Всё это, без сомнения, оказало и оказывает влияние на современный англ перевод - Всё это, без сомнения, оказало и оказывает влияние на современный англ английский как сказать

Всё это, без сомнения, оказало и ок

Всё это, без сомнения, оказало и оказывает влияние на современный английский язык.
В ходе исследования были проанализированы различные источники, в том числе труды авторов, работавших и продолжающих работать над проблемой синонимии. В качестве источников были использованы издания, приведенные в библиографии.
Установлено, что понятие синонимия многогранно, поэтому ему практически невозможно дать однозначное определение. Разные исследователи выделяют свой, по их мнению, наиболее важный компонент, которые должны входить в определение синонимии.
В работе рассмотрены и исследованы такие важные понятия как: синонимия, синоним, синонимический ряд, сочетаемость, взаимозаменяемость слов и другие. Исследования подкреплены конкретными примерами.
В процессе исследования было показано, что синонимия как раздел лексикологии, изучающий семантико-смысловую общность языковых единиц и их функционирование в речи, имеет большое значение для современной науки о языке.
На основе проведенной работы было выявлено, что синонимичные связи и отношения обнаруживаются в самых различных сферах английского языка. В основе синонимичности языковых единиц лежит принцип диалектического единства общего и различного, который отражает разные стороны одних и тех же явлений или отношений объективной действительности. С философской точки зрения проблема синонимики представляет собой часть более широкой проблемы тождества и различия.
Исследование выполнено в формате курсовой работы, которая состоит из введения, двух разделов, заключения, библиографии и приложений.
Во введении обосновывается выбор темы и её актуальность, описывается структура курсовой работы.
В первом разделе рассматривается понятие синонимии применительно к английскому языку.
Второй раздел посвящен рассмотрению и анализу такого важнейшего понятия в синонимии как синонимический ряд.
В заключении сделаны выводы по курсовой работе.
Представляется, что проведенное исследование будет полезно для лиц, изучающих синонимию английского языка.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
All this, without a doubt, had influence on modern English. The study analysed different sources, including the writings of authors who have worked and continue to work on the problem of synonymy. As sources of publications were used are listed in the bibliography.Found that the notion of synonymy is multifaceted, so it is almost impossible to give an unambiguous definition. Different researchers distinguish her, in their view, the most important components that must be included in the definition of synonymy. Considered and investigated such important concepts as: synonymy, synonym, synonymous series, compatibility, interchangeability of the words and others. The study followed by concrete examples. During the research it was shown that the synonymy as section Lexicology, semantics-semantic commonality of language units and their functioning in the speech is of great importance for the modern science of language. On the basis of the work carried out revealed that synonymous links and relations are found in various areas of the English language. Sinonimičnosti based on linguistic units is based on the principle of dialectical unity of common and different, which reflects the different sides of the same phenomena or relationships of objective reality. From a philosophical point of view, the problem of sinonimiki is part of the broader problem of identities and differences.A study done in the format of the course work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, bibliography and annexes.In the introduction substantiates the choice of theme and its relevance, describes the structure of the course work. The first section introduces the concept of synonymy in relation to English. The second section is devoted to the review and analysis of such essential concepts in synonymy as synonymic series. In conclusion conclusions on coursework. It appears that this study will be useful for students of English language sinonimiû.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
All this, no doubt, and had an impact on modern English.
The study analyzed various sources, including the works of authors who have worked and continue to work on the problem of synonyms. As sources were used publications listed in the bibliography.
It has been established that the concept of synonymy is multifaceted, so it is almost impossible to give an unambiguous definition. Other researchers identify their own, in their opinion, the most important component that should be included in the definition of synonymy.
In work and study such important concepts as synonymy, synonymous, synonymous row, compatibility, interchangeability of words and others. Research supported by concrete examples.
During the study, it was shown that the synonymy as a branch of lexicology that studies the semantic meaning common language units and their functioning in the speech, is of great importance for the modern science of language.
On the basis of this work it was found that the synonymous of communication and relationships are found in different areas of the English language. The basis of the synonymy of linguistic units on the principle of the dialectical unity of similarities and differences that reflect the different sides of the same phenomena or relations of objective reality. From a philosophical point of view, the problem of synonymy is part of the wider problem of identity and difference.
This research was done in the format of the course work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.
In the introduction the choice of the theme and its relevance, describes the structure of the course work .
The first section discusses the concept of synonymy relation to the English language.
The second section is devoted to the review and analysis of the most important concepts in synonymy both synonymous row.
Finally, the conclusions of the course work.
It seems that our study will be useful for those studying English synonyms.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this is, without doubt, has and has had an influence on the modern english language.
the study analysed a variety of sources, including the works of authorsactive and continue to work on the problem of синонимии. as the sources used were publications cited in the bibliography.
, it is found that the concept of синонимия are multiple.however, it is almost impossible to give an unambiguous definition. different researchers have, in their view, the most important component, which should be included in the definition of синонимии.
in the work reviewed and investigated such important concepts as: синонимия, synonym, синонимический range, compatibility, interoperability, and other words. research supported by specific examples.
in the process of study, it was shown that синонимия as section лексикологии and семантико - conceptual relatedness of linguistic units and their use in the speechis of great importance for the modern science of language.
based on the work, it was found that the синонимичные communication and relationships are found in various areas of the english language.in the basis of синонимичности linguistic units is based on the principle of dialectical unity of common and different, which reflects the different sides of the same phenomena or relationships of objective reality.from the philosophical point of view the problem синонимики constitutes a part of the broader problem of identities and differences.
study performed in the format of course work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters
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