Открыт в августе 1954 г. в столетие со дня обороны г. Петропавловска 1 перевод - Открыт в августе 1954 г. в столетие со дня обороны г. Петропавловска 1 английский как сказать

Открыт в августе 1954 г. в столетие

Открыт в августе 1954 г. в столетие со дня обороны г. Петропавловска 1854 г. Памятник – дань уважения потомков защитникам г.Петропавловска-Камчатского, напоминание о славных боевых заслугах русских воинов
Памятник облицован цветным бетоном и мрамором. На верхней плоскости четырёхгранного цоколя покоится орудие, развернутое ко входу в Авачинскую губу. По углам массивного кубического основания памятника установлены четыре тумбы, украшенные бронзовыми медальонами и соединённые якорными цепями. На врезанных в мраморный цоколь бронзовых щитах - барельефы с символами Победы и надписи: "Героям III батареи лейтенанта Максутова, жизни не пощадившим для разгрома врага. От моряков-тихоокеанцев в день столетия Петропавловской обороны. 1854 - 1954".

От памятника идёт узкая бетонная дорожка, ведущая к бухте и легендарному перешейку, где на краю обрыва стоит, как и в 1854 г., героическая "Смертельная" 3-я батарея лейтенанта Александра Максутова.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Opened in August 1954, the centenary of the defense of Petropavlovsk, 1854. monument-a tribute to descendents of the defenders of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a reminder of the glorious battle exploits of Russian warriorsThe monument is covered with colored concrete and marble. On the top plane of the square plinth resting gun, deployed to the entrance of the Avachinskaya lip. At the corners of a massive cubic grounds monument installed four pedestals decorated with bronze medallions and United anchor chains. On embedded in the marble plinth bronze shields-bas-reliefs with symbols of victory and an inscription: "Heroes III battery Maksutova, Lieutenant life not poŝadivšim to defeat the enemy. Of seafarers-tihookeancev in the day century Peter and Paul's defense. 1854-1954 ".The monument is a narrow concrete path leading to the Bay and the legendary isthmus, where at the edge of the cliff stands as and in 1854, the heroic "Lethal" 3-I battery Lieutenant Alexander Maksutov.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Opened in August 1954, the centenary of the defense of Petropavlovsk in 1854 Monument - a tribute to the descendants of the defenders of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a reminder of the glorious military achievements of Russian soldiers
monument covered with colored concrete and marble. On the upper surface of the cap rests tetrahedral weapon deployed to the entrance to Avacha Bay. In the corners of the massive cube base of the monument there are four pedestals adorned with bronze medallions and connected anchor chains. On embedded in marble base bronze shields - reliefs with symbols of Victory and the inscription: "To the Heroes III battery Lieutenant Maksutov, life is not spared to defeat the enemy. From sailors of the Pacific Fleet on the day of the century Peter and Paul of Defense. 1854 - 1954". From the monument there is a narrow concrete path leading to the bay and the legendary isthmus, which is on the edge, like in 1854, the heroic "Death" 3rd battery of Lieutenant Alexander Maksutov.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
opened in august 1954. in the centenary of the defence. петропавловска 1854). the monument is a tribute to the children before г.петропавловска - dulce, a glorious military merit of russian soldiers.a monument with a colored concrete and marble. on the upper plane of the cap четырёхгранного rests the deployed to the front in the авачинскую lip.on the basis of the established four corners of massive cubic cabinets decorated with bronze medallions and the якорными chains.on the врезанных in marble socle bronze shields are bas reliefs with symbols of victory and the inscription: "heroes iii the lieutenant максутова, life is not пощадившим to defeat the enemy.from sailors тихоокеанцев day century day defense. 1854 - 1954. "

from the monument is a concrete path leading to the inlet and to the isthmus, where at the edge of the cliff, and in 1854)the heroic death "the 3rd battery of lieutenant alexander максутова.
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