1. Я в университете с утра, у нас было два занятия, один семинар, но лекции пока не было. 2. Они являются партнёрами с тех пор, как (они) основали эту фирму. 3. Прошло много лет с тех пор, как мы встретились. 4. Я уже несколько лет не был на Ч¸рном море. 5. Каникулы только что закончились,
ия понимаю, как сильно соскучилась по студенческой жизни. 6. Машина не в порядке с тех пор, как ты брал е¸ на прошлой неделе. Что ты сделал с ней? 7. Люди в поле с тех пор, как встало солнце. 8. У меня эти часы уже десять лет, и они ни разу не остановились. 9. Я много раз читала эту книгу
исобираюсь прочитать е¸ ещ¸ раз. Она мне очень нравится. 10. Он стал очень агрессивным с тех пор, как потерял работу. 11. Я ничего с утра не ел, однако выпил две чашки кофе. 12. — Ты съел яблоки, которые брал с собой в школу? — Да, я их съел во время перерыва. 13. Если вы вымыли руки, дети, садитесь за стол. Будем пить чай. 14. Никто не видел мой мобильный телефон? Ведь он был на столе минуту назад. 15. — Я нашла папку, которая тебе нужна. — Где ты нашла е¸? — Она была в ящике стола. 16. Ваш английский заметно улуч- шился (to improve) с тех пор, как я слышал вас в январе. 17. Они нигде не были с тех пор, как у них появился реб¸нок. 18. Цены очень выросли за последнее время. 19. Пока что я не очень-томного сделал, чтобы помочь тебе. 20. Это книги, которые у меня уже лет двадцать. 21. Ничего подобного со мной раньше не случалось. 22. Здесь очень давно не было дождя. 23. С тех пор как я сломал руку, я уже не в состоянии играть в теннис. 24. У меня никогда не было проблем с моими детьми
инадеюсь, что их не будет. 25. Вы пока не объяснили нам, за- чем пришли сюда и что вам нужно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I am at the University in the morning, we had two classes, one seminar, but the lecture was not yet. 2. They are partners since they founded the firm. 3. It has been many years since we met. 4. I already have a few years was not on h ¸ rnom sea. 5. Holidays just ended,IYA understand how badly missed on a student's life. 6. the machine is not in order since you took (e) ... last week. What have you done with her? 7. people in the field since the Sun had risen. 8. I have this watch for ten years and they never stopped. 9. I have read this book many timesisobirajus' read (e) ¸ åù ¸ times. I really like it. 10. He became very aggressive since lost his job. 11. I did not eat in the morning, but drank two cups of coffee. 12. you ate apples, which he took with him to school? Yes, I ate them during the break. 13. If you washed your hands, kids, sit down at a table. Will drinking tea. 14. Nobody saw my cell phone? Because he was on the table a minute ago. 15. I found a folder that you need. -Where have you found e ¸? She was in the drawer. 16. your English improved markedly-made (to improve) since I heard you in January. 17. They were nowhere, since they have 1 child, NOK. 18. the prices very grown up lately. 19. so far, I'm not really-volume made to help you. 20. This is a book that I have for 20 years already. 21. Nothing like that hasn't happened to me before. 22. Here for a very long time, there was no rain. 23. Ever since I broke my hand, I was not able to play tennis. 24. I have never had a problem with my childreninadejus' that they will not. 25. you haven't explained to us, than came here and what you need.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. I am at the university in the morning, we had two classes, one seminar, a lecture but yet was not. 2. They are partners with as long as (they are) founded this company. 3. It has been many years since we met. 4. I have a few years was not Ch¸rnom sea. 5. Holidays just ended,
Ia understand how much missed by a student's life. 6. The machine is out of order since you took e¸ last week. What did you do with it? 7. People in the field as long as the sun rose. 8. I have this watch for ten years, and they never stopped. 9. Many times I read this book
isobirayus read e¸ esch¸ times. I really like it. 10. He became very aggressive since he lost his job. 11. I do not eat in the morning, but had two cups of coffee. 12. - You ate the apples, which he took with him to school? - Yes, I ate them during the break. 13. If you wash your hands, kids, sit down at the table. We will drink tea. 14. No one has seen my cell phone? After all, he was on the table a minute ago. 15. - I found the folder that you want. - Where did you find e¸? - She was in a drawer. 16. Your English is much improved shilsya (to improve) since I heard you in January. 17. They were nowhere to as long as they have a reb¸nok. 18. Prices rose very recently. 19. As long as I'm not very languid done to help you. 20. This is the book that I have for twenty years. 21. Nothing like me had never happened. 22. It is a very long time there was no rain. 23. Since I broke my hand, I was not able to play a tennis match. 24. I have never had any problems with my children
Inada that they will not. 25. You have not yet explained to us, pro- you came here, and what you need.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. i in the university in the morning, we have two classes, one seminar lectures, but not yet. 2. they are partners since they founded this company. 3. it has been many years since we met. 4. i have a few years ч¸рном was at sea. 5. summer vacation just ended,and i know how much i missed you on student life. 6. the car is fine since you took е¸ last week. what did you do with her? 7. people in the field, as long as the sun came up. 8. i got this watch for ten years, and they never stopped. 9. i've read this bookисобираюсь read е¸ ещ¸ times. i like it very much. 10. he became very violent since he lost his job. 11. i don't eat in the morning, but drank two cups of coffee. 12. - you ate the apples, took him to school? yes, i ate them during recess. 13. if you wash your hands, sit down, children at the table. we drink tea. 14. has anybody seen my cell phone? he was on the desk a minute ago. 15. - i found the folder that you need. - where did you find е¸? - it was in my desk drawer. 16. your english has improved шился (to improve) since i heard you in january. 17. they haven't gone anywhere since they have реб¸нок. 18. prices are up recently. 19. i don't really of do to help you. 20. this is the book which i already have 20 years. 21. nothing like this has ever happened to me before. 22. here a long time there was no rain. 23. since i broke my arm, i can't play tennis. 24. i've never had a problem with my children.инадеюсь that they won't be. 25. you haven't explained to us for what came here and what you need.
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