My dayYesterday it was а very hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. Не stood перевод - My dayYesterday it was а very hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. Не stood английский как сказать

My dayYesterday it was а very hard

My day
Yesterday it was а very hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. Не stood up
too late and didn't have his breakfast. Не went to college and remembered
that he had left his pencil-case at home. Besides, he said some unpleasant
words to his friends and the Iatter was offended.
"Misfortunes never соте alone," thought Andrew when he came
home, "the day was spoiled." Не decided to take from his father.
Today Dima's father, Sergey Yassilievich got up at а quarter to seven,
did his bed. Then he washed himself, brushed his teeth, dressed, and
packed his suitcase for work. "Have you brushed your teeth?", he asked
his son
"Yes, 1 have done it. I'm also ready. Let's go and have breakfast."
The day was very good for Dima. Не was in college on time and he
was ready to answer any question the teacher asked.
Today he had the classes of Mathematics, Russian, English, and Physics.
It was very difficult to study because there were many new things. But
the textbooks were good, and the tasks were clear. His group mate lgor
didn't study maths well at school, so he didn't understand the new material.
But the teacher patiently explained, and everybody understood the task .
After classes the students went to different hobby groups. Dima is fond
of computers, so he went to а programming club.
There are ten students in the club besides him. Today the topic was
cyces. At home Dima rewrote one of the programs and inserted а cycle
there. The program began to work better.
Mter the club Dima went home and had dinner. All the family were
together, except Father, who was still at the plant. They discussed the
events of the day.
98for а walk.
When he came back he had supper, got ready for the next day and
went to bed.
This time he was satisfied with his day and decided to plan it carefully
in the future.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My dayYesterday it was а very hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. Не stood uptoo late and didn't have his breakfast. Не went to college and rememberedthat he had left his pencil-case at home. Besides, he said some unpleasantwords to his friends and the Iatter was offended."Misfortunes never соте alone," thought Andrew when he camehome, "the day was spoiled." Не decided to take from his father.Today Dima's father, Sergey Yassilievich got up at а quarter to seven,did his bed. Then he washed himself, brushed his teeth, dressed, andpacked his suitcase for work. "Have you brushed your teeth?", he askedhis son"Yes, 1 have done it. I'm also ready. Let's go and have breakfast."The day was very good for Dima. Не was in college on time and hewas ready to answer any question the teacher asked.Today he had the classes of Mathematics, Russian, English, and Physics.It was very difficult to study because there were many new things. Butthe textbooks were good, and the tasks were clear. His group mate lgordidn't study maths well at school, so he didn't understand the new material.But the teacher patiently explained, and everybody understood the task .After classes the students went to different hobby groups. Dima is fondof computers, so he went to а programming club.There are ten students in the club besides him. Today the topic wascyces. At home Dima rewrote one of the programs and inserted а cyclethere. The program began to work better.Mter the club Dima went home and had dinner. All the family weretogether, except Father, who was still at the plant. They discussed theevents of the day.98for а walk.When he came back he had supper, got ready for the next day andwent to bed.This time he was satisfied with his day and decided to plan it carefullyin the future.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my dayyesterday it was a very hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. not stood uptoo late and didn"t have his location. never went to college and,that he had left his pencil - case at home. besides, he said i couldwords to his friends and the Iatter was offended."Misfortunes never soda alone," thought andrew when he camehome, "the day was spoiled." not decided to take from his Dima"s father, sergey Yassilievich got up at a quarter to his bed. then he washed himself, brushed his teeth, bottles, andpacked his suitcase for work. " have you brushed your teeth? " he asked,his son"yes, 1 have done it. i"m not ready. let"s go and have breakfast. "the day was very good for Dima. not on time and he was in collegewas ready to answer any question the teacher he had the classes of be numbered, english, english and was very difficult to study because there were many new things. butthe textbooks were good, and the tasks were clear. his group mate lgormaths didn"t study well at school, so he didn"t understand the new material.but the teacher patiently), and everybody understood the task.after classes, the students went to different hobby groups. Dima is fond ofof computers, so he went to a theater club.there are ten students in the club to him. today the topic iscyces. at home Dima rewrote one of the programs and inserted and cyclethere. the program began to work better.Mter the club Dima went home and had dinner. all the family.together, the dead father, who was still at the plant. they discussed theevents of the day.98for and walk.when he came back he had supper, got ready for the next day andwent to bed.this time, he was satisfied with his day and decided to plan it carefullyin the future.
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