Мой дорогой! Ты должен научиться мне верить! Ведь ты для меня много значишь, и я не хочу тебя потерять , потому что я тебя люблю , я тебя уважаю, ты дал мне столько хорошего . Я переживаю за тебя, и за твое здоровье , пожалуйста , напиши мне как ты себя чувствуешь. И когда ты говоришь, что ты мне не веришь и мне нужны от тебя лишь деньги , ты делаешь мне больно! И когда ты мне не пишешь и не звонить мне плохо. Ведь это не правда. Я хочу с тобой отношения продолжать долгие и счастливые.Пожалуйста не обижайся на меня и не обижай меня. Береги себя. Люблю , обнимаю. Когда будешь готов пообщаться со меной в скайпе, напиши мне смс. Я очень скучаю и жду.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My dear! You must learn to believe me! You mean a lot to me, and I don't want to lose you because I love you, I respect you, you gave me so much good. I worry for you, and for your health, Please write me how do you feel. And when you say that you do not believe me and I need more from you than the money you make me hurt! And when I write and do not call me bad. This is not true. I want you to continue the long and happy relationships. Please no offence at me and hurt me. Take care. Love, embrace. When you are ready to chat with Mena in Skype, send me SMS. I really miss and waiting.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My dear! You must learn to trust me! After all, you mean a lot to me, and I do not want to lose you because I love you, I respect you, you gave me so much good. I care about you and your health, please write to me how you feel. And when you say you do not believe me and I need from you only money, you're hurting me! And when you do not write me and call me bad. But this is not true. I want a relationship with you to continue a long and schastlivye.Pozhaluysta no offense at me and do not hurt me. Take care of yourself. Love and hug. When you're ready to communicate with Mena on Skype, write me sms. I really miss and wait.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
My dear! You must learn to me to believe! And you for me many значишь, and I do not want you to lose, because i love you, I respect that you gave me so much good. I've got for you, and for your health ,Please, write me as soon as you are feeling. And when you are talking about, that I do not believe and i need from you only money, are you doing it hurts! And when you and I do not find interesting hipsters and do not call me poorly. But it is not true.I want to with you relations continue to long and happy.Please do not обижаися on me and thou shalt me. Alyaksandr Kazulin. Love and hug. When you're ready to talk with property lease contracts in скаипе, write me sms. I think about it all and I'm really excited.
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