Готовя свой рассказ о самом неприятном и страшном насекомом для меня,  перевод - Готовя свой рассказ о самом неприятном и страшном насекомом для меня,  английский как сказать

Готовя свой рассказ о самом неприят

Готовя свой рассказ о самом неприятном и страшном насекомом для меня, я пыталась уделить внимание не только внешнему виду, но и опасности, которой может нас подвергнуть то или иное насекомое. Итак, я решила остановиться на одном из видов многоножек. Этот вид называется Сколопендра. Страшная на вид — панцирная сороконожка. Вылезает на поверхность в ночное время суток,а днем предпочитает отлеживаться под камнями. Сколопендра абсолютно не боится человека, а ведь она опасна для людей. Сама по себе сколопендра не кусается, но если пробежит по телу (например, часто заползает в палатки к туристам), на коже остается неприятная слизь, которая обжигает. если такого яда будет много, то ожог человека может даже закончитmcя трагически.Этот представитель многоножек обитает преимущественно в Австралии и Южной Америке. Длина сколопендры около 15 сантиметров, нападает на птенцов, ящериц и жаб. Сколопендры опасны для человека, но у разных видов эта опасность проявляется по-разному.

Например, представитель слепых сколопендр — скриптопус — не может прокусить кожу, так как обладает очень слабыми челюстями. Но если раздавить сколопендру, ее останки очень токсичны. Птица, которая по неосторожности съест слепую сколопендру, погибает через несколько часов.
Сколопендра яд расходует экономно и редко кусает. Гораздо хуже с обжигающей слизью, которая остается следом за насекомым.

У человека их укусы вызывают местную опухоль и боль, продолжающуюся обычно 1-2 часа. Если сколопендра крупного тропического вида, эти явления могут держаться несколько дней. В некоторых случаях наблюдается повышение температуры, начинается лихорадочное состояние.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Preparing your story about the most unpleasant and horrible insect for me, I tried to pay attention to not only the appearance but also the dangers to which we can expose an insect. So, I decided to stay at one of the species of centipedes. This type is called Scolopendra. Terrible to look at — ironshell centipede. Get out on the surface at night, and prefers otleživat′sâ under rocks. Scolopendra is absolutely not afraid of man, but because it is dangerous for people. Scolopendra itself does not bite, but when running through the body (for example, often creeping into tents to tourists), the skin remains unpleasant slime, which burn. If this will be a lot of poison, then burn a person can even tragically zakončitmcâ. The representative centipedes inhabits mainly in Australia and South America. Length of exotic insects around 15 centimetres, attacks on chicks, lizards and toads. Exotic insects are dangerous to humans, but different types of this risk manifests itself differently. For example, a representative of molten skriptopus is blind cannot bite through the skin, as it provides very weak jaws. But if crush skolopendru, her remains are very toxic. The bird, which inadvertently eat blind skolopendru, dies after a few hours.Scolopendra poison spends frugally and rarely bites. Much worse with burning mucus, which remains behind the insects.In humans, their stings cause local swelling and pain, continued normally 1-2 hours. If major tropical species, scolopendra these phenomena can stay a few days. In some cases there is fever, febrile begins.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Preparing a story about the most unpleasant and terrifying insects for me, I tried to pay attention to not only the appearance but also the dangers to which we may be subjected to a particular insect. So, I decided to stop at one of the species of millipedes. This type is called Scolopendra. Scary-looking - Brigandine centipede. Come out to the surface at night and during the day prefer to rest up under rocks. Centipede is absolutely not afraid of people, and because it is dangerous for people. By itself, the centipede does not bite, but if you run through the body (for example, often creeps into the tents to tourists), the skin is an unpleasant slime that burns. if this will be a lot of poison, the person can burn even zakonchitmcya tragicheski.Etot representative centipedes lives mainly in Australia and South America. Skolopendry length of about 15 centimeters, attacking chicks, lizards and frogs. Centipede dangerous to humans, but different types of this threat manifests itself in different ways. For example, representative blind skolopendr - skriptopus - can not bite through the skin, because it has a very weak jaws. But if you crush the centipede, it remains very toxic. Bird, who inadvertently eats blind centipede dies within a few hours. Scolopendra poison consumed sparingly and rarely bites. Much worse with burning mucus, which is followed by an insect. In humans, their bites cause local swelling and pain usually lasts 1-2 hours. If centipede large tropical species, these effects can be kept for several days. In some cases, a temperature rise begins fever.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
preparing your story about the unpleasant and scary насекомом for me, i've tried to pay attention to not only the appearance, but also the risk, which can be an insect. so,i decided to stay at one of the species of centipede. this type is called cingulata. a scary looking панцирная centipede. come out to the surface at night, and the day's отлеживаться under rocks.cingulata is not afraid of the man, and indeed it is a danger to people. itself cingulata doesn't bite, but if around the body (for example, often crawls in tents for tourists) on the skin has a mucuswhich burns. if the poison is much, the man can even burn закончитmcя трагически.этот the centipede is predominantly in australia and south america.the length of scolopendra about 15 centimeters, attacking birds, lizards and frogs. scolopendra are dangerous to humans, but different types of this danger is manifested in many ways.

for examplethe blind scolopendrae - скриптопус - can't break the skin, as has a very weak jaws. but if the crush сколопендру, her remains are very toxic. birdwhich inadvertently eat the blind сколопендру, dies in a few hours.
cingulata poison spend wisely and seldom bite. much worse with sizzling slime, which remains after the insect.

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