«Здравствуй, Никто» — этой фразой девочка-школьница начинает каждое письмо к своему еще не родившемуся малышу. В этом романе о любви двух школьников, которые узнают, что у них будет ребенок, вы найдете все, что можно ждать от хорошей книги: прекрасную идею, берущий за душу сюжет, а также простор додумывать то, что не сказано впрямую... Начав читать книгу, уже невозможно оторваться до самого конца.
Вся Англия не отходила от телеэкранов, когда транслировался сериал, снятый по этой умной, увлекательной, серьезной книге. автор Берли Догерти
Результаты (
английский) 1:
"Hello, nobody" — this phrase girl-schoolgirl starts each letter to your unborn baby. In this novel about the love of two schoolchildren who learn that they will have a child, you will find everything you expect from a good book: great idea, the soul taker storyline, as well as space imagine what is not said directly. Starting to read the book, it is impossible to come off until the very end.All England had not retreated from tv screens, when broadcast tv series filmed on this smart, engrossing, serious book. author Berlie Doherty
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
"Hello, no one" - this phrase girl schoolgirl begins each letter to her unborn baby. In this novel about love between two students who know that they will have a child, you will find everything you can expect from a good book: great idea, poignant story, as well as space to think out what is not said directly ... Starting read a book, already impossible to put down until the very end.
All of England departed not from the TV screens when the show was broadcast, filmed at this clever, fun, serious book. author Burley Dougherty
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
"hello, are nothing in this world is the phrase high school girl starts each letter to my unborn child. in this novel love story about two children who find out that they have a child, you will find everything you can expect from a good book: an excellent idea, and for the soul of the story, as well as space imagine what it says directly,... beginning to read the book, it is impossible to get to the end.all england did not depart from the телеэкранов, when the show was filmed on the bright, exciting, serious book. the author burley daugherty.
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