, что жить у нее я не смогу. Она постоянно ругала меня и требовала оставить учебники и помогать ей с детьми. Моя мама сказала, что я должна бросить институт и вернуться в Армению, потому что она не может позволить мне жить одной в Москве. Я бросила институт, билет на самолет в Армению уже был куплен... Я собрала свои вещи, учебники и ушла... 2 месяца моя мама и вся моя семья сходили с ума, искали меня...
Я жила у подруги. Мы с ней стали друзьями в институте. Ее родители весь год жили за городом и в нашем распоряжении была огромная квартира. Денег они ей давали очень мало. Жили мы с ней бедно, в основном на то, что зарабатывала я, но очень дружно. Тогда она была хорошей девочкой, хотя через несколько лет испортилась. В Москве очень сложно остаться человеком с чистой совестью, поэтому я ее не обвиняю.
Мне было 17 лет и права работать у меня не было по Российскому законодательству. Тогда у меня знание английского было на очень высоком уровне. Все таки год обучения с профессором Гарвардского университета даром не прошло. Я давала частные уроки английского)))) когда мне исполнилось 18 я нашла настоящую работу)))
Через 2 месяца я позвонила своей семье. Мне было трудно на это решиться. Я боялась услышать мамин голос. Я рассказала, что у меня все хорошо, что я учу английскому своих бывших однокурсников и могу себя обеспечивать всем необходимым. Сказала, что мне есть где жить, что я не пью, не курю, ни с кем не встречаюсь. И это все было правдой! Хоть я и была одна и никто не контролировал меня, но я жила так, как жила бы с мамой. Но мне никто не верил. Понимаешь, моя семья в Ереване уважаемая. Я была девочкой из хорошей семьи, с хорошим воспитанием! То, что я сделала это был позор для моей семьи!!! Все сразу решили, что я стала шлюхой. Обо мне забыли все. Мои тети, дядя. Все меня презирали. Жалели маму за то, что ее дочь такой дрянью оказалась.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
As promised I continue my story))) I'm sorry for my bad English))) I try to write correctly)So I am 17 years old, I came to Moscow, enrolled at the University and lived with my older sister. I studied very well, my teachers made me very highly valued, but there was a big problem. My sister was young, she had 2 small children. Her husband worked hard and it really needed help. And I was just a kid and wanted to do homework, not homework. Children of the sisters did not allow me to do homework and I spent a lot of time in the University Library. My sister felt angry at me every day stronger. A few months later it became apparent that live it I wont be. She constantly scolded me and demanded to leave books and help her with the children. My mom said that I should quit the Institute and return to Armenia because she could not allow me to live alone in Moscow. I ditched the Institute, plane ticket to Armenia already was bought to ... I gathered my things, textbooks and went to ... 2 month my mother and all my family went crazy looking for me ...I was living with a friend. We became friends at the Institute. Her parents lived out of town all year and we have had a huge apartment. The money they have given very little. We lived with it poorly, mainly on what I earned, but very friendly. Then she was a good girl, but after a few years turned bad. It is very difficult to stay in Moscow, a man with a clear conscience, so I don't blame her.I was 17 years old and I didn't have to work under Russian law. Then I have a knowledge of English was at a very high level. All the same year with Professor at Harvard University, the gift is not passed. I gave private English lessons)))) when I was 18 I found a real job))) After 2 months I called his family. I found it hard to mind to it. I was afraid to hear my mother's voice. I'm told that I'm good, I'm teaching English to his former fellow students and can provide all necessary. Said that I have a place to live, that I do not drink, do not smoke, do not meet with anybody. And it was all true! Even though I was alone and no one controlled me but I lived as would live with her mother. But no one believed me. I mean, my family's dear. I was a girl of good family, with a good upbringing. What I did was shame for my family! All at once decided that I was a whore. Forgotten all about me. My aunt and uncle. All I despised. Spared my mother because her daughter such a Rascal has appeared.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
As promised I continue my story))) I'm sorry for my bad english))) I'm trying to write correctly)
So I'm 17 years old, I came to Moscow, went to university and lived with my older sister. I studied very well, my teachers I was very appreciated, but there was a big problem. My sister was young, she had 2 small children. Her husband worked hard and she really needed help. And I was a kid and wanted to do their homework, not homework. Children sisters did not allow me to do homework and I spent much time in the university library. My sister was angry with me every day stronger. A few months later it became apparent that live with her ​​I can not. She constantly scolded me and demanded to leave the books and help her with the children. My mom said I should quit college and return to Armenia, because it can not allow me to live as one in Moscow. I threw Institute, a plane ticket to Armenia had already bought ... I packed my things, textbooks and left ... 2 months my mom and my whole family went crazy looking for me ...
I was living with a friend. We had become friends in college. Her parents lived in all year outside the city and at our disposal was a great apartment. Money they gave her very little. We lived with her ​​poor, mostly on what I earned, but very friendly. She was a good girl, but after a few years has deteriorated. In Moscow, it is very difficult to remain a man with a clear conscience, so I do not blame her.
I was 17 years and the right to work I was not under Russian law. Then I have a knowledge of English was at a very high level. All the same year of study with a professor at Harvard University, the gift is not passed. I gave private lessons in English)))) when I was 18, I found a real job)))
After 2 months, I called his family. It was difficult to decide on it. I was afraid to hear my mother's voice. I told him that I have all the good that I teach English of his former classmates and themselves can provide everything you need. Said that I have a place to live, I do not drink, do not smoke, with no one to meet. And it was all true! Even though I was alone and nobody control me, but I live as would live with her ​​mother. But no one believed me. You see, my dear family in Yerevan. I was a girl from a good family, a good education! What I did it was a shame for my family !!! All at once decided that I became a whore. Forgot all about me. My aunt, uncle. All I despised. Sorry for my mother because her daughter was such rubbish.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
As promised continue their story))) forgive me for my bad English))) i try to write correctly)
so I am 17 years old, I came to Moscow, citation in university and lived to my older sister. She went i very well,My teachers i am very valued, but there is a big problem. My sister was young, she had 2 small children. Her husband working a lot and it is very needed help.
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