Почему вы так опоздали? Уже восемь часов.— Лучше поздно, чем никогда. Не сердитесь, пожалуйста. Я не мог прийти раньше. 2. Вчера мы опоздали в кино (иа фильм). Когда мы вошли, было темно, и картина уже началась. 3. Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. Мы можем по вести детей погулять. 4. Петр спросил меня, сколько я заплатил за новый телевизор, и сказал, что мне повезло, потому что это один из лучших телевизоров. 5. Он гово рит,'что эта комната удобнее той. Мне кажется, это одна из лучших комнат в этой гостинице. 6. Здесь довольно холодно. Я не зиаю, сможем ли мы здесь работать. Узнай те, пожалуйста, могут ли они дать нам другую комнату.7. У нее сейчас довольно интересная работа. Я думаю, она интереснее той, которая была у нее в прошлом году, и ей не приходится рано вставать. 8. Мы попросили лек тора говорить не так быстро. Он начал говорить мед леннее, и мы смогли записывать (to take notes of) лекцию.9. Хотя эти туфли лучше тех, я их не возьму, потому что в них неудобно. Покажите мие, пожалуйста, ту пару. Сколько она стоит? 10. Хотя было много желающих (людей, которые хотели) посмотреть фильм, нам удалось (достаточно повезло) достать на него билеты. 11. Который час на ваших часах? — Не знаю, мои часы остановились
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Why are you so late? For eight hours. — better late than never. Do not be angry, please. I could not have come sooner. 2. Today we are late in the movie (IA). When we entered, it was dark, and the picture has already begun. 3. Today is warmer than yesterday. We can lead children to walk. 4. Peter asked me how much I paid for a new tv, and said that I was lucky because it is one of the best TVs. 5. He said, ' that this room is more convenient. It seems to me, is one of the best rooms in this hotel. 6. Here is pretty cool. I'm not ziaju whether we work here. Read those, please, can they give us another room. 7. It is now quite interesting work. I think it's interesting that her last year and she didn't have to get up early. 8. We asked Lek Torah say not so fast. He started to say honey lennee and we were able to write (to take notes of) lecture. 9. Although these shoes are better, I will not take them because they are uncomfortable. Show MIA, please the couple. How much does it cost? 10. Although there was a lot of wishing (people who wanted to) watch a movie, we have (lucky) to get at it. 11. What time is it by your watch? "I don't know, my watch stopped
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Why are you so late? For eight chasov.- Better late than never. Do not be angry, please. I could not come earlier. 2. Yesterday, we were late in the movie (ua film). When we entered, it was dark, and the picture has already begun. 3. Today is warmer than yesterday. We can lead the children on a walk. 4. Peter asked me how much I paid for a new TV, and said that I was lucky, because it is one of the best TVs. 5. He govo rit, 'that this room is that it is more convenient. I think this is one of the best rooms in this hotel. 6. It is quite cold. I do not ziayu if we can work here. Read those, please, if they could give us another komnatu.7. She is now quite interesting work. I think it's interesting that that was in her last year, and she did not have to get up early. 8. We asked lek Torah says not so fast. He began to speak than an expo- honey, and we were able to record (to take notes of) lektsiyu.9. Although these shoes are better than the ones I did not take it, because it is inconvenient to them. Show Mia, please, that pair. How much does it cost? 10. Although there was a lot of those (people who want) to see the movie, we were able to (lucky enough) to get him tickets. 11. What time is your watch? - I do not know, my watch has stopped
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
why are you so late? eight часов. - better late than never. don't get angry, please. i couldn't get here sooner. 2. yesterday, we were too late in the movie (and film). when we got there, it was dark, and painting had already begun. 3. today is warmer than yesterday. we can lead the children out for a walk. 4. peter asked me how i paid for a new tv, and said that i was lucky, because it's one of the best television. 5. he said that 'the room more comfortable. i think it's one of the best rooms in this hotel. 6. it's pretty cold. i don't know if i can work here. if they please, if they can give us another комнату.7. it is quite an interesting job. i think it's interesting that she has in the past year, and she doesn't have to get up early. 8. we asked lek torah say not so fast. he started to say honey леннее, and we were able to record (to take notes of) лекцию.9. although these shoes better than those, i didn't take them because they hate. show me, please, that couple. how much does it cost? 10. although it was a long list of people who wanted to watch a movie, we have () are lucky enough to get him tickets). 11. the time on your watch? - i don't know, my watch has stopped
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