Не всем нравится видео игры, взять тебя например, ты ведь лучше бы провел время в гимнастическом зале или с друзьями. Это ведь классно, поэтому я не думаю, что узнавать чье-то мнение это плохо
Not everybody likes video games, take you for example, you would be better off spent time in the gym or with friends. It's cool, so I don't think finding out someone's opinion is bad
Not everyone likes video games, take you for example, you would be better because the time spent in the gym or with your friends. It's fun, so I do not think I recognize someone's opinion is bad
not everyone likes video games, take you, for example, you'd better spend some time in the gym or with friends. it's cool, so i don't think i know someone's opinion.