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Когнитивная лингвистика «Когнитивна

Когнитивная лингвистика
«Когнитивная лингвистика - это направление лингвистической теории, которое связывает языковые явления с более широким кругом различных феноменов, относящихся к мыслительной деятельности человека, например, с памятью, вниманием, категоризацией и другими. Дело в том, что человеческий язык - это нечто двуединое, он одновременно является способом хранения различных знаний и способом обмена такими знаниями между двумя и более людьми.»
У когнитивной лингвистики есть двумя занимающемуся группами явлений: Они являются онлайновыми и оффлайновыми. Оффлайновая лингвистика занимается языковой семантики. А что касается второй части лингвистики, это то что изучает или моделирует взаимодействие между людьми, входе коммуникации в реальном времени. Например, Петь увидел Машу.
В целом, можно говоря о научной программе когнитивной лингвистики, еще о так называемым когнитивным обязательством который была сформулирована Джорджем Лакоффом. В соответствии с когнитивным обязательством, принимающий себя когнитивным лингвистом необходимо обсуждать изучать стремится понят языковые явления в связи со всем комплекс знаний, которые имеются у человека и у других организмов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Cognitive Linguistics "Cognitive linguistics is the direction of the linguistic theory that relates linguistic phenomena with a wider range of phenomena related to human mental activity, such as memory, attention, categorization, and others. The fact is that human language is something twofold, it is a way of storing various knowledge and method for sharing knowledge between two or more people. " From cognitive linguistics has two student groups: They are online and offline. Got the offline Linguistics deals with linguistic semantics. As regards the second part of linguistics that explores or models the interaction between people, the entrance of real-time communications. For example, the Singing saw Masha. In General, one can mention the scientific program of cognitive linguistics, more about the so-called cognitive commitment which was formulated by George Lakoffom. In accordance with cognitive commitment takes yourself cognitive linguist should discuss study seeks to understand the language phenomenon in connection with the whole set of knowledge that exist in humans and other organisms.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Cognitive Linguistics
"Cognitive Linguistics - this area of linguistic theory that links linguistic phenomena with a wide range of different phenomena related to human mental activity, such as memory, attention, categorization, and others. The fact that human language - is something twofold, it is also the way to store a variety of knowledge and way of sharing such knowledge between two or more people. "
In cognitive linguistics have two teams occupy the phenomena: They are online and offline. Linguistics deals with the offline language semantics. As for the second part of linguistics, is that studies and models the interaction between people, communication input in real time. For example, Singing saw Masha.
Generally, You can talk about the scientific program of cognitive linguistics, even on the so-called cognitive obligation which was formulated by George Lakoff. According to cognitive commitments made himself a cognitive linguist need to discuss study aims understood linguistic phenomena in connection with the whole body of knowledge that are available in humans and other organisms.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
cognitive linguisticsthe cognitive linguistics is the direction of linguistic theory that connects the language phenomenon with a broad range of phenomena related to the thinking of human activities, for example, memory, attention, categorization, and others. because human language is a двуединое, he also is a way of storing various knowledge and way of sharing knowledge between two or more людьми.»from cognitive linguistics is concerned with groups of two phenomena: they are online and offline. оффлайновая linguistics is linguistic semantics. as for the second part of linguistics that studies and simulates the interaction between people, the communication in real time. for example, the singing saw wave.in general it can be said of the scientific programme of cognitive linguistics, more about the so-called cognitive obligation which was formulated by лакоффом. in accordance with the cognitive, cognitive linguist must be discussed to study the receiver itself is understood by the linguistic phenomena in connection with all the knowledge available to man and other organisms.
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